American Culture
Mr. Borgmann
Marking Period #2 Project
This project was created to cover the second marking period social studies curriculum, the North Penn School District’s technology goals, and differentiated instruction. The project covers information ranging from (Chapter 15) Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal up to and including (Chapter 18) the beginning of Cold War Conflicts.
Students will investigate topics using their textbook, using search engineson the web and/or using available resources from the IMC. Students will be able to locate, organize, and evaluate their topics. It is highly recommended that each student use the checklist provided to successfully complete the project. Students will complete chapter vocabulary, objectives, review questions, skill assignments and double-take tests.
Task #1 (Hand written Questions/Outlines/Graphic Organizer)
Students have 13 topics. Students will locate and gather information from the textbook and the internet / IMC. Information may be placed on prefabricated Chapter/Section Worksheets (Questions/Outlines/Graphic Organizers) handed out in class or on Mr. Borgmann’s website.
Task #2 (Electronic Questions or Electronic Outlines)
Students have 13 topics. Students will locate and gather information from the textbook and the internet / IMC. Information may be placed on prefabricated Chapter/Section Worksheets on Mr. Borgmann’s website. Students will complete aword processed 28- 36. Students will complete textbook vocabulary and complete final exam review questions.
Task #3 (Self-Made power points with slide suggestions). Students must provide a minimum of two pieces of evidence per slide from the textbook which provide evidence to answer the chapter objective. Power Points must have a minimum of 12 slides. You must have an objective slide, 8 slides with evidence, 2 picture slides and a summary slide. You must use the slide suggestions on Mr. Borgmann’s website.
Procedure and Checklist
For Marking Period #2 Project
_____ 1. Using the textbook and sources from the internet and the IMC, complete a
prefabricated written/electronic Chapter Objective Questions/Outline/Graphic Organizer
_____ 2. Or using your research material, create a 28-30 self-made bullet outline
which proves the objective
_____ 3. Using your research material, create a minimum 12 slide accurate
PowerPoint presentation for each of 13 Objectives/Topics (156slides). Save it on a memory device and your “H” drive.
_____ 4. You have completed Chapter 15, 16, 17 and 18 Vocabulary.
_____5. You have accurately completed final exam review questions.
_____ 6.You completed the chapter skill activity
_____7. You have successfully completed Chapter / Objective Cumulative Tests
Marking Period 2 Project Objectives
Chapter 15
1.(2)Define the New Deal. Describe components and explain results of FDR’s First New Deal. Determine why FDR launched a Second New Deal. Include the WPA, CCC, TVA, Social Security and the Wagner Act
Describe criticisms or flaws in the New Deal. Include the Court Packing Scheme (pages 488-501, 516, 518, 519)
Chapter 16
3 Identify the aggressive nations of Europe and Asia and their leaders. Define
fascism and give examples of aggressive actions taken by each fascist nation.(pages 528-533)
- Summarize Hitler’s motives for expansion, appeasement and the first battles of World War II. (pages 529, 536-541, internet)
- Explain the Holocaust. Explain how the United States was deceitful and indifferent in regard to the Holocaust and why they may be considered to be an accomplice. (pages542-549, internet and film)
- Describe how the United States tried to remain neutral during WWII without actually declaring war. Describe the causes of United States entry into World War II. (pages 534, 535 550-557)
Chapter 17
- Describe the wartime mobilization of industry, labor, scientists, and the media. Trace the efforts of the U.S. government to control the economy. (pages 562-568)
- Summarize the Allies’ plan for winning the war. Identify events in the war in Europe. Describe the liberation of Europe Describe the Allied offensive against the Japanese. Explain both the development of the atomic bomb and debates about its use. (pages 569-584)
- Describe the economic and social changes that reshaped American life during World War II. Summarize both the opportunities and the discrimination African Americans and other minorities experienced during the war. (pages 590-597)
Chapter 18
- Explain the breakdown in relations between the United States and the Soviet Union before during and after WWII. (Internet,pages 602-605, 622-627)
- Summarize the steps taken to contain Soviet influence. Describe how the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan deepened Cold War tensions. Explain how conflicts over Germany increased fear of Soviet aggression. (pages 606-608)
- Explain how Communists came to power in China and how the United States reacted. Summarize the events of the Korean War. Explain the conflict between President Truman and General MacArthur. (pages609-615)
- Describe government efforts to investigate the loyalty of U.S. citizens. Explain the spy cases of Alger Hiss and Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. Describe the efforts of Senator Joseph McCarthy to investigate alleged Communist influence in the United States. (pages616-621)
Name: ______Period: _____ Date: ______
Project Vocabulary
Completed vocabulary must be in sentences and acronyms must be defined
Chapter 15 Vocabulary
- FranklinDelanoRoosevelt:
- New Deal:
- Glass-Steagall Act:
- Federal Securities Act:
- Agricultural Adjustment Act:
- Civilian Conservation Corp:
- National Industrial Recovery Act:
- Deficit Spending:
- Works Progress Administration:
- National Youth Administration:
- Wagner Act:
- Social Security Act:
- Frances Perkins:
- New Deal Coalition:
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.:
- Securities and Exchange Commission:
- National Labor Relations Board:
- TennesseeValley Authority:
Name: ______Period: _____ Date: ______
Project Vocabulary
Completed vocabulary must be in sentences and acronyms must be defined
Chapter 16 Vocabulary
- Joseph Stalin:
- totalitarian:
- Benito Mussolini:
- fascism:
- Adolf Hitler:
- Nazism:
- Francisco Franco:
- Neutrality Acts:
- Neville Chamberlain:
- Winston Churchill:
- appeasement:
- nonaggression pact:
- blitzkrieg:
- Charles de Gaule:
- Holocaust:
- Kristallnacht:
- genocide:
- ghetto:
- concentration camp:
- Axis Powers:
- Lend-Lease Act:
- Atlantic Charter:
- Allies:
- Hideki Tojo:
Name: ______Period: _____ Date: ______
Project Vocabulary
Completed vocabulary must be in sentences and acronyms must be defined
Chapter 17 Vocabulary
- George Marshall:
- Women’s Auxilliary Army Corp:
- A. Philip Randolph:
- Manhattan Project:
- Office of Price Administration:
- War Production Board:
- rationing:
- Dwight D. Eisenhower:
- D-Day:
- Omar Bradley:
- George Patton:
- Battle of the Bulge:
- V-E Day:
- Harry S. Truman:
- Douglas MacArthur:
- Chester Nimitz
- Battle of Midway:
- kamikaze:
- J. Robert Oppenheimer:
- Hiroshima:
- Nagasaki:
- Nuremberg Trials:
- G.I. Bill of Rights:
- James Farmer:
- Congress of Racial Equality:
- Internment:
Name: ______Period: _____ Date: ______
Project Vocabulary
Completed vocabulary must be in sentences and acronyms must be defined
Chapter 18 Vocabulary
- Containment
- Mao Zedong
- Korean War
- McCarthyism
- John Foster Dulles
- Brinkmanship
- Nikita Krushchev
- U-2 Incident
- UN
- Satellite Nations
- Iron Curtain
- Truman Doctrine
- Marshall Plan
- Berlin Airlift
- Chiang Kai-shek
- Federal Employee Loyalty Program
- Blacklist
- McCarran Act
- Eisenhower Doctrine
- Warsaw Pact
Directions: Please answer the following questions using either phrases or sentences. You may hand write or word process answers.
Refresh your memory questions
For final exam
Chapter 15 The New Deal
1. One of the most significant pieces of New Deal legislation was the Federal Securities Act, which created the SEC. What does the SEC do?
2. Match these New Deal initiatives with the idea that best describes them: Works Progress Administration, Social Security Act, Civilian Conservation Corps… Long term economic boost, create jobs, and care for the environment.
3. Was FDR a liberal or a conservative? Was he a democrat or a republican? Explain.
4.. FDR was a determined, confident leader who preferred to get his way. What did he fail to do to the judicial branch when they disagreed with him? What was the purpose of this attack on the judicial branch?
5.. Why did FDR order farmers to destroy some of their crops? Why did this anger the people living in urban Hoovervilles?
Directions: Please answer the following questions using either phrases or sentences. You may hand write or word process answers.
Refresh your memory questions
For final exam
Ch 16 World War Looms
6. What is appeasement and how does it relate to the early days of World War II?
7. What did Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, and Franco have in common?
8. What was the name of the treaty that ended World War I? Why was it so important that the German people hated the treaty?
9. What country did Britain and France allow Hitler to take because of the policy of appeasement? What country did Hitler attack that finally forced Britain and France to declare war?
10. What did Germany do during the Battle of Britain? What was the Germans’ goal? Why was the outcome so significant?
11. This threatening German military unit was often referred to as ‘wolfpacks’ or ‘Rattlesnakes of the Atlantic’.
12. The people of Poland are still mad at the Germans and another country that invaded Poland during World War II. What is the other country?
13. How did FDR feel about entering the war? What was the Lend-Lease act and how did it work toward FDR’s goals?
Directions: Please answer the following questions using either phrases or sentences. You may hand write or word process answers.
Refresh your memory questions
For final exam
Ch17 The United States in World War 1
14. Women who wanted to join the military could be part of the WAAC. What does WAAC stand for and what was the function of its members?
15. The Russians defeated the Germans at the battle of Stalingrad, which cost many lives, and is part of the reason that more Russians died that any other group in World War II. Why were the Russians unhappy with the other Allies after the battle?
16. Who was the Allied commander in Europe? Who was the US commander in the Pacific.
17. What is inflation (in an economic sense)? Why were the prices of consumer goods inflated during World War II?
18. Why did FDR order the internment of Japanese Americans? Why did Truman use the A-Bomb against Japan?
19. What act of Congress allowed returning veterans to go to college for free?
20. What were the ‘Zoot Suit Riots’ and why were they an example of racial tension in America?
Directions: Please answer the following questions using either phrases or sentences. You may hand write or word process answers.
Refresh your memory questions
For final exam
Ch 18 Cold War Conflicts
21. What is the difference between capitalism and socialism?
22. What is the Truman doctrine? What was Joseph McCarthy’s contribution to the Doctrine?
23. Explain the cause of the Berlin Airlift.
24. Where did Chinese nationalists run to when they lost control of southern and eastern China to the communists / Mao Zedong in 1947?
25. The Soviets joined the UN Security Council, but boycotted the vote in favor of protecting South Korea because the UN had allowed another communist country to join the council. Which country were the Soviets boycotting?
26. What do we call the border between North and South Korea? Who won the Korean war, and how did the outcome effect the location of the border?
27. Explain how Eisenhower responded to the Soviets’ rejection of his “open skies” proposal.
28. How did America respond when the Soviets detonated their first atomic bomb?
29. What was the Eisenhower doctrine? What region of the world was Ike worried about the Soviets attacking?
5w chart from textbook (optional)
504 points for 12 slide power point slide show for each of 14 topics
99 points for 99 vocabulary words
145 pointsfor accurately answering 29 Refresh Your Memory Final Exam Review Questions ( 5 points each)
? pointsfor accurately answering / completed Chapter / Objective Cumulative Quizzes
Power Point Scoring Guide
36 Pts.12 accurate slides/ first slide has objectives stated & name
Slides prove the objective
1 Title(3 Who4 What)1 When1 Where
1 Why1 Interesting/Personal Opinion/Controversy
2 Pictures/Graphs/Clip Art
2 background or letter colors
slide transition or fade
18 Pts6 accurate slides/ first slide has objectives stated & name
Slides don’t fully prove objective
2 Pictures/Graph/Clip Art
1 background or letter color
slide transition or fade
10 PtsEvidence that power point was attempted but not completed
0 PtsNo evidence of power point
Outline Scoring Guide
36 Pts.28 – 36 accurate bulleted outline which proves objective
Points match bullets provided under 28 bullets
0 PtsNo evidence of outline or political cartoon