From Good to Outstanding Uncut – Rachel Atkin – Lesson 2
Week Beginning: 29th June 2009Reception PlanningFocus: The Great Outdoors
40-60+ Months / KUWNotice differences between features of the local environment / CD
Play cooperatively as part of a group to act out a narrative / PD
Understand exercise, eating, sleeping and hygiene can contribute to good health / CLL
To enjoy an increasing range of books / PSRN
Use own methods to solve a problem / PSED
To have an awareness of the boundaries set and of behavioural expectations
ELG / Observe, find out about and identify features in the place they live and the natural world / Use their imagination in art and design, music, dance, imaginative and role play and stories / Recognise the importance of keeping healthy and those things which contribute to this / Read a range of familiar and common words and simple sentences independently / Use developing mathematical ideas and methods to solve practical problems. / Understand what is right, what is wrong, and why
Assessment Day
Areas / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / FridayWater / Wheels and cups / Jungle Animals in Ice
Sand / Glitter stones and animals / Leaves Insects & Magnifying glasses
Language and Literacy / Reading Guided reading books F (B&G)
Baskets & Whiteboards / Walking Through The Jungle books (F) (G) / Animal masks plates & pens
PSRN Area / Addition game / whiteboards / Adding animals into the ark F (B&G) / Small world animal, W+ pens
Dice, jungle animals, no. pots whiteboards & pens
Creative Table / Self portraits with mirrors / Walking Through The Jungle books (F) (B)
Builders Trays / Moonsand & Rockets / Dinosaurs & grass
Global Development Table / Play dough and cutters / Play dough Jungle Animals & small animals / jungle words
Computers / Education City / Espresso – Jungle animals
Construction area / Remote Insects & tape / R: / R: Acting out Walking Through The Jungle / paper
Train track / C: / C: Jungle Dens, boxes & material
Planning Evaluation
PSED (Monday) / PSRN(Monday) / CLL(Monday) / PSED (Thurs) / PSRN(Thurs) / CLL(Thurs)KUW(Monday) / CD(Monday) / PD(Monday) / KUW(Thurs) / CD(Thurs) / PD(Thurs)
PSED (Tues) / PSRN(Tues) / CLL(Tues) / PSED (Fri) / PSRN(Fri) / CLL(Fri)
KUW(Tues) / CD(Tues) / PD(Tues) / KUW(Fri) / CD(Fri) / PD(Fri)
PSED (Weds) / PSRN(Weds) / CLL(Weds) / Ideas for following week……………………………..
KUW(Weds) / CD(Weds) / PD(Weds)
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