Waiting For Christmas = Advent


ot yet, it’s not time yet. Christmas isn’t yet. It may seem like it because Christmas decorations are already up. It may seem like it’s Christmas time because the songs are playing in the department stores and on the radio. And when the weather gets cold and the snow falls it may even look like our memories of Christmas. But it’s not Christmas yet.

Christmas is not determined by culture, it’s determined by the Scriptures. The joy of the angels and the wonder of the shepherds all take place after Christ is born, not before. So Christians wait. That’s what Advent is for—waiting.

To celebrate Christmas without Advent is like skipping the steak and only eating dessert. Dessert is wonderful. I love dessert. But we should enjoy the whole meal. To celebrate Christmas without Advent is like skipping Lent and jumping straight to Easter. It makes no since. Christ can’t be raised before He died any more than the angels can sing Gloria before He’s born.

Since Adam’s fall into sin, the whole world had been waiting for God’s promised Messiah, the Christ. This is why Advent is a penitential season. It is good to reflect on why Jesus had to be born. If we don’t understand our sin and our need for Jesus, his birth is a quick celebration and then we’re on to the next thing. But Christmas must come after the anticipation of Advent, then comes the fruition of celebration.

If you have a hard time waiting for Christmas just think about those saints in Old Testament times. The Hebrews waited for 400 years for deliverance from Egypt. The Israelites waited for 50 years+ to be released from exile. God’s people waited for 400 years without a prophet until John the Baptist. We could all use a little less instant gratification and a little more long suffering. You certainly can practice your trust in God’s ways and timing as you wait to call a pastor. Thank goodness there’s Advent.

Advent literally means coming. We put ourselves in the shoes of those who waited all their lives for the savior. Like them we wait for the LORD’s coming to us by His Word. And like them we wait for the LORD’s coming on the last day. But unlike them we know how the LORD came to the world. We know His name—Jesus because He has saved us from our sins. And we know how the LORD saved us from sin by sacrificing Himself on the cross.

Advent isn’t the most jovial of seasons. It’s not Christmas. It doesn’t include reindeer. But it does have a wreath that helps us count down the weeks until we celebrate Christ’s birth. Advent doesn’t have all happy-clappy Christmas songs. But it does have some beautiful hymns that teach our hearts both penitence and Gospel comfort.

So although you may be tempted to make December all about Christmas, remember, there’s Advent. It helps us prepare for Christmas. Not just by counting down the days. But, it truly helps our hearts and minds to focus on the reason for the season—Christ Jesus. Be sure to hear this anticipatory and celebratory Word on Sundays at 8am and Wednesday evenings at St. Matthew. Blessed Advent

Pastor Manley



From the Manley’s and all who contributed for Amy to go on her Pastor’s Wives Retreat & toward the MEF for Pastor’s students loans.

From the Manley’s for all the kind letters, words, conversations, and support. We will miss you, but we know we will see you again in the resurrection.

Here is Pastor and Amy Manley’s new address: 6267 N. 200th St., Altamont, IL 62411


Rev. Chris LaBoube of St. Matthew, Mapleton will serve the vacancy at St. Paul’s. Pastor LaBoube plans to be in Ute on Fridays. You can contact him at his office: 712-881-2243 or cell: 712-840-1652. You can also call one on the Elders: Bruce Mohr: 712-269-8771; Todd Teut: 712-269-7154; John Thies: 712-882-3379; John Greder: 712-269-8337.


Advent Services are at St. Matthew in Mapleton on December 6, 13, & 20 at 7:00pm with a meal served prior at 5:30 pm. All St. Paul members are invited and encouraged to attend.


We are raising money to buy Christmas presents for children in Leon, Nicaragua. Your donations can be put in the box on the back table. If you have any questions you can talk to Korey Meseck 712-269-8940

Sunday School will begin at 9:00 a.m. with Christmas Eve practice first. All children who plan to be in the Christmas Eve Program must come to practice.


For a fundraiser we are selling CD’s that are from St. Paul’s Music Conservatory in Council Bluffs. Cost $20. You can pick them up from the back table or the church office.


The Sunday School Christmas Eve Program, “From Heaven Above” will be presented Christmas Eve at 7:00 p.m. No Christmas Day Service.


On Monday, December 11 at 6:30 p.m., IDW President Steve Turner and Pastor Merrill will conduct a congregational pre-call meeting. Our congregation is encouraged to attend to answer any questions we might have in regards to our call process.


On December 24th we will have a Call Meeting after the service.

Congregation members are invited to donate poinsettias to beautify the church during the Christmas season. They may be brought in and left on the table in the overflow room. Put your name on a label and attach it to the container. Fill out the sheet with your name and who is being remembered.


Offering envelope boxes for 2018 will be on the back table in alphabetical order by last name. Please take yours when you attend and help in getting them to others.

Thank you to all that donated flowers in 2017. Now we would like to start thinking about altar flowers for 2018. The flowers provided will usually last for the entire month. If you would like to provide flowers for a month in 2018, there is a sheet on the back table.


Please consider your church at the end of the year in your giving. And looking ahead to 2018, along with supporting the gospel in your congregation, please consider supporting the District Missions and our congregational goal of $5,000 toward Zion School in Denison.


‘Thy Strong Word’ is a daily devotion airing at 6:25 a.m. Monday through Saturday on KDSN 107.1FM).

Dec. 4-9 Rev. Rev. Connor (vacancy)

Trinity, Manilla

Dec. 11-16 Rev. Merle Mahnken

Immanuel, Schleswig

Dec. 18-23 Rev. Cavid Loeschen

Bethlehem/Our Savior

Dec. 26-30 Rev. Richard Merrill

St. John, Charter Oak


The newsletter this month is sponsored by Glenn & Carol Ullerich in honor of their 67th wedding anniversary on December 27th.

Please contact the office if you’d like to sponsor the newsletter. The cost is $37.


We are listing Baptismal birthdays to remember and celebrate the day we were adopted into the family of God through the washing of the Holy Spirit. Those having Baptismal birthdays in December are:

Jamison Thies , Kendyl Purcell 1

Gloria Barnett 10

Barb Lorenzen , Johannes Bumsted 13

Mark Teut 17

Nathan Vogt 19

Wyatt Teut 21

Suelinn Nelson, Caden Kuhlmann 23

Marilyn Neddermeyer, Holly Thies 25

Keenan Riddle 26

Nicole Norotsky 30

Lois Pottorff 31


Maple Heights will be celebrating their 50th Birthday in 2018. They are making a cookbook and are asking for your favorite family recipes. Make sure your name or in memory of, is on the recipes.

You may drop them off at the Maple Heights front deck, give them to Jo Thies or put them in the “orange” box on the table in back of the church.

Submit before the end of the year.


As we head into the winter months, realize that snow and cold awaits us. At times, services may be held in less than ideal conditions. We encourage those with special concerns for dangerous conditions to use suitable caution. Reasonable effort will be made to have sidewalks clear, and ice melt placed where needed. Be cautious of the north parking lot, especially on mornings after a thaw and refreezing. We understand that for some it may be wiser to listen to services at home and not take chances. Please call the church office and ask if you have any questions about weather concerns or interest in listening at home.

If the weather is so severe that services are cancelled, it will be announced on KDSN radio: 107.1 FM and 1530 AM, hopefully by 7:30. Services will be held if some can attend safely.