6 Hours Of Kortrijk

26-27 November 2016

The “6 hours of Kortrijk are organised bij Automobilclub “Autostal Groeninghe vzw” on 26th and 27th of November 2016 in Kortrijk.



24-10-201621.00hPublishin of regulations and entry open.

Entries will be closed when the maximum amount of allowed cars has been reached (Art. 3). After closing a waiting list will be introduced.

13-11-201612.00hClosing of entries (when max amount of allowed cars has not been reached)

22-11-201618.00hPublishing entry list and seeding via website.

26-11-201607.00hOpening of Rally HQ in the tent on the Market Square in Kortrijk

Pick up Roadbook

07.30hStart recce

08.00hClosing Rally HQ, end pick Road Book

08.30hStart document control in tent Market Square

09.00hStart scruteneering at tent Market Square

12.00hStart recce SS Mouscron

14.00hEnd recce SSMouscron

15.30hEnd recce other SS

16.15hPublising list “Cars allowed to Start”

16.25hStart first car at TC Podium, Market square Kortrijk

27-11-201607.35hTC Parc Ferme OUT

07.55hTC Podium Tent, Market Square Kortrijk

Pickup road book

Every participant can pick up the roadbook on Saturday 26th November at 07h00 in the tent at the Market square in Kortrijk. At the pick up all competitors must pay a 20 EUR deposit to ensure the tidyness of the service area. Litter bins will be placed on many locations. After the event the deposit can be reclaimed until 11th of december. Not reclaimed deposits will be given to a charity cause.

Every participant has to pay 5 EUR to pay a part of the costs for mashalls and spectator safety.

Document Control

Every participant or a replacement has to present himself at the Rally HQ, tent Market Square. Timing of the presenting will be published on Tuesday 22nd of November on Not following timing can be fined with the amount of 15 EUR.

Technische controle

Every participant or a replacement has to present himself at the scruteneering area, tent Market Square. Timing of the presenting will be published on Tuesday 22nd of November on Not following timing can be fined with the amount of 15 EUR.


Official results 30min after arrival last competitor.

Final resuls 30min after publishing Official Results.

Price Award Ceremony 30 min after publishing Final Results

Event Contacts

Pre Event:Ignace Dumortier, Hof van 't Henneken 49, 8800 Roeselare

051.279200, GSM 0475.596989,

During EventJan Verschaeve: 0475.666051

Ignace Dumortier: 0475.596989


The “6 Uren van Kortrijk” is eligible for:

-Regional Championship Rally-Rallysprint

-Provincial Championship Rally

-Historic Historic Regional Championship Rally-Rallysprint

-Provincial Championship Rally Historic

-Flanders International Rally Challenge

Art. 1.2 Organising committee

Autostal Groeninghe - Hof van 't Henneken 49 - 8800 Roeselare - 0475.596989 -

CharmainCastelein Jean-Claude

SecretaryDumortier Ignace

TreasurerHolvoet Roland

Board of MembersDebruyne Jurgen, Delaere Sandro, Depuydt Dirk, Dewulf Filip, Ghekiere Kurt, Ghekiere Lieven (+), Ghyssel Joost, Horré Carmen, Malysse Christof, Vandaele Wout, Vandecasteele Bjorn, Vandecasteele José (+), Vanden Abeele Tuur, Vandenborre Gilles, Verschaeve Bjorn, Verschaeve Daniel, Verschaeve Jan.


Art. 1.3 Officials during Event

Senior Officials

Clerck of the CourseVerschaeve JanLicense: 2016/035

Ass. Clerck of the CourseDumortier IgnaceLicense: 2016/100

Event SecretaryDe Volder JoanLicense: 2016/266

Chief Safety OfficerVandecasteele BjornLicense: 2016/050

Competitor Relations OfficerMaesen MarcLicense: 2016/048

Baertsoen BoudewijnLicense: 2016/075

Driver 00-carHuyghebaert GeertLicense: 2016/073

Co Driver 00-carWullen EricLicense: 2016/052

Officials Relations OfficerAnnemans Yvo

Press OfficerVanden Abeele Tuur

Stewards of the Meeting VAS

ChairmainVanhullebusch PascalLicense: 136

MembersMalengier MarnikLicense: 127

Hindryckx FreddyLicense: 113

InternVerbaeten CindyLicense: 142

Safety Commission VAS

CharmainMalengier MarnikLicense: 127

Technical delegates VAS

Chief DelegateVandemeulebroucke ClaudeLicense: 242

MembersBaele WimLicense: 240

Debruyne DannyLicense: 204

Depijpere JoséLicense: 258

Depijpere StephenLicense: 249

Opsomer GeertLicense: 262

Rogiers PaulLicense: 207

Stadsbader DelphineLicense: 276

Vanmoerbeke KrisLicense: 268


Art. 2 Beschrijving / omschrijving

The “6 Uren van Kortrijk” is a rally of type A driven over 250,7km (104,7km SS and 146km liasion). verbindingstraject. On Saturday 1 SS and on Sunday 2 rounds of 4SS and 1 round of 5SS. Rally is 99% tarmac

Art. 3 Entries

The entry form must be fillid in completely and signed with signature of entering crew. Entry request must be sent to Dumortier Ignace, Hof van 't Henneken 49, 8800 Roeselare, . Entering also possible via the link on

A maximum of 120 cars are allowed to start. Only teams who have completely filled in the entry form and have paid will be allowed to the start. Date of payment is the date of entry. In case of more than 120 cars a waiting list will be created. Final date of entry is November 13 is maximum of 120 cars has not been reached.

Art. 4 Entry fee, permission to start, insurance

a. Inschrijvingsrecht

The entry fee, to pay at organising committee is 230 EUR for one team. Payment is due before November 13 on IBAN BE86 7360 1086 2650. Do not forget to mention the name of the driver and codriver.

b. Permission to Start

The Sporting Commission of VAS will grant each team permission to start if following three fees have been paid the the VAS:

- insurance:100€

- Participating rights to federation:40€

- Participating fee for safety costs:40€

The permission to start is therefor 180 EUR, to be paid CASH at document control.

c. Insurance

Insurance company AXA INDUSTRIES NV - number 700.558.685 38/2016

Art. 11 PARC FERME IN Sunday evening

Early check in at TC Parc Ferme IN on Sunday evening is allowed.

Art. 12 Official Notice Board

Results of the different SS will be published on the Official Notice Board in the tent on Market Square. All results can also be consulted on the event website

Art. 14 Recce

Recce is only allowed on Saturday 26th november:

SS Mouscron 12h00-14h00

All other SS: 07h30-1530

Art. 26 End Scrutineering

Location for Scrutineering at the end of the rally will be announced if necessary.

Art. 26 Award ceremony

Price ceremony is on Sunday 27th November at 20h30 in the tent on the Market Square

Art. 25 Other

These regulations are based on the Standard Regulations Rally VAS 2016.

  • A minimum of 6kg powder extinguisher ABC is mandatory in your personal service area. No fire extinguisher can lead to exclusion of the crew.
  • Due to fire safety restrictions it is prohibited to fuel within the premises of the service area.
  • At the service stand, an extinguisher of min. 6 kg needs to be available per rallycar. Missing of an extinguisher will result in the immediate exclusion of the team for the Event. During scrutineering, this fire extinguisher needs to be presented for a check. On the express request of the authorities.
  • Crews who do not finish on Saturday cannot restart on Sunday. Superrally is not allowed.
  • On Saturday the last numbers of modern cars start first, afterwards Historic cars starting with smallest seeding number.

On Sunday highest seeded Historic cars start, afterwards lowest seeded modern cars

  • The only allowed areas where service is allowed is mentioned in the road book. Servicing outside the designated area can lead to exclusion.
  • Neither the Rally organising committee and neither the tow trucks can be held responsable for any damages caused by towing a rally car.
  • It is prohibited to make “donuts” with the car on the service area. A penalty of 250 EUR and the additional costs for mending the road of parking will be invoiced to the competitor.
  • During the event partial results will be published on