Instructor: Mrs. Kenyatta Griffin
Course: English 9
Room: 214
Course Description:
This course is designed to develop student competency in English usage and mechanics, oral and written communication, and reading comprehension. Readings over the course of the year will include novels, short stories, poems, non-fiction texts, essays, speeches, and songs. Students will engage in various critical thinking activities including debates, presentations, creative writing, and analytical writing. This course integrates listening, speaking, reading, writing, and grammar skills. Rudimentary research skills will be introduced and word processing skills taught. This course fulfills the requirement for one unit of 9th grade English for the high school diploma.
This course will be divided into four major units taking place over the course of four nine-week periods. Below you will find the anchor texts that will primarily guide our unit. Woven throughout each unit will be supplemental readings that enhance our reading, writing, and class discussion.
Unit 1: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Unit 2: The Odyssey by Homer
Unit 3: Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
Unit 4:Animal Farm by George Orwell
Our Rules
- Be Respectful (to our class and everyone in it)
- Be Punctual (on time)
- Be Prepared (class materials)
- Be Engaged (attentive/participating)
- Be Responsible (includes no cell phones / headphones)
Our rules are designed to create a classroom where learning is our top priority and where we all feel comfortable expressing our thoughts and ideas. If you make the choice to break one of these rules, you are making the choice to receive the following consequences.
Our Consequences
- Verbal Warning/ Signature in Log
- Conference with Student
- Phone call home
- Parent-Teacher Conference
- Administration Referral
*In the case of severe behavior, students will be given an immediate referral.
What should you bring to class each day?
- Fully charged laptop
- 3” binder with dividers
- Pens/Pencils
- Loose-Leaf paper
Grading Policy
A= 90+
B= 80-89.9
C= 70-79.9
D= 60-69.9
F= 0-59.9
You will be graded based on the following percentages:
60%Summative Assessments: Includes performance based assessments (presentations, tests, quizzes, etc.), projects, writing assignments, all of which directly reflect course standards.
40%In-Class Assignments: Includes content that directly reflects course standards (bellwork, classwork, exit slips, etc.); homework assignments that reinforce daily standards and/or introduce standards.
Entering Class
You should always arrive to class on time and prepared. If you are late to class, you are expected to sign the Tardy Log Book located at the table in the front of the room. Your next step will be to place your homework in the class bin, report to your assigned seat,and get out your bellwork sheet. You should immediately begin working on your Do Now silently and independently. You will have a Do Now every single day related to something we did in class earlier in the week or something we will be working on that day.
Late Work/Missing Assignments
All homework is due in your assigned class bin at the start of class unless otherwise stated. All homework not in the bin is considered late and will not receive full credit.
All late assignments will be given a 20% grade reduction. All assignments received after 2 weeks will be given a 50% grade reduction.
Make-Up Assignments
If you are absent, it is your responsibility to come to me with make-up work. I will not chase you down for assignments. As young adults, you must drive your own success. That means if you were absent on Tuesday, it is your job to come to me on Wednesday to show me your homework from Monday night. It will be recorded as a 0 in the gradebook if this does not happen during the week of your absence.
Check Edmodo for any work you missed. You will have 2 days to make up work after the day of your absence. Any work given after 2 days will follow along with the late work policy.
If you are absent on the day of a major due date, you must have an excused absence in order to receive full credit. If you know you are going to be absent beforehand, e-mail me your assignment before the due date.
Exiting Class
The bells do not dismiss you from class, I do. That means you are not packing up your materials 4 minutes before the bell rings. You will continue to work with urgency until I dismiss you from class. I will hold the class late if necessary.
Schoolwide Policies:
Bathroom Pass
You will be provided 5 bathroom passes over the course of the semester. Your name will be pre-recorded on the passes so you may not “lend” them to other students. If you have not used all 5 passes, you can turn them in at the end of the semester for RREPP tickets.
If you have a medical condition which requires more bathroom breaks, please bring a written excuse from your parent/guardian and doctor.
Cell Phone Policy
No cell phones in class whatsoever unless otherwise instructed by your teacher. This is a school-wide policy. If you fail to adhere to this policy, the following will take places:
- Verbal warning
- Return after period (failure to relinquish phone, taken up by security or administration to return at end of day).
- Turned into main office and returned at end of day.
- Confiscated for three days
- Confiscated for five days
Tardy Policy
Students will sign Tardy Book each day they have an excused pass and are late to class.
1st-5th Tardy Teacher Responses in class.
- Verbal warning
- Impact of grade from missed assignments / instruction
- Loss of classroom privileges
- Phone call home.
6th and Beyond Tardy: Administrative Action
Remind 101
Parents and students should join the Freshman Academy Remind 101 group for important reminders and notifications. Text “@eagles2020” to 81010.
This syllabus will serve us throughout the entire school year. However, changes or alterations might become necessary as the year goes on. If this is the case, I will let you know immediately if any changes take place.
------Please cut and return bottom portion------
We have read, discussed, and understand the 2017-2018 English 9 syllabus. We agree to abide by the guidelines the syllabus has set forth.
Parent Print NameParent Signature Date
Student Print NameStudent Signature Date
Parent E-Mail (please print) Parent Contact Number