Epic Stories Through the Ages

Bengal Tech Academy of Global Studies 2016 - 2017

Kim EngelDylan Johnson

English 9World History I


English 9- the student will present and analyze a dramatic reading and will continue to develop proficiency in making planned oral presentations. Knowledge of literary terms and form will be applied in the student’s own writing and in the analysis of literature. Students will be introduced to significant literary works from a variety of cultures and eras. Increased requirements for research and reporting in all subjects are supported by the use of electronic databases and a standard style sheet method to cite reference sources. Writing will encompass narrative, literary, expository, and technical forms, with particular attention to analysis.

World History I - this course enables students to explore the historical development of people, places and patterns of life from ancient life until 1500 A.D.. Students study the origins of much of our heritage using texts, maps, pictures, stories, diagrams, charts, chronological skills, inquiry research skills, and technology skills.

GRADING: Knowledge & Thinking 50% Oral Communication 15% Written Communication 15% Agency 10% Collaboration 10%

Textbook and Class Resources

-Ancient World History Textbook

-Literature Textbook: Holt McDougal Grade 9

-Selected Novel

-Selected reading will include news articles, poetry, short stories, and historical documents

-ECHO online course system

Reading- all 9th graders are required to take part in SSR (Silent Sustained Reading) for 20 minutes at the start of English class every day.

Supply List

2 inch binder with 8 dividers/Loose leaf paper

Red and black ink pensPencils (mechanical preferred)

Writing journal (1 subject notebook or journal)

**Sticky Notes** Great for annotating!

Several colored highlightersMarkers & colored pencils for in-class projects

Attendance – Attendance and timeliness are essential for the successful completion of this course. Understand that any absence may adversely affect your grade. If an absence is unavoidable, it is the student’s responsibility to coordinate makeup work and/or a makeup session with the instructor. The student is given 3 days upon return to school to complete makeup work for illness related absences and 1 day for a general absence. It is the responsibility of the student to get their makeup work.


Tardiness – Don’t be late!!! All students are expected to arrive on time and be seated when the bell rings. Tardiness consequences are as follows: 2 tardies= parent call; 3 or more= referral issued; 4 or more=1 day of ISS; 6 or more= OSS. Tardies are cumulative per class for each semester.

Late Work - Deadlines are to be met. Barring personal crisis, family emergency, or severe illness (all of which must be made known to the instructor prior to the class meeting), all late papers will be subject to points deducted per day late. The first day late, a deduction of 5 points will be taken. Thereafter, 10 pts. deducted per day. After 5 days late work will no longer be accepted. (Late work will affect your agency grade)

Writing Initiative Test-9th grade students are required to take a writing test to prepare for the 10th grade Writing SOL. This test will be given on August 22.


100-97 = A+76-73=C

96-93 = A72-70=C-




82-80=B-59 & below=F
