10 – 13May2018

Istanbul Fair Center

Hall 9-10-11


Dear Exhibitor,

Thank you for participating in7th Istanbul International Hunting Arms & Outdoor Expo which will take place from 10-13 May 2018 in İstanbul.To prepare your stand and to make your participation as effective as possible, we advise you to read this manual carefully.

This EXHIBITOR MANUAL contains the NEW RULES, STAND CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT, answers to your questions and other information that we deem necessary regarding stand preparation, construction, teardown, use of advertising, etc. pertaining to the 7th ISTANBUL INTERNATIONAL HUNTING ARMS & OUTDOOR EXPO, of which you are an exhibitor. It will be to your benefit to share with your stand decorator this manual prior to starting construction of your stand and to include the violations and penalties mentioned herein in your agreement with your decorator.

It is very important for the general order of the exhibition that you flawlessly follow the time sheet provided for entry to exhibition grounds, locating of stand space, exhibition hours, teardown and vacating of stand space. Please don’t forget that a delay in construction of your stand in turn delays waste disposal, carpeting,general cleaning and general security.

In order for the requested services to be provided on time and completely, the relevant service forms and guarantees must be submitted in a timely manner and by hand to the responsible denoted on the form.Payment amounts for services that require fees are increased by 50% if these are not made in the allocated time.When paying for services please denote the type and form number of the service in the descriptionsection and keep copies of all payment slips with you from the beginning of construction till the endof the exhibition.

Your stand constructor must have signed the guarantee forms in order to have permission to enter the exhibition grounds and settle into your space. The exhibitor company is responsible of taking these forms from the constructor and delivering them to EFEM FAIR Company. This guarantee that is given to EFEM FAIRhas no monetary value.Istanbul Fair Center may also request additional authorization for the stand. In this case youwill have to direct your constructor to Istanbul Fair Center. Exhibitors will be notified if Istanbul Fair Centerputs forth such a request.We would like to remind you that by signing the exhibition participation.

We would like to remind you that by signing the exhibition participation aggreement, you expressly accept all rules and penalties incurred due to breachesof said rules as stated in the section “C- EXHIBITION AND EXHIBITION GROUNDS RULES REGARDING STAND CONSTRUCTION AND CONDITIONS TO BE APPLIED INCASE OF BREACHES” on page 4.

Please don’t forget that every single personnel at EFEM FAIRis ready to assist you.


  1. Exhibition Time Table
  2. Important Rules to Follow
  3. Forms and Last Dates
  4. Stand Construction
  5. Standard – Moduler Stand
  6. Special Decoration Stand – Participation without Stand
  7. Control of the Stand Measurements
  8. Rules and Enforcements Regarding Stand Construction and Teardown
  9. Practices Forbidden in Stand Construction
  10. Maximum Height of Stands
  11. Stand Walls and Flooring
  12. Use of Glass in Stands
  13. Limits and Load Bearing Capaticies for Two-Tier Stands
  14. Damage and Compensation for Damages Caused
  15. Loss of Items
  16. Extra Technical Services-Electrical Connections and Lighting
  17. Extra Technical Services-Water & Compressed Air Request
  18. Extra Technical Services -Internet
  19. Extra Technical Services –Furniture ,Electrical Equipments and Hardware
  20. Stand Cleaning
  21. Mounting Air Conditioners in Stands
  22. Use of Stand Areas
  23. Use of Advertising and Billboards in Stands
  24. Dynamic Activities
  25. Distribution of Brochures
  26. On-time Completion of Stand Construction
  27. Running out of Time During Stand Construction and Additional Work Durations
  28. Permissions for Night Work After The Exhibition Opens
  29. Air Conditioning Vents,Fire Cabinets and Fire Safety
  30. Security
  31. Teardown , Stand Remains and Waste Disposal
  32. Vehicle Entry-Exit Rules and Traffic
  33. Use of Forwarding, Forklifts and Pallet Jacks
  34. Acceptance of Materials on Exhibition Grounds After Exhibition Has Opened
  1. Facility Preventive Measures and List of Rules and Regulations
  2. Fire Prevention
  3. Stand Materials
  4. Exhibiting Motor Vehicles
  5. Exhibiting Guns
  6. Explosives
  7. Operating Machinery / Equipment
  8. Materials Not Permitted in the Fairground
  9. Audio Levels
  10. Exits
  11. Other
  1. Exhibitor Services
  2. Fair Catalogue
  3. Exhibitor ID Cards
  4. Carpark
  5. First Aid
  6. Advertising Alternatives
  1. Determining Breaches
  1. Changes

22.04.2017 / 23.04.2017 / 24.04.2017
Saturday / Sunday / Monday




  • All the exhibitors taking part in the fair must follow the timetable.It is very important for the general order of the exhibition that you flawlessly follow the time sheet provided for entry to exhibition grounds, locating of stand space, exhibition hours, teardown and vacating of stand space.

Please don’t forget that a delay in construction of your stand in turn delays waste disposal, carpeting, general cleaning and general security.

  • Liability for missing items is not accepted once the hangar door has been opened subsequent

to the final day of the fair.

  • Assembly of all stands must be completed and ready by 22:00 pm on the final day of setting up.


  • It is strictly forbidden to block fire cabinets and ventilation shafts.
  • Passenger vehicles and motorcycles are not allowed in the fair area.
  • The sound level in stands must be kept to aminimum in order not to disturb neighboring stands.

It is forbidden to organise any musical activity in the stand.

  • In case machinery is to be exhibited at the stand, perimeter safety must be ensured while the machine is operating. Exhaust producing machinery may be operated in the hall providing the poisonous gases are piped outdoors.
  • Exhibition area security is provided by a security company determined by Istanbul Fair Center. On duty securitypersonnel are authorized to take any security related measures and issue warnings deemed necessaryduring the duration of the exhibition. Personnel of participating companies are obliged to comply withthe rules specified in the Exhibitor’s Manual as well as to any and all warnings and precautions issued bysaid security team.
  • Vehicles may enter the halls with the approval of EFEM FAIRonly during certain intervals and only for loading and offloading purposes.Security staff are authorized to search vehicles at building or hall entrances whenever deemed necessary.
  • Exhibitors and their representatives are responsible for keeping the stand area clean throughout the entire fair, i.e., entrance, assembly, dismantling and evacuation.
  • Istanbul Fair Center and EFEM FAIRis not liable for the loss, theft or damage to property belonging to exhibitors.
  • It is strictly forbidden to; alter, to cause damage,to dirty or to stain any portion of the halls, i.e., walls, columns, floor, etc.,
  • Leaving any material in the corridors and continuing work after laying of the carpet is strictly prohibited.
  • No heavy material such as transpallet, scaffold, etc. shall be carried on the carpet.


  • To distribute published material outside designated stand areas,
  • To advertise in or around the fair area,
  • To advertise on behalf of non-participating companies or exhibit their products,
  • To utilize empty spaces as storage withoutexpressed written permission of EFEM FAIR.


  • Maximum floor load in exhibit areas is 2000kg/m². Loads must be properly dissipated, whereas it

is forbidden to plant the entire load at a single point.

  • A control mechanism (regulator, etc.) limitingthe device at peak current usage must be installed

within the stand area for power requests in excessof 15 kW.

  • Exhibitors are held responsible for any andall complications that arise from inaccurately stated

power demands. KW and service fee will be raised if any KW overload is documented.

  • All electrical equipment and materials usedby exhibitors must comply with TSE / IEC standards.
  • Exhibitors must include sufficient electrical sockets to serve all of the equipment on the stand.
  • Extension leads must be no longer than 2m and only one extension lead per socket will be permitted. The use of block sockets for multiple plugs will not be permitted.
  • Exposed electrical cables on stands should be fixed with cable ties and should not be left hanging loose.
  • Distribution boxes and consumer units should ideally be fitted 2m from the floor.
  • Combustible waste must not be permitted to build up in the halls and must be removed regularly to asuitable disposal area.
  • To have fire equipment in the booth.
  • During fair installation stage, requests likepower, phone, water, air must be designated as point

prior to mounting floors of special stands.


  • It is forbidden to bring food and beverages from outside the fairgrounds. Food and beverage service

is provided by Istanbul Fair Center.

  • All technical hardware, material and stand furnishings are subject to specified rental charges.

Said equipment is the permanent property of the organization company whereas exhibitors are liable fordamages or loss.

  • Applying for extra stand material prior to the entrance and pre-installation deadline ensures you

receive such supplies on a priority basis and provide to benefit from special discount on the prices.


If services can be provided for forms submitted or payed for after the submission deadline, the fees for said services will be increased by 50%. Forms for which payment has not been made will not be considered.

Forms need to be sent separately to the attention of the person whose name is written on the form.

Form / Date Line
FORM 1 / Stand Materials Rental Form
Subject to Charge / 05 April 2018
FORM 2 / Catalogue Information Form
Complimentary / 05 April 2018
FORM 3 / Exhibitor Badge Form
Complimentary / 05 April 2018
4-5-6-7 / Stand Material Pictures FORM 4-5-6-7



All exhibitors, regardless of whether they are constructing their ownstand or have authorized a third party for said work, in the constructionand teardown of their stand, are liable to EFEM FAIR, ISTANBUL FAIR CENTER, officialagencies and third parties from the time they are allowed into theexhibition grounds till the time they have vacated their space, and in alltopics covered by this Exhibitor Manual.


  • Our standard stand construction (depicted above),which is comprised of aluminium plaque; joist and similar

partition components, is included in our “Participationwith Stand”agreement. Stands are constructedwith aluminium joists, pillars and melamine-platedfiberboard panels. Wall panel dimensions are 100 x 240 cm, with a frontside of 95 x 235 cm.

  • The height of extra stand equipment and accessories must not exceed 2.5 m, and should be prevented from making contact with thestand’s back side or panel surface.
  • Moreover, if a modular stand is selected, a perforated panel will be placed by EFEM FAIRin case it falls in front of air ventsor columns. There will be no exceptions to this rule.
  • For lighting, 100 W spotlights are connected to the ceiling joists every three m². A triple-pin plug monophase,220 V, 50 Hz, 1 kW) is provided for each stand.
  • Partition panels and all other stand materials must be returned without any damage caused by nailing, drilling, wall paper or improper adhesives. For this reason,it is better to use chains, hangers, hooks or similar

implements to hang posters, notice boards and otheraccessories to be displayed at your stand.Financial costs incurred in the repair and/or replacementof all damaged materials are the responsibilityof the exhibitor.

  • Applying for extra stand material prior to the entrance and pre-installation deadline ensures you receive such supplies on a priority basis and provideto benefit from special discount on the prices.
  • The name of the Exhibitor Company and StandNumber is to be written on the front panel of the modular

Stands ( specially mentioned in the agreement by the exhibitor ) The name of the company is to written inLatin script and Arial font, with each letter measuring100 mm. The name should not exceed 20 letters.

4.2 PARTICIPATION WITHOUT STAND ( Special Decoration Stand )

  • It is obligatory for the companies that participate in the exhibition with a special decorated stand to get their decoration projects approved by EFEM FAIR Company at the latest 45 days before the opening day ofthe exhibition .

Together with the forms:

  • A scaled plan of settlement for the inner stand area. All of the measures, including height;
  • Connection points for electricity, water and telephone;
  • Decoration project;
  • The project concerning decorative covering of the aering vent and of the fire cabinet;
  • Internal parts, material details, material heights;
  • Firm’s signboards showing the name of exhibitor and its installation.
  • The projects will be examined by the Exhibition Administration and the EFEM FAIR Operation Team, at every stage. In the case that the stands do not confirm with the rules (violation of the height rule, closing the front parts of the vents, using wrong fields, etc.), your project will not be approved and construction of the stand will not be allowed in any case.
  • The administration of the fair and the organizator are authorized to remove or change all kinds of accessories, fittings and stand practices which are not seen appropriate, project of which has not been approved and construction of which have not been permitted and which violate security rules and technical rules. All of the costs and penalties that may arise from those issues will belong to the participant.


  • Stand area is determined by the Istanbul Fair Center Hall responsible after measurement and denoted by drawing of the stand corners onto the hall floor. Hall technical hosts have been given the responsibility to show exhibitors their stand spaces. If an exhibitor starts construction at the wrong location and extends onto anotherexhibitor’s space or common exhibition spaces, it will be their responsibility to take apart the stand and move it to the correct location.
  • All halls posses areas where ceiling height under balconies vary and points which can not be obstructed. A final scale plan has to be obtained from the EFEM FAIR OperationServices Department prior to starting construction work.


  • EFEM FAIR will impose penalties if any of the following rules are breached. EFEM FAIR reserves all legal rights.


  • The Exhibitor is responsible for not using any materials during constructionthat would cause a fire to start.

All the materials used must beinflammable or fire resistant.

  • The Exhibitor knows that the following practices can not be performed in theexhibition grounds while preparing the stand;






Fines will be handed down separately for each breach, calculated by the USD equivalent of total stand area in sqm. x 100 TL + VAT based on the exchange rate on the day of the breach.

  • ISTANBUL FAIR CENTER Exhibitor Support Service must be notified about minor welding tasks and material

cutting to be carried out in the fair hall, whereas fire extinguishers should be placed in the immediatevicinity.

  • We suggest aluminium profile and laminated wood panels.If planning to use MDF pre-cut in the workshop, you can utilize wallpaper instead of paint to cover these.


  • The maximum height of stands has been determined as 3,66 meters for single floor stands and 4,5 meters for two-tier stands. Exceeding the upper limit of 4,5 meters in any shape or form is dangerous and forbidden.
  • Stands located in the foyer can not be two-tier and must have a maximum height of 2,80m.
  • The maximum height under balcony in Hall 9-10 is 3,50 meter.
  • The maximum height for stand platforms is 50 cm. The height of the platforms is to be included in the total height limit.
  • Breaching the heights mentioned above will result in a fine of total stand sqm x 100 TL + VAT.
  • If a stand wall higher than the walls of surrounding stands is to be constructed, the section visible from

the adjacent stand must be kept clean and tidy at all times and must not interfere with both the integrity of

the exhibit area and neighboring stand. We kindly remind you that it is strictly forbidden to post company

names and logos on the back of these walls. In case of a breach, a fine of the USD equivalent of 1.000 TL + VAT will be levied based on the exchange rate on the day of the breach.

  • All walkways right next to stands where the floor surface height is higher than 20 cm must be protected by railing at least 1 m high. It is mandatory that at least a three-phase threshold is used.In case of a breach, a fine of the USD equivalent of 1.000 TL + VAT will be levied based on the exchange rate on the day of the breach.
  • Fair stands, pillars and products to be exhibited shouldnot endanger anybody.


  • Carpeting and other floor coverings should be placed such that it does not present a risk to individuals passing over them, should not extend beyond the standarea and should not bunch up.
  • Paint or plaster should not be applied directly to thefloor. Substances spilled on the floor such as oil, etc.,

should be cleaned up immediately.

  • If the exhibitor uses its own coating material,such materials may not be affixed to or nailed onto

the floor. However, it is possible to carpet the floorusing double-sided sticky tape. As for coating materials,