Douglass High School

Cross Country

2017 Handbook


Douglass High School

Cross Country Schedule


8/31Clearwater4:45 PM

9/7Hesston3:30 PM

9/14Chaparral4:30 PM

9/21Oxford @ Winfield Veterans’ Home5:30 PM

9/23Rimrock Farm (Lawrence) TBA

9/28Halstead4:30 PM

10/3Eureka4:15 PM

10/12League Independent @ W Trinity4:00 PM

10/21Regional @ ?TBA

10/28State @Rimrock Farms (Lawrence)Girls 11:10 AM

Boys 12:55 PM


1.Respect for yourselves & others is expected.

2.You are a representative of Douglass High School.

3.Practice in shorts & shirts. NO spandex or revealing clothing.

4.Unexcused Absence (absence not approved by the head coach)

Penalty: 1st Offense = Conference with head coach & make-up conditioning

2nd Offense = Dismissal from the team

5.No use of alcohol/tobacco (smoking or chewing)/illegal drugs.

Penalty: USD 396 Policy will be enforced.

6.Unsportsmanlike Conduct

Penalty: Conference with Head Coach possibly the AD. The penalty will vary according to the offense and circumstances.

7.Bus Transportation-All team members are expected to ride the bus to & from all meets unless prior arrangements have been made. If leaving with parents, it is expected athletes will stay until Douglass is done competing.

8.Any conduct deemed inappropriate will result in disciplinary action.

9.Runners are expected to be dressed in uniform and ready to run when they get on the bus to go to the meet. No Street clothes will be worn to the meet.

10.Runners are expected to be able to run the entire course of the race. If you are walking during a race, you may have to sit out the next meet until you are able to run the entire route.

Special Considerations

1.Athletes need to enter and exit building through the doors by the locker rooms or through the doors in the Middle School Commons.

2.Athletes will begin & end practices as scheduled.

3.In order to participate in meets, athletes must attend practice, even when injured.

4.Athletes will strive to do their best and follow directions of the DHS coaching staff.

5.Athletes will keep a neatly groomed appearance as determined by DHS coaching staff.

6.Athletes must turn in all school issued gear & forfeit any honors if they quit the team.


1.Conference with the head coach & possible disciplinary action.

2.Miss the following meet and/or parent notification.

3.Possible dismissal from team.

The Head Coach has final say over disciplinary actions.

Communication is Important:

If you will miss a practice or meet or need to leave early, communicate with me. It is your responsibility to communicate with me. It is not the responsibility of your parents or friends. You are the one out for the sport. Things go much smoother when we communicate and accommodations can be made if necessary.

Requirements for Lettering in Douglass High School Varsity Cross Country:

Earn a total of 20 points from the following categories:

5 pts95% Attendance including practices and meets

1 pt eachAchieve Personal Best

4 pts eachFinish in the top 10 in a varsity competition

3 pts eachFinish in 11th-20th in a varsity competition

5 ptsCompete at Regionals

5 ptsCompete at State

Athletes may also letter at coaches discretion.

“The will to win means nothing if you haven’t the will to prepare.” Juma Ikangaa

“The difference between winning and losing is most often, not quitting.” Walt Disney

Our Philosophy

Character-Doing the right thing when no one is around to see and no one will know.

Cross Country takes a lot of hard work and character. Each athlete must learn to push themselves harder and harder to become the best they can possibly be. Mr. Reynolds and I take great joy in your success. Whether your success is completing the course without walking or running a record time in the race, we are here to help you achieve that and encourage your efforts towards that goal. We look forward to helping all of you achieve your goals & striving to become better than you ever thought possible. If you push yourselves in every workout, run the entire route, and do not take shortcuts, you can excel in this sport.


Good athletes need to maintain good grades. You must excel in the classroom as well as on the track. It is your responsibility to ensure all your work is made up and turned in prior to us departing for a competition. Anyone failing one or more classes will make arrangements with their respective teachers to bring that grade into good standing. Anyone needing to attend Extended Day to make up work is still expected to attend practice when they are done.