FAS143H Drawing 1

Art and Art History Program

Assignment #3: Perspective and Narrative

(using light, dark and shadow).

GRADE WEIGHT: 15% Due Date: Tuesday May 29

Bring All Research drawings and Narrative ideas to class on Tues. May 22.


This assignment will investigate how to render illusionistic, recessive space as well as linear and atmospheric perspective. The final drawing will consist of 4 panels that are loosely linked with a narrative. Use of contour will be eliminated in favour of using tone.


Note: Many of the research drawings for this assignment can be done during class time, but be prepared to do work outside of class on your own.

Make at least 15china-marker and/or pencil sketches from observation and imagination. Your research drawings do not all have to be prize-winning masterpieces, these should be working drawings, some might take only 10 minutes to draw, others 60 minutes or more. Your research drawings should include examples from the following:

-at least 2 still-life drawings showing a range of objects in perspective

-at least 2 examples of 1-point perspective.

-at least 2 examples of 2-point perspective.

-at least 2 examples of atmospheric perspective.

-some of your research drawings should experiment using TONE instead of contour.

-attention should be paid to finding a variety of points of view.

-include thumbnail sketches that show your thinking process as you develop your narrative and the layout for your panels.

Execution of the 4 Panel Drawing

Use a piece of 9” x 48” Stonehenge paper folded into a 4 panel accordion book. This will give you a total of 4 panels on one side to work with.

After completing all your studies think of a way to incorporate some of these images into a narrative. This could be a personal narrative about the places you have drawn, or a fantastical imagined narrative that is only loosely based on your research drawings. You may draw from your imagination, but make sure all the following are represented in your final drawing:

1 point linear perspective

2 point linear perspective

(optional) 3 point perspective

atmospheric perspective

negative space (using the white of the paper for highlights)

USE your research as much as possible in your final drawing. What you draw in your final drawing should have some relationship to your research studies.


Try to incorporate some sort of narrative (story) into your series of drawings. This does not have to be complicated, and the story does not have to be obvious. Make it as simple as possible WITHOUT using any words or text. You may include human figures if you absolutely have to, but remember that this is a PERSPECTIVE exercise, so keep the focus on the architecture or on objects that illustrate your knowledge of perspective.

Some possible examples of narratives:

My daily life at University

My daily life on Mars

A journey home

Something strange happened in the city

How my cat sees the world

A fantastic voyage

What the future will look like

The world without humans

Criminal behavior lurks in the shadows

…or just use your imagination…


Paper for studies

China markerOR graphite pencils

Stonehenge Paper approx. 10” x 48” folded into 4 panels

Grading Rubric

Research (40%)

Overall Quantity (minimum 15)10

Use tone (instead of contour)10

Variety of approaches 10

Attention to perspective 10

Final Drawing (60%)

Use of contrast/range of tones/negative space10

Use of perspective10

Relationship to studies (research)10

Overall presentation10

Narrative concept10

Inventiveness /Originality10

Total: 100