Notes of a Meeting of the Market Drayton Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group held on Wednesday 8th February 2017

Present: Dr Richard Priestley (Chairman), Bill Bloxsome (Data Orchard), Hamish Armytage (Drayton Messenger), Councillor Roger Hughes, Julie Jones (Town Clerk), Melanie Joyce (Norton-in-Hales PC & Moreton Say PC), Peter Wilson (NP Project Officer), Councillors Paul Wynn, Paul Nash (Adderley PC), Roy Tydeman (Norton-in-Hales & Adderley PC),

Apologies: Cllr Peter Eardley (Norton in Hales PC), Nicola Fisher (Shropshire Council)

1.  Documents were tabled as follows:

-  Market Drayton Neighbourhood Development Plan Reg 15 Draft Plan version .2 February 2017

-  Market Drayton Neighbourhood Plan Changes to Draft Plan following Reg 14 (1)

-  Market Drayton Neighbourhood Plan Schedules of Representations in response to Draft Plan

2.  Notes from meeting 17th January 2017

It was noted that MJ raised the issue of Karen Martin’s email regarding sign off and that she could not agree these notes.

Acknowledging the above, the notes were agreed as a correct record.

3.  PN gave feedback from the 3 Parishes meeting on 26th January 2017 which stated that the 3 Parishes were not prepared to sign up to the MD NHOOD plan. This position was noted. It was agreed that a copy of this statement would be provided to MDTC.

4.  A review of the Schedule of Representations in response to the Draft plan was considered and the following points were noted :

-  As electronic versions had not been circulated, the meeting recessed for all to peruse the draft

-  Various comments were raised (*see below for key comments) and noted by BB, it was also agreed to allow time for further comments to be put forward in writing.

-  BB will produce a mark 2 version of the representations based on comments made

-  The general rule is that representations are not responded to on an individual basis but through the Consultation document which will be available for general viewing by the public on the MDTC website

-  The next step will be for the revised Schedule of Representations to be submitted to the Town Council together with the mark 2 draft NHOOD plan for approval prior to documents moving onto Reg 16 Stage

5.  RH raised the issue of the SC Local Plan revision the submissions for which end in March 2017 and which may identify factors that might impact or conflict with the Neighbourhood Plan. It was agreed that ;

(a)  it would be appropriate to wait some 6 weeks for the outcome of the submissions of the above to be reviewed before the final Draft was signed off.

(b )The subsequent version of the draft NHOOD plan would thus be determined at the next meeting in the light of any relevant implications of (a) above

6.  It was agreed that the date of the next meeting would be confirmed for April 2017.


Key comments raised included the following:

Page 6 C11 para 2.5 – BB to expand on comment

Page 13 re Football Club – “facilities better than”. Also noted that numbers walking to ground has been exaggerated

Page 20 para 3.6 “ improved facilities”

Page 25 re S.M4 expand response

Page 26 para 4.9 More detailed work is required ie phased project

Page 30 S9 & S10 Understates case – amend to read consultation process

Page 31 S13 – as per S9 & S10

Page 34 – Stress that face to face discussions with Canal & Rivers Trust will take place