Theradishis anedibleroot vegetableof theBrassicaceaefamily that was domesticated inEuropein pre-Romantimes. They are grown and consumed throughout the world. Radishes have numerous varieties, varying in size, color and duration of required cultivation time. There are some radishes that are grown for their seeds; oilseed radishes are grown, as the name implies, for oil production.The most commonly eaten portion is the napi formtap root, although the entire plant is edible and the tops can be used as aleaf vegetable. The bulb of the radish is usually eaten raw, although tougher specimens can be steamed. The raw flesh has a crisp texture and a pungent, peppery flavor, caused byglucosinolatesand the enzymemyrosinasewhich combine when chewed to formallyl isothiocyanates, also present inmustard,horseradish, andwasabi.Radish is an annual herb widely grown for its edible fleshy, hot tasting roots maybe red, white, or purple .Every part of the root or the plant can be used in different ways. The leaves and the root are eaten raw in sala . Likewise,it can be cooked or mix with meat to satisfactory attain its delicious taste. Aside from food, it is dried for juice extraction.Radishes were probably native to China. It was developed from a live plant that grows in the cooler region of Asia. It spread to the Mediterranean region before the Greek era and was introduced into the new world early in the 16th century. Radishes grow in Asia ,Europe ,and America.It was the favorite of the ancient Egyptians, Greek , and Chinese.
- Statement of the Problem
This study is to determine the ability of Radish as a pesticide. Specifically it sought to answer the following questions:
1. Can radish extract be used as a pesticide?
2. Can this be as effective as the other commercially available products with the same purpose?
3. Can this be harmless to our health?
4. Can this be cheaper compared to other commercially available products with the same purpose?
5. What is the effect of radish extract as pesticide on certain pests?
- Significance of the Study
In this Investigatory project, the researchers would like to answer first all the question and prove that this Radish Extract as Pesticide would be effective and efficient. The effect ofradish extract as radish extract as pesticideon certain pest would just all be all the same.
- Hypothesis
1. Radish extract pesticide cannot be used as a pesticide
2. There is no significant difference in using this natural pesticide from radish extract.
3. This Radish Extract as pesticide is beneficial to the society.
4. Radish Extract as pesticide can boom in the economy
5. This Radish Extract will totally be the substitute to pesticide if time comes
- Definition of terms
Clarity should be given emphasis on this Investigatory Project the following are the terms that are used in the documentation of investigatory project:
Pesticide – substances or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling or mitigating any pest Germination – process in which a plant or fungus emerges from a seed or spore, respectively, and begins growth.
Pest – an animal which is detrimental to humans or human concerns
Radish – a plant known to have unique characteristics in which its extract can be used as pesticide
- Scope and Limitation
In here, we can say that one of the limitations of the Investigatory Project is that pure 100% radish extract must be applied to aphid, worms, and ants to become an effective pesticide. The output can be done by properly assembling it again.
Radish, raphanaus sativus, belongs to the cabbage family, rissicacae. It is grown for its freshly root, which varies in size for the new grams of popular red American and European varities to the one or more kilograms of the Japanese white or draikon.
There are two kinds of radish, one is planted for its crops and the other for its leaves and roots. Some varieties include Japanese radish a big and long late harvest radish; and the china radish which is fine smooth and white. The latter is productive and has a moderate length of time for harvest.(
B.Research Literature
Radish (Raphanus sativus) is a food plant known worldwide. From antiquity it has been used in folk medicine as a natural drug against many toxicants. Zearalenone (zen) is a non-steroidal estrogenic mycotoxin present in corn and food mixture for farm animals and it is hepatotoxic, hematotoxic, immunotoxic, nephrotoxic and genotoxic. The objectives of the present study were to assess the biological activity of radish extract and to evaluate the protective role of radish extract against the toxicity of zen in female Balb/c mice. Animals were divided into seven groups and treated orally for 10 days as follows: a control, an olive oil group, groups treated with radish extract alone (5, 10 and 15 mg kg(-1) b.w.), a group treated with zen (40 mg kg(-1) b.w.) and a group
treated with zen plus the lowest dose of radish extract. The results indicate that radish extract improved the antioxidant status and had no significant effects on hematological and biochemical parameters tested or histology of the liver and kidney.
The main objective of this study is to make a Radish Extract that would benefit the people. Research has shown that various parts of the radish plant can be effective in a number of pesticide.
- Mortar and Pestle 2. Empty Bottle Sprayer
3. Clean cloth / katas 4. Knife
5. Bowl
- Prepare all the materials needed
2. Collect one kg. of radish tubers
` 3. Wash them to remove dirt
4. Slice into small pieces
5. Pound it by using a mortar and pestle
6. Put in a clean cloth. Get the extract
7. Add enough amount of water to the extract
8. Place each mixture in a sprayer bottle and applied into aphid, ant, worm affected sugar apple and guyabano plants.
9. Try several trials to determine the more effective proportion.
10. Record your observation.
The following are the date obtained when the researchers perfomed the experimental research.
TRIAL / Amount of Pesticide / Animal/Pest / RESULTS1 / 10% / Ants / The Ants are still alive.
2 / 25% / Ants / The Ants aren’t killed that much.
3 / 50% / Ants / The Ants aren’t killed totally.
4 / 100% / Ants / The Ants was killed.
The amount of pesticide from Radish Extract would obviously affect the result of the experiment. (refer to Table 1.1) The researchers would like to explain each trial they made. In the first trial, they just apply 10% of the pesticide and as what the results show, the animal, specifically the ants wasn’t killed. On the next trial, again, it didn’t kill the ants. So for on the next trial. But when we had our last trial, the researchers applied 100% of the pesticide and the ants were totally killed. It reveals that pure radish extract is more effective rather that when water was added to it. It is 100% effective in worms and ants, and 50% effective in ants. This shows that the radish extract is very effective in killing certain pests.
After several experimentations, we found out that pure 100% radish extract when applied to aphid, worms, and ants is an effective pesticide. This pesticide can minimize the number of people who used chemical found and to affect our health and environment.
The project was successful and might be a big help to farmers especially in their crops. A cheap and nonhazardous pesticide is not harmful to their crops. Radishes are abundant in the Philippines so this might be a great business to those who want to have a source of living. The project itself shows that there are no harmful effects of the pesticide because it is completely organic and natural unlike those bought in the market, artificial with chemicals.
We recommended a more experimentations about radish extract must be done to improve the quality of the product. The researchers would like to recommend the people who would do this project also that they need to have a thorough study about the study of radish extract. In order to attain this investigatory project more productive and more possible, the researchers are asking if the people who would try this experiment could see much better procedure and materials, make sure that it would work for the beneficial of the group. Make sure that it is harmless to our health and most especially; this must be cheaper compared to other commercially available products with the same purpose
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