Kaplan University

HW410 Stress: Critical Issues in Management and Prevention

Stress Management and Prevention Program Resource Guide


Kaplan University

Stress Management and Prevention Program Resource Guide


Mary Derry

Kaplan University

HW410: Stress: Critical Issues in Management and Prevention



Table of Contents

Unit 1 The nature of stress

Information to Remember

Resources: Exercises: Exercises Meditation and bodywork

The website I would like to add for unit one is

Tools: Journal Writing: Journal Writing

Unit 2 the Body as battlefield

Information to Remember

Resources: Exercises: Exercises

Tools: Journal Writing: Journal Writing

Unit 3 feast or faminine

Information to Remember

Resources: Exercises: Exercises

Tools: Journal Writing: Journal Writing

Unit 4 one planet under stress

Information to Remember

Resources: Exercises: Exercises

Tools: Journal Writing

Unit 5 under stress: what now?

Information to Remember

Resources: Exercises

Tools: Journal Writing

Unit 6 ageless wisdom of meditation

Information to Remember

Resources: Exercises

Tools: Journal Writing

Unit 7 sight, sound, and body work

Information to Remember

Resources: Exercises

Tools: Journal Writing

Unit 8 the wellness mandala

Information to Remember

Resources: Exercises

Tools: Journal Writing

Unit 9 applying stress: critical management and prevention to your professional life

Information to Remember

Resources: Exercises

Tools: Journal Writing

Unit 10 applying stress: critical management and prevention to your professional life

Information to Remember

Resources: Exercises

Tools: Journal Writing

Additional Information

(End of the Guide)

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Unit 1: The Way we Pull ourselves down:

Information to Remember:

§ Key learning point from the unit about We pull ourselves down

1. We can be our own worst enemy. We worry about everything or we get angry about the situations that are happening in our lives. Oriental medicine teaches that we lose energy to the five negative emotions and they are anger, sadness, fear, worry, and grief. Having these negative emotions can make us sick. I have decided that it is not worth my energy to have the negative emotion to a situation instead I will get the lesson and when I get the lesson the stress aspect seems to just fall away, then it is all about getting the lesson for my path.

§ Key learning point from the unit about The Nature of Stress

2. Stress can make us sick if we let it. It is a perceived threat by ourselves, Perceived threat is just that perceived it means we are already missing energy to the situation that is upsetting you. When this happens I will go into meditation and ask the body where I have lost energy to this situation, then I will ask what I was supposed to learn from this. Once I have the lesson I ask God for my energy that I lost to the situation and then I get it back and I feel better.

§ Key learning point from the unit about The Nature of Stress

3. Sometimes there is something physical happening in the body that can cause our stress. Not only do negative emotions cause stress, but also trauma to the body can cause stress. I myself had a lot of trauma and because of tissue damage and being twisted inside I had a lot of stress until I began to meditate and talk to God as I began to work on myself physically using bodywork and mentally through meditation I realized my stress levels began to drop now I prefer to ask the body for my lesson and find the solution to the problem.

Website: H. R. Jerajani, Bhagyashri Jaju, M. M. Phiske, and Nitin Lade, (2009), Hematohidrosis a rare clinical phenomena, retrieved from:


Resources: Exercises:

4. List the title (s) of Exercise (s) selected to include in the resource guide <Exercise 1.2 My Health physiology report showed I am truly getting better. >

Tools: Journal Writing:

5. List the title(s) of Journal Writing(s) selected to include in the resource guide <Unit 1 Journal writing assignment exercise 1.1 Are you stressed I don’t believe I am stressed. The things that happen in my life are truly my lessons and I get them everyday by actively seeking and meditating upon the answers. >



Unit 2: The Body as Battlefield. Our Emotions can really hurt us physically:

Information to Remember:

6. Key learning point from the unit about The Body as Battlefield

1. There is a physiology to stress and stress can wind you up inside. If you are having the negative emotion to the things that are happening in your life or around you then you can cause physical harm to the body as the kidneys send out cortisol and cortisone, which has a negative effect on the Hippocampus and will cause the hippocampus to shrink. This can in turn affect your ability to remember certain aspects of your life.

2. Key learning point from the unit about The Body as Battlefield The autonomic nervous system produces the fight or flight response to a situation that is happening in your life through the release of Catecholamines more specifically epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline) at various neural synapses a series of events occur in several organ tissues to prepare the body for rapid physical movement. (Seward B, 2009).

3. Key learning point from the unit about The Body as Battlefield “The sympathetic drive is associated with energy expenditure a process known as catabolic functioning.” As the metabolites are broken down the body will release epinephrine and norepinephrine, which increases the heart rate and prepares the body for running.

Resources: Exercises:

4. List the title (s) of Exercise (s) selected to include in the resource guide <Exercise 2.2 Immediate, intermediate, and prolonged stress are real occurrences about what happens to the body’s physiology during stressful periods>

Tools: Journal Writing:

5. List the title (s)of Journal Writing (s)selected to include in the resource guide <Exercise 2.1 stress physiology review gives insight into, which hormones are released during stressful times of our lives and how they affect us. >



Unit 3: Feast or Famine. Learning to care for your self:

Information to Remember:

1. Key learning point from the unit about Feast or Famine Wayne Dyer states that instead of having worry or guilt you should reframe your mind in order to get the lesson, rather then having the negative emotion and that having the negative emotion is an ineffective coping skill. That one needs to have an acceptance of the past as an important stress management strategy. Energy transference can occur when guilt is used to manipulate others. Dyer also states that worry will cloud your judgment and also cultivates stress. (Seward B, 2009)

2. Key learning point from the unit about Feast or Famine. Leo Buscalgia states that you must first love yourself before you can love others and that is no small feat important, because most people let their past haunt them and everyone feel like they have done it wrong. To truly love yourself you must totally accept the past and realize everyone is doing it right (Seward B, 2009)

3. Key learning point from the unit about Feast or Famine “Arthur Maslow states that self actualized people accept their shortcomings and harbor no guilt, animosity or shame in themselves or others and do not victimize themselves with their less desirable traits, and they work to move beyond them.” (Seward B, 2009).

4. I just wanted to say here that Carol Tarvis also speaks about releasing anger through crying, yelling, laughing, but I feel this is very similar to reassigning a different emotion to the anger and I personally feel this doesn’t work and may only confuse the original issue (Seward B, 2009).

Resources: Exercises:

5. List the title (s) of Exercise (s) selected to include in the resource guide

<Exercise 5.4, anger the fight response and what I learned to do to diffuse angry situations for my children and in public. >

Tools: Journal Writing:

6. List the title (s)of Journal Writing (s)selected to include in the resource guide <Exercise 4.1 The Psychology of your Stress really helped me to see what I used to do when I was young and how much I have grown from that time period. >



Unit 4: One Planet Under Stress. The hardier the person the more able to face stressful times and moves forward:

Information to Remember:

7. Key learning point from the unit about One Planet Under Stress <The hardy personality: is one that seems to buffer against stress. Commitment is being dedicated to ones work and family, which gives the individual a sense of belonging. Like having an investment in one’s values and life’s purpose. Control is the ability to feel in control of your own destiny. Having self control or an empowerment over one’s destiny helps to not feel victimized. Challenge: facing life and seeing problems as opportunities for growth. >

8. Key learning point from the unit about One Planet Under Stress <Having a type A personality with no hostility and being able to focus or recognize the body’s signal to stress and reconstructing or reinterpreting it from negative to neutral to a positive also known as reframing, and compensating in order to turn the situation in a positive rather then claiming victimization. >

9. Key learning point from the unit about One Planet Under Stress <The Survivor personality is being able to take calculated risks and using a bi phasic personality (right brain left brain personality traits, proud yet humble, selfish yet altruistic, rebellious yet cooperative, spiritual yet irreverent and being able to have mental flexibility. >

Resources: Exercises:

10. List the title (s) of Exercise (s) selected to include in the resource guide <exercise 7.6 your meaningful purpose in life, allowed me to see where the path had been taking me in order to get my lessons>

Tools: Journal Writing:

11. List the title (s) of Journal Writing (s) selected to include in the resource guide < 6.3 Stress resistant personality was a great test to help you see how stress resistant you are any score under thirty was stress resistant and I had a 17 on this test, which only helps me know I am on my path headed for a stress free situation. >



Unit 5: Under Stress: What Now? Acceptance of the road to least resistance:

Information to Remember:

12. Key learning point from the unit about Under Stress: What Now? <Acceptance of situations we no longer have control over is paramount in stress management strategy. According to Lao Tzu, who suggested that we move in rhythm with universal energy not against it? Denial and Manipulation are like spinning car wheels in the dirt. >

13. Key learning point from the unit about Under Stress: What Now? <Assertiveness carries with it the recognition of legitimate personal rights to say no and not feel guilty to change your mind about anything to take your time to form a response to a comment or question, to ask for assistance with instructions or directions, to ask for what you want, to experience and express your feelings, to feel positive about yourself under any conditions, to make mistakes without feeling embarrassed or guilty, to own your own opinions and convictions, to protest unfair treatment or criticism, and to be recognized for your significant achievement. >

14. Key learning point from the unit about Under Stress: What Now? <Humor therapy, learn not to take life so seriously, find at lest one humorous thing a day, work to improve your imagination and creativity, start a joke/cartoon of the week and swap with a friend, learn to hyper exaggerate when describing a situation or story, or start a tickler notebook with a collection of humorous things. >

Resources: Exercises:

15. List the title (s) of Exercise (s) selected to include in the resource guide <insert your text>

Tools: Journal Writing:

16. List the title (s) of Journal Writing (s) selected to include in the resource guide <unit 5 journal writing assignment reframing: Seeing a bigger, clearer perspective, Being able to reframe a situation from negative to positive truly will help you not to stress at all. >



Unit 6: Ageless Wisdom of Meditation. I don’t want to change this title it is perfect:

Information to Remember:

17. Key learning point from the unit about Ageless Wisdom of Meditation <Eastern Philosophies direct thoughts inward for harmony and atonement. Like the mind it affects meditation seems to have several layers. Initially meditation has a calming effect on the mind’s basic thought processes. Once this layer has been peeled away, a deeper series of layers is unveiled to reveal insights about the soul, intuition, or enlightenment. >

18. Key learning point from the unit about Ageless Wisdom of Meditation <José Silva added to meditation by taking it a step further to create the Silva mind control method, where meditation is used for great thinking power and memory function. The medical foundation also uses meditation for behavior modification techniques in order to fight off the effects of stress related heart attacks. >

19. Key learning point from the unit about Ageless Wisdom of Meditation <Insightful meditation where by once you have cleared the mind you can open yourself up to expand his or her awareness to the intuition, or deep seated wisdom of the collective unconsciousness, thus giving insight into a person’s life. >

Resources: Exercises:

20. List the title (s) of Exercise (s) selected to include in the resource guide <insert your text>

Tools: Journal Writing:

21. List the title (s) of Journal Writing (s) selected to include in the resource guide <Exercise 20.1 I Have a Vision: The Art of Visualization. I loved this meditation and found it both relaxing and insightful to injury I was still holding onto in the body. >



Unit 7: Body Work is not just nutrition:

Information to Remember:

22. Key learning point from the unit about Sight, Sound and Body Work <According to nutritionist Elizabeth Sommer (1999), a low fat diet stimulates the immune system, where as a high Fat diet increases the risk of illness. Therefore, eating high fat foods may be convenient, but the long-term effects can be detrimental. If your Gallbladder is working properly to break down the fats then you should be able to eat them with out a problem, but everything in moderation. I know this chapter is mostly about nutrition. However, you must work on the body physically in order to be happy healthy whole. >

23. Key learning point from the unit about Sight, Sound and Body Work <You may consider caffeine to be one of your essential food groups, but research reveals that more then 2 eight oz. cups per day contains enough caffeine to trigger the fight or flight response, and caffeine is also found in tea, soda, and chocolate. If you are stressed coffee, tea, and soda are not recommended. >