Decking Installation Instructions
Handling: Massaranduba is shipped as a KD lumber for both interior and exterior use. Store Massaranduba decking in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight. Air dry to local moisture levels prior to installation, whenever possible.
Cutting: Massaranduba is a heavy, dense wood. Use premium carbide tipped saw blades and power tool bits.
End Sealing: After crosscutting, end seal all ends within 24 hours with a clear aqueous wax end sealer. This will prevent end splits after installation. Anchorseal by UC Coatings is an excellent choice.
Fastening:Pre-drill pilot holes close to the actual standard screw or nail diameter to prevent splitting. Trim-head screws require a pilot hole slightly larger than the diameter of the screw head to permit countersinking.
Stainless steel fasteners are highly recommended for their superior corrosion resistance, maximum holding power, and ease of use. We suggest Superdeck Exotic or IpeOil. Galvanized fasteners or screws may cause future discoloration.
Massaranduba Clip deck fasteners—this under-mount clip system is invisible from both the top and bottom of the deck. They will leave your deck looking its most elegant. 5/4 x 6 pre-grooved decking (Massaranduba clip) is now available.
Installation: 1x and 5/4x Massaranduba decking may be installed on 16” o/c joist systems. 5/4x Massaranduba may also be installed on 24” o/c joist systems.
When installing decks with a diagonal pattern, we advise shorter joist spacing.
When installing Massaranduba, a 1/8” gap between deck boards is advisable to allow for air circulation.
Deck boards may shrink as the wood becomes fully seasoned. The average rate of shrinkage is approximately 1/16” on 4” wide boards, and 1/8” on 6” wide boards. In hot or dry conditions, the shrinkage may exceed this amount.
Ventilation: Adequate cross-ventilation is very important. Decks should lie at least 24” above the underlying surface and have open ventilation from three sides.
Finishing: Massaranduba is an extremely dense, oily and alkaline wood; and for that reason, many oil and water and oil-based coatings will react to the wood, with effects ranging from drying and adhesion problems to color changes in the wood. We have found two options that work well:
1)Natural Weathering: Left untreated, Massaranduba weathers naturally to a soft, silver-gray patina that requires no maintenance. Just keep it clean and enjoy the natural beauty.
2)Rich Walnut Finish: To maintain Massaranduba’s rich, natural walnut finish, we recommend applying a penetrating oil finish with a UV protectant following the installation of your deck. UV Plus by Messmers is an excellent product that will keep your wood looking its best. Apply this finish as necessary to maintain the natural color.