Tender Form For Offer Of VEHICLE (Diesel Run Vehicle Only)To J.N.V. Roing On Monthly Contractual (Hiring) Basis For The Period From 01st July 2017 To April’ 2018.

Sealed Tenders are hereby invited only from interested Registered Transport Companies and Actual and Original Owners of Registered Vehicles for the offer of Vehicle to JNV Roing on Hire on monthly contractual basis for the period from 01st July 2017 to 30th April, 2018 in the enclosed format. Tender should be under strong sealed cover marked as tender for the offer of Vehicle (Diesel Run Vehicle only) and dropped in the ``TENDERBOX`` placed at _the office of the Principal, JNV Roing till 12/06/2017 upto 1300 hrs. .The tender will be opened in the office of the Principal, JNV Roing at 1500 Hrs. of 12.06.2017.



  1. The Tender Form sold and signed by the Principal for the present year in Original will only be accepted.
  2. The Tenders of only Registered Transport Companies and the Actual Owners of Registered Vehicles will be accepted.
  3. The Tenders of Brokers, Middlemen and Intermediaries who are not owning Vehicle or Transport Company and who will act only as Third Party by bringing Someone’s Vehicle for offer to Vidyalaya will not be accepted and will be rejected. i.e. the Registration of the Vehicle must be in the name of the owner who should be the actual tenderer/bidder.
  4. The vehicle should not have been purchased before01/04/2015.
  5. The vehicle to be hired should be Mahindra Bolero plus A/C 10 seater model 2015 and above or Mahendra Bolero Camper GOLD VX A/C, Model 2015 and above in proper efficient running condition by the owner.The vehicle must be registered under commercial purposes.
  1. The Vehicle will be hired on monthly contractual hiring and on 24 Hours basis for the period from 01st July 2017 to 30th APril’2018.
  2. The actual payment of charges will start (on the selection of Tender and the arrival of vehicle in the campus) only from the date of use of the vehicle and not from 01st July 2017.
  3. The period of contract/payment of charges is not compulsorily binding for the whole period inclusive of both dates i.e. from 01st July 2017 to 30th April, 2018. i.e. The payment will be made only for the period of actual use.
  4. The Contract may be extended up to one more year/tenure only at the sole discretion of the Competent Authority based on the condition of the vehicle, performance of the vehicle in terms of mileage and well behavior of the driver and the service of the vehicle owner.
  5. The vehicle will be hired along with Driver from the owner.
  6. The Vidyalaya will bear only the cost of diesel for the distance actually used/plied for the official use.
  7. All other expenditure, liabilities including wages of driver, oil, lubricants, maintenance, repair, replacement of parts, servicing, ALL RISKS and Obligations on account of Motor Vehicle Act and other related Acts like Labour Laws, Road Tax, Road Tax Insurance Laws, Insurance of Vehicle in Accident,Theft, Fire, Damage of any kind to the Vehicle, Death ,Loss of Life, Damage to Property by vehicle, through vehicle, for everything , the accountability, risk, responsibility solely lies with the owner of the vehicle. i.e All above, shall be the sole responsibility of the Owner of the Vehicle and the Vidyalaya is and will not in any way related/connected/concerned to and accountable or responsible for any of the above.

13. The rate to be quoted is for monthly hiring charges in Rupees applicable only for the contract period from 01st July 2017 to 30th April, 2018. The monthly hiring charges/ the rate once quoted is final and applicable for the entire period of contract. No revision of any kind on any ground will be allowed till the expiry of the contract unless terminated.

14. The Driver will be kept in the Vidyalaya premises only.

15. The Driver of the Vehicle will be provided with accommodation available in the Vidyalaya and he can avail food from the Mess on payment basis.

16. Maximum one day per month shall be permitted for maintenance/ servicing. The Vehicle shall not be sent for repairs for more than four days at a stretch. Alternate Vehicle shall be provided by the owner in case of the non availability of the Vehicle on repair or servicing for the period exceeding four days. Failure to provide alternate vehicle shall lead to recovery of actual hiring charges per day or Rs.1000.00 per day whichever is higher. In case of engaging another vehicle by the Vidyalaya on those days on hiring the actual hiring charges will also be recovered from the owner from the payment due to him.

17. Use of the Vehicles will not be restricted to the state only.

18.The Principal reserves the right to engage any transport company, any other vehicle and cancel the Tender at any time without assigning any reason.

19.The Bidder who quotes the lowest monthly hiring charges on contract adhering to the norms, terms and conditions of this Tender which are binding on him, will be offered the Vehicle Contract.

20.While submission of the Tender Form an amount of Rs.30, 000/- is to be remitted in cash or through a crossed State Bank of India Demand Draft/Banker Cheque drawn in favour of the Principal JNV Roing Payable at SBI Roing to the Vidyalaya office as Earnest Money Deposit which will be converted into Security Deposit in case of selection of the Tender and the same will be refunded only after30/04/2018 after the satisfactory, successful completion of the contract tenure and service without any default and compliant on the performance of Vehicle, the Driver and the service of the owner. The Deposit will otherwise stand forfeited. In case of non-compliance with the Vidyalaya offer of Contract Order or inability to accept the offer on the part of the owner due to any reason whatsoever on selection of Tender the Earnest Money Deposit will be forfeited. In case of non selection of Tender the EMD will be refunded immediately through online by the Vidyalaya.

21.The Vehicle must be produced to the Vidyalaya along with the driver on the stipulated date mentioned in the Vehicle Contract Order in case of selection of Tender and deposit all the Vehicle documents in Original to the Vidyalaya and enter into the Contract By Executing A Bond Through Stamp Paper (by the Owner of Vehicle).

22.The owner shall be responsible for efficient and diligent services. If the service is not found satisfactory, the Principal will be at Liberty to Cancel the Contract at any time without prior notice to the owner.

23.The owner shall be responsible for proper Conduct of the Driver and will have to change the Driver in case the Driver’s conduct being reported as improper. The Principal reserves the right to cancel the Contract on this ground.

24.The safety and security of Vehicle, Risk of accident, Insurance Paper, all Documents pertaining to the Vehicle and the License and any sort of Risk, solely lies only with the owner of the Vehicle.

25. The Tenderer should invariably mention the mileage, fuel consumption (Km per litre) of the Vehicle in the Tender.

26. They should also furnish particulars regarding the make, model, date of purchase of Vehicle and attach documentary proof with the Tender Form i.e. Xerox Copy of Vehicle Bill, the registration documents, Road Tax and Insurance documents are to be attached.

27. The Driver must produce his Driving License to the Vidyalaya on the Date of Reporting of Vehicle on selection of Tender.

28. In the event of getting same lowest hiring charges fulfilling all the conditions above from different parties the offer of Contract of Vehicle on monthly hiring charges will be given to all or both in turns by equally dividing the Contract tenure.

29. The Offer of Contract will automatically stand cancelled, the security will stand forfeited in the event of noncompliance of any of the above.

30.Payment will be made only on receipt of proper Bill for the monthly hiring charges from the owner and after due Verification and certification by the Vidyalaya Staff in-charge of Vehicle through online in favour of the Bidder and not through any other mode.

31.Applicable/ Imposed Tax if any will be deducted from the payment due to the Vehicle owner every month by the Vidyalaya and remitted to the Tax Department as per the norms of the govt.

32.The Tenders without required Documents, the Earnest Money Deposit Receipt will be summarily rejected.

33.The cost of the Tender Form is non-refundable under any circumstances and the Vidyalaya shall not make any payment or repayment to the Bidder on account of any expenditure incurred by the Bidder for participation in the Tender.

34.The Bill must be printed and Machine Numbered with all particulars as per the govt. norms.

35.In Case of receipt of too abnormal and very high hiring Charges (unreasonable) the entire Tender will be cancelled.(However the Maximum Ceiling for the Hiring Charge is Rs.30,000.00 ONLY Per Month) In other words the amount quoted over and above 30,000.00 (Rs Thirty Thousand Only)is INVALID and It Automatically stands cancelled or invalid.

36. The Authorized Vidyalaya Board (Vidyalaya Purchase Advisory Committee appointed by Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti) may at its discretion cancel the entire Tender in case of non fulfillment of Quorum if needed during the proceeding on the day of opening the tenders.

38. The Envelope Containing The Tender Form Should Be Sealed With Wax, Mentioned Clearly At The Top The Particular of The Article/ Item, The Complete Firm Address And The Address Of The Vidyalaya. This means the superscription on each of the sealed cover should be legibly written. One cover should contain one branch of items only. This means second branch should not be mixed with the previous one.

39. The sealed Tenders will be opened in the presence of all the available Bidders by the Authorized Officials in the Vidyalaya on 25th April 2017 at 10.00 a.m.).

40.The Vehicle along with the Driver must be produced on the Tender Opening Day before the PURCHASE ADVISORY COMMITTEE for deciding the Vehicle condition, running status, license of the driver and the Registration of the Vehicle.

41. The sealed tender should invariably contain

a) Copy of Vehicle Registration

b) Copy of valid Insurance

c) Copy of No Pollution Certificate

d)Earnest Money of Rs.30,000/- in the form of DD /Banker Cheque

e) Signature of the authorized person on all the pages with date.

f) Tender Fees of Rs. 500/- in the form of DD in favor of the Principal,JNV. Roing as the tender papers are

down loaded from the Vidyalaya website

g) A true-copy of the first page of Pass-Book issued by the Nationalized Bank having the Firm’s own A/c


42. The specimen contract agreement form in Annexure as Annexure –I

43. Notwithstanding any or all of the above the Vidyalaya at its discretion reserves the right to amend or add fresh terms and conditions as per the need and circumstance in the benefit and interest of the Vidyalaya.

Terms and Conditions Stipulated by


JNV Roing

Terms and Conditions Agreed Upon BY

M/s. ______


______Date: ______

Money receipt No. ______

I the bidder hereby understood and agree with all the terms and conditions of this deal and submit the filled in Tender/ Quotation form enclosed herewith.

Signature of Bidder :

Name :______

Address :______

Ph.No. :______

Witnesses :

1.Signature : 2. Signature:

Name : Name :

Address: Address:

Tender Form For The Offer Of Vehicle(Diesel Run Vehicle Only) By The Owner Of Vehicle To The Vidyalaya i.e.J.N.V. Roing On Monthly Contractual (Hiring Charges) Basis For The Period From 01st July 2017 To 30th April 2018.

Sl. No / Make & Model of Vehicle/Brand & Kind of Vehicle / Date of Purchase of Vehicle / Vehicle Registration No. / Mileage Km. Per Liter / Monthly Hiring Charges in Rs.
*See Condition Below

* Maximum Ceiling for Hiring Charges is Rs.30, 000/- (RupeesThirty Thousand only) Per Month.

NAME OF THE BIDDER Signature of the Bidder





Mobile :- ______


Land Line:-______

Annexure -I


Agreement for hiring of vehicle for the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya at Roing ,Lower Dibang Valley Dist, Arunachal Pradesh

This agreement made on this…………..between Principal,JNV, Roing, Lower Dibang Valley Dist, Aruanchal Pradesh here in after referred as the Party of the First Part to the contract (which expression shall unless excluded by or repugnant to the context be deemed to included its successors in office or assignee) on one part.


( On the basis of Power of Attorney) on the other part and hereinafter refer to as Party of the Second Part to the contract.

WHEREAS the party of the First Part is responsible for management of JNVs, which are fully residential institutions providing education to children from class VI to XII and is desirous of hiring private vehicle for JNV, Roing located in the State of Arunchal Pradesh for transport of students and staff and for procurement of materials required for use in the Vidyalaya.

And where as the party of the Second Part Owns Public/private transport vehicles for use by other parties on payment of charges on hire basis.


  1. That the party of the first Part has agreed to hire vehicle No. ……………..owned by party of the Second Part for bonefide use of JNV, Roing (herein after referred to a JNV) on the payment of Rupees only) on monthly basis excluding the period of vacations of the Vidyalaya i.e. for 10 Months. The payment will be made on monthly basis.
  1. That the JNV will bear only the cost of diesel for the distance actually plied for official use. All other liabilities including wages of driver, oil and lubricants , maintenance , repair , replacement of parts and servicing, obligations on account of Motor Vehicle Act and other related Acts like Labour laws, road tax insurance laws (like insurance of Vehicles in accident , theft , fire etc.) shall be the sole responsibility of the owner/Party of the Second Part.
  1. That the present contract will be valid for a period upto……………… unless terminated prior to expiry of this period as per terms set forth herein after.
  1. That the vehicle to be hired should be in proper efficient running condition in all the times which shall be ensured by the owner.
  1. That the vehicle shall remain in the campus of JNV on 24 hours basis and will be parked in the premises during the period of contract.


  1. That the driver of the vehicle can be provided accommodation wherever possible in the campus of JNV. Driver of the vehicle will be allowed to avail mess facility for food purpose only on payment basis.
  1. That maximum of one day per month i.e. 10 days in year shall be permitted for maintenance/servicing of the vehicle. The vehicle shall not be sent for repairs for more than four days at a stretch. Alternate vehicle shall be provided by the party of the Second Part in case the non-availability is for the period not exceeding the specified period mentioned above. Failure to provide alternate vehicle shall lead to recovery of actual hiring charges of an alternate vehicle per day or Rs.1000/- per day.
  1. That the use of the Vehicle will normally be restricted to the state Arunachal Pradesh & Assam and for Vidyalaya purpose only.
  1. That the owner Party of the Second Part shall be responsible for efficient and diligent services. In case the service are not found satisfactory at any stage, the party of First Part shall be at liberty to cancel the contract any time by giving one month notice to the party of Second Part. Similarly Party of Second Part can terminate the contract by giving one month’s notice in writing to the party of First Part.
  1. That the driver engaged by the party of the Second Part for running the vehicle for the JNV must possess a valid driving license for the type of vehicle and his credentials must be verified by the police before engagement. The Owner/Party of the Second Part shall be responsible for proper conduct of the driver and will change the driver in case his conduct is report as improper by the Principal of JNV at any time. In case the conduct of the driver is found unsatisfactory and he is not replaced within three days of receipt of a written report in this regard from the Principal of JNV, the Party of the First Part shall be at liberty to cancel the contract on this ground without any further notice of the same to the owner.
  1. That my disputes, differences and other questions arising out of or in any manner relating to or concerning this agreement which can not be settled amicably then than unrecorded disputes or differences shall be referred to the arbitration of a single arbitrator appointed by the party of the first part. The venues of such arbitration proceedings shall be at the utilized Vidyalaya where the vehicle is being utilized.
  1. This agreement shall be effective as and when executed by or on behalf of both parties.

IN WITNESS WHERE OF the parties here to have set their hands and seals on this contract on


Witness 1.______

2. ______