2012 5th Grade Science Fair Expectations

· Projects may be completed individually or in groups of 2 or 3 (No exceptions).

· Each project must be related to a 5th grade Science Standard.

· Each investigation will be evaluated using the Inquiry Rubric.

· Each group must maintain a science fair notebook in a neat and thorough manner to be included with the board for Science Fair.

· Each group must have a display board which includes:

Title, Question, Hypothesis, Materials, Procedures, Results, Data Collection (quantitative data), Observations (qualitative data) Conclusion, Research, and Future Research. You may also include photos but heads and faces can not be part of the photos and you must credit the photographer.

· All sections of the display board must be neatly typed and arranged on the board.

· Each group must complete an Abstract, which is a typed brief summary of the science experiment. The Abstract must be between 150-250 words and we will do these together, in class.

· All work on the projects including the experiment, display board, science journal, and abstract must be completed at school.

I will donate as much classroom time to this project as possible. However, it may be necessary for students to work on their projects during recess time and homework club.

· Students must be able to bring in supplies needed for their experiment, including a display board.

· Students will be graded on their projects, science journal, display boards, and abstracts. This project will result in 4 science grades.

Science Fair Calendar Outline (subject to change)

November 26-27 Read Science Fair Handbook, judging criteria, and the science standards.

November 27-28 Use the Science Fair Topic Selection Wizard and the Science Curriculum sites to brainstorm possible questions you want to investigate

November 28 Choose a question, begin investigation plan

November 30 Question/hypothesis/prediction/plan/data collection rough drafts (on plan)

December 3 Conduct research (until completed)

December 12 Question/hypothesis/prediction/plan/data collection FINAL draft (for board)

December 14 Final Graph (for board)

December 18 Conclusion/future research

January 8-10 Abstract

January 15 Science fair board completed

January 16 ALL Science Fair Project submitted to Knox Science Fair

I will be working with _____________________________________________________________________

Our science fair project/experiment will answer the following question: ______________________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________ __________________________________

Parent Signature Student Signature