
Chemistry, Cells, and Metabolism Guided Review

1)Go to the Chemistry Unit Webpage, click on Macromolecule Packet Key. Go through the packet, then without looking, fill in the following chart. This should be memorized!!!!

Macromolecule / Elements / Subunits / Functions / Which pix on last page?

2)Now, open the Diffusion and Osmosis Lab, and skim through it starting from page S51.

Answer the 2 bullet questions at the top of p. 54:

3)Summarize Procedure 1 (the way we did it, reference your lab notebook if needed) – what is the main thing you learned? Which formula from the formula sheet should you be able to apply for this?

4)Summarize Procedure 2 – what was the point of this part?

For the following questions, assume we are using dialysis tubing to make baggies. The dialysis tubing is semipermeable and its pores are large enough to allow water, Iodine, NaCl, and glucose to pass, but too small for sucrose or starch to pass.

5)Draw the scenario of 0.8M sucrose in a baggie inside a beaker of distilled water. Predict the direction of water movement and explain why using the terms hypertonic and/or hypotonic.

6)Draw the scenario of 0.6M NaCl in a baggie inside a beaker of 1.0M NaCl. Predict the initial direction of water movement and explain why using the terms hypertonic/and or hypotonic. Then discuss what would happen after 24 hours.

7)Draw the scenario of 15% glucose and 5% starch inside a baggie in a beaker containing iodine and distilled water. Iodine turns black when it reacts with starch. After 1 hour, predict where the color change will happen. After 24 hours, predict whether a glucose dipstick text will come up positive inside the baggie and/or beaker.

8)Summarize Procedure 3, the part in Designing Your Own Experiment using potato cores – What was the point?

9)Look back at your graph in your lab notebook. What was the water potential of the potato cores you tested?

10)Now open the water potential practice key and go through it. Review how you used the equations for water potential to calculate the solute potential of the potato. Then do the following question:

A plant cell placed in an open beaker of 0.3M sucrose solution at 25 degrees Celsius experiences no net diffusion. What must the water potential of the plant cell be? Give your answer to the nearest hundredth of a bar.

11)Next, find your Toothpickase Lab worksheet and graph. Summarize what you learned from this lab, using the analysis questions and graph to guide you:

12)Now go to the Cells and Metabolism Unit Page and click on the Enzyme Bubbling Lab. What was the reaction being studied in this lab?

13) Summarize the set up/procedure of each part of the lab – what was being measured and how?

Part A –

Part B –

Part C –

Part D –

Part E –

Part F -

14)Do question 12 from the lab here:




15) Find your original lab packet – read through the analysis questions, and summarize the conclusions from each part of the lab as to what effect each variable has on enzyme activity:

16) Next, click on the Cell Respiration Lab on the Cells and Metabolism Unit Page. Read through the lab and summarize the procedure below:

17)Do # 14 here in outline form, remembering to discuss the key points of a controlled experiment (hypothesis, control, independent/manipulated variable, dependent variable, constants, repeatability):

18)Now find your original lab packet and read through all the analysis questions, summarizing the conclusions of the lab:

19) Next, click on the Photosynthesis Lab on the Cells and Metabolism Unit Page. Read through Exercise 4B and summarize the procedure below:

20) Go to the lab bench website for this lab, and do the review of part B! What was the point of this lab – what was being measured and what variables were changed? What was DPIP for?

21) Find your original lab packet and read through the analysis answers. Look at the graph. Use your graph to calculate the rate of % transmittance change for unboiled chloroplasts exposed to light. Show your calculations here:

On the back, make a list of all the questions/topics you want to review during Q&A sessions