Analysis of Learning Disabilities in Lithuania
What is different about special education in Lithuania? It has completely changed since 1991, when the country became independent. The attitude to the children with special needs changed from that of segregation to inclusion. During the Soviet times, children who had special needs were considered as the „losers“ or the ones who should be in separate classes and schools. They suffered as a result of the insufficient understanding of their needs.
The definition of learning disabilities is not originally Lithuanian. Lithuanian professors point to their American colleagues Kenneth A. Kavale and Steven R. Forness opinion. These authors describe learning disability as ”a developmental disorder that has neurological factors influencing cognitive functioning”.
There are three groups of learning disabilities in the classification of disabilities in Lithuania. General disabilities are described as a group of disabilities, that manifest difficulties in reading, writing, mathematics and other subjects. The intellectual abilities of the pupils are low (IQ between 70 -79).
The second group is specific learning disabilities. Children in this category manifest lower leaning achievement in reading, writing and mathematics that is expected to their intellectual capacities and the learning program. (IQ of up to 80).
The third group of learning disabilities is distinguished as the one where pupils do not have well-developed motor skills and face difficulties in solving non-verbal tasks or visual/spatial information. Their verbal capacities are moderate or higher than moderate. Their verbal IQ is significantly higher than their non-verbal IQ.
The Lithuanian law of Education directs the main ideas on how to manage the teaching of the children who has special needs. The Law of Education is often referred to for the purpose of education of learners with special educational needs. It shall be to help a learner learn and to be trained according to his abilities, attain an education level and acquire a qualification, by recognizing and developing his abilities and capacities.
There are other laws that describe the process of evaluation, assignment and support organization. Schools all over the country follow the same laws except for slight differences according to different municipality needs.
Two levels of evaluation of the children who have special needs exist. Primary evaluation of learner‘s special educational needs is executed by a Child Welfare Commission at schools. The complex evaluation of special educational needs of the learners (except those occurring because of exceptional talents) is done by a Pedagogical Psychological Service.
A teacher at school is the one who notices pupil‘s difficulties in the classroom. He supports them through individual help and provides alternative methods. Teachers tray to get more information about the child so they have consultations with school‘s special pedagogue or speech therapist. In addition they talk with the parents and make them aware about the problem. When parents give permission for a primary evaluation, teachers collaborate with the school‘s Welfare Commission and fill up the necessary documentation were they point out child‘s strengths and weaknesses.
Every school in Lithuania has a Welfare Commission that includes a school special pedagogue, speech therapist, psychologist and senior teachers. It provides primary pedagogical-psychological assessment and special support in the nearest child’s environment.
The second level of evaluation is done by the Pedagogical Psychological Service from pedagogical, psychological, medicinal and socio-pedagogical aspects. Learning disabilities often have correlative disorders, for example attention deficit, emotional disorder and others. It is important to recognize all the special needs of the child and provide necessary help. Special educational needs level could vary from mild to moderate, severe or profound depending on the criteria.
The level of special educational needs are assessed by extent of changes in the content of the program, level of learning achievement, adaptability of curricula content. Also adaptability of educational methods, customization of textbooks, teaching aids selection of teaching materials, adaptability of learning environment are important. The need for technical devices, the support and professional assistance of special pedagogue, speech therapist, teacher‘s assistant, psychologist and social pedagogue increase the level of special needs.
After the second level evaluation in Pedagogical Psychological Service, results of the assessment are provided to parents, teachers and/or school specialists. Recommendations on the necessary support, changes to curricula and alternative methods or materials are prescribed.
There are a couple of problems and needs that Lithuanian children who have learning disabilities faces. The late assessment of difficulties is usually cost by a lack of teachers understanding on the effectiveness of help. Some of the schools do not have all the team of required specialists or the specialist in question works part time. Early intervention is inadequate. Teachers at schools are still desperately searching for very particular methods and/or materials to fulfill the child’s special needs.
The family support to the children needs is crucial. First of all the family members provide important background information, which help recognize reasons of the difficulties. The family helps with the motivation and collaborates with the teachers and specialists following the same recommendations. Still specialists meet families who deny children difficulties, blame them for being lazy, do not want to make an evaluation and provide the professional support.
There is the national Center of Special Pedagogy and Psychology who is responsible for coordination of laws, creating educational support and spreading new methods and materials.
In order get the children more adapted to the today’s needs and make them feel better in the community all the subjects of the system should collaborate. The government should recognize the need for providing the laws, the national Center of Special Pedagogy and Psychology should create and spread new methods and materials, specialist from Pedagogical Psychological Services should collaborate with Welfare Commissions, teachers, families and the children, who faces difficulties. The most urgent needs are more material designed for regular teachers to prevent the occurrence of disabilities and concrete material for primary and secondary schools teachers to help the children with learning disabilities.
Training on learning disabilities for parentsand teachers. New strategies and methodologies and ICT contribution. 2015-1-ES01-KA201-015806 1