Bringing In The Sheaves
Scene 1 - Grandpa and two children are in a car
Grandpa:Tom, Andy; are you excited about John=s birthday party?
Tom:We sure are!
Andy:There is going to be a real-life missionary at his party!
Grandpa:Really? Who is it?
Tom:John=s uncle is a missionary to something they call Aunreached people groups.@
Grandpa:Wow! That sounds interesting. Where does he serve?
Andy:Right here in the United States. I think he lives in somewhere far away; like in Nashville!
Grandpa:(laughing) - Nashville is pretty far away. I understand there is a large Muslim population in Nashville. Hey, look at that! (Grandpa points to a billboard they are approaching)
Tom:It says there is going to be a Harvest Celebration for Christ. Grandpa, what is that?
Grandpa:Well, that is where people get together to celebrate Jesus and to tell others about Jesus so they can love Him too.
Andy:Wow! That sounds awesome! Can we go?
Grandpa:(Singing) Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves. We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves.
Tom:Grandpa? What are sheaves and why are you singing that song?
Grandpa:Oh, it=s a song we used to sing a few years ago. It talks about the workers going out into the fields at harvest time to bring in the crop. Jesus said that the fields are ripe unto harvest but the workers are few. That means there are so many people who need to hear about Jesus, but there are so few people willing to talk to them about Him.
Andy:We will tell people about Jesus!
Tom:We sure will! I love telling people about Jesus.
Grandpa:That=s great, boys. I am so proud of you both! Well, here we are at John=s house. I will be back for you in a couple of hours. Have fun!
Tom/Andy:We will Grandpa! Thank you!
© 2011 Larry Jones
Released under CCL. You may use this script for ministry purposes, but may not profit from it, nor sell it to others.
Scene 2 - Birthday party at John=s House
Tom:Happy Birthday, John!
John:Thank you, Tom. I=m glad you and Andy were able to come.
Andy:John, guess what? There is going to be a Harvest Celebration for Jesus October 10th through 14th. Will you come?
John:That sounds great! Sure, I=ll be there!
Nick:(Walks up to the boys). Hey guys, what are you talking about?
Tom:We were just telling John there is going to be a Harvest Celebration for Jesus.
Nick:What=s that?
Andy:It is where people from all over the community get together to celebrate Jesus. Grandpa told us we were supposed to invite as many people as we could. Nick, would you come to the celebration with me?
Nick:I don=t know, guys. I don=t go in much for that church stuff.
Tom:Nick, please come with us. We will come pick you up. It is going to be great! Jesus is so AWESOME! He loves you so much and He just wants you to know how much He loves you.
Nick:Well, I guess I could go just one night. But I=m warning you, if this thing is all about all that goody two-shoes stuff, I=m out of there!
Andy:Nick, that=s great! Thank you for coming with us! We=ll pick you up Sunday night!
Nick:Ok. See ya= then!
Scene 3 - At the revival
The three boys are sitting together at the revival
Jeff:(Preaching) Jesus Christ loves you so much. He was born, lived, and was crucified by men who just couldn=t stand His message of God=s love for them.
But that was not the end of Jesus! He arose from the grave on the third day and was seen by those closest to Him and also more than 500 people. I tell you that as surely as I am standing here, Jesus Christ is alive!
But you are wondering what all of this is about. ASo what@ that Jesus died and rose from the grave. What does that mean for me? It means that you can acknowledge Jesus as your Savior right here tonight. That means that you know you have done wrong things and there is no way you can fix them yourself. You need someone to save you or you will have to face God all alone.
If you are here tonight and you have never acknowledged Jesus as your Savior. I am asking you, I am begging you to come up front and talk to one of these people waiting here. They will help you give your life to Jesus so that you may be filled with His joy and you will live forever. Won=t you come and just tell Jesus that you trust Him?
(Everyone begins singing I Surrender All):
All to Jesus I surrender; All to Him I freely give;
I will ever love and trust Him, In His presence daily live.
I surrender all, I surrender all; All to Thee, my blessed Savior, I surrender all.
Nick:(Looking at the other two boys) - Guys, what that man said makes sense to me. I think I have to go down front. I think it is time that I gave my life to Jesus. (He begins walking toward the front)
Thad:Hello, young man! I am so glad you came down tonight. What is your name and how can I help you?
Nick:My name is Nick. What that preacher was saying makes sense to me. I think I need to trust Jesus. Can you help me?
Thad:I will be happy to! Do you know what sin is?
Nick:Yes. It is not doing what God wants me to do.
Thad:That=s right. Are you a sinner?
Nick:Yes. That preacher helped me see that I am a sinner.
Thad:Then you need to ask Jesus to be your Savior. You know, there are no magic words, but I have found a prayer to help me when I talk to people about Jesus. I am going to pray this prayer with you. Would you pray it with me?
Thad:Great. Let=s pray. AFather, I know that I have broken your laws and my sins have separated me from You. I am truly sorry, and now I want to turn away from my sinful life toward You. Please forgive me, and help me. I believe that your son, Jesus Christ died for my sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite Jesus to become the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Please send Your Holy Spirit to help me obey You, and to do Your will for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.@
Nick, is that the way you feel right now? Did you pray that prayer in your heart and really mean that you want Jesus to come into your life?
Nick:Yes, that is the way I feel and I asked Jesus to be the Lord of my life while you were praying.
Thad:That is great, Nick! That means that you are a Christian! I am so happy that you are part of the family now!
Nick:Thank you! And thank you for helping me.
Thad:Nick, it was my pleasure. Someone from one of the churches in our community will come to see you very soon and help you get started in the Christian life.
Nick:That would be great. Thank you.
Sammy:(closing out the service) Thank you for being here tonight everyone. We have had so many people give their life to Jesus. We have truly brought in the sheaves in this harvest celebration! Won=t you bring someone with you tomorrow night that needs to hear about Jesus?
And to all of you out there - won=t you pray for our celebration, and then go, call, write, email, text as many people as you can to join us at our Harvest Celebration for Christ October 10th through October 14th?
God bless you all!
8 speaking parts.
Modern times.
Three scenes
In a car
At a party
At the celebration
A cardboard car
A billboard advertising the Harvest Celebration. Can also have a radio announcer announce it off-stage. Just have puppets alter dialog as appropriate.