Islay Health Services Review Implementation Group
Terms of Reference
Aim: To Implement the new Islay service modelPurpose:To put in place a sustainable, high quality and affordable in and out of hours health service for the Isle of Islay population
Implementation and governance
- To direct the implementation of the new model.
- To take forward the recommendations and views of the Islay Review Steering Group and other stakeholders.
- To provide corporate governance to the implementation process.
- To conclude the implementation process by December 2014
- To be accountable to and report to the MAKI Locality Management Team regarding progress, governance and accountability, and formally report to the CHP Core Team.
- To receive reports from members who are unable to attend
- To receive reports from the various groups progressing the implementation of the model:
- Staff and Community Communications and Engagement
- New model testing, audit and evaluation
- Ensure standards, policies and frameworks guide the work and are met eg NHSH Quality Strategy Framework.
- To ensure the new model is sustainable, both in and out of hours.
- To ensure the new model is implemented within the existing budget.
- To conclude GP contract and partnership negotiations by end March 2014.
- To appoint a joint manager for health and social care services for Islay and Jura by March 2014
- To develop and implement and integrated nursing workforce which will ensure patient needs are met across the care settings by October 2014
- To develop and implement an on going competency based education programme across the multidisciplinary team to ensure staff have the skills and confidence to provide a high quality and safe service across the care settings
- To develop and implement a medical education programme which will assist recruitment and skills maintenance across the community hospital, A&E and OOHs care settings
- To ensure service monitoring and evaluation processes are in place, checking performance and achievement of the required standards for GMS OOH response times, admission, transfer and discharge requirements, Casualty waiting times, etc.
- To ensure that service users, carers, community and other stakeholders are communicated with, engaged and involved in the implementation process.
- To develop an Islay and Jura service directory
- Not to manage current day to day operational issues.
Roles will be to:
- Consider how to implement the new service according to the principles, aims and recommended model.
- To constructively problem solve, highlight issues and seek solutions.
- Gather and bring the views of members, stakeholder groups, service users, carers and the local community to the Implementation Group
- Clearly represent those views and ensure they are clearly presented and taken account of.
- Take information about implementationback to those being represented, other stakeholders, service users, carers and the local community
- Ensure purposeful dialogue between members, stakeholder groups, service users, carers and the local community and the Implementation Group
- To familiarise yourself with the background to the Islay Health Services Review and all information relating to the group as it continues its work.
- To attend meetings relating to the work of Implementation Group.
- To provide accurate feedback to your stakeholders or local community
- To gather the views of your stakeholders, local community and represent them at working group meetings.
- As a full member of the Implementation Group to work in partnership with the other members of the group to enable decisions to be made
- Consider all views, both the majority and minority views.
- Provide an evidence base wherever possible.
- The aim is to be open and transparent wherever possible
- However for sensitive issues or where information or people’s views need to be checked or gathered prior to being made public the rules of confidentiality need to be abided by.
- It is recognised that this can be difficult if acting as a representative and judgement is needed regarding when information can or cannot be shared.
- Agree at the end of meetings what items are confidential, otherwise the content of the meeting can be discussed.
- Have an interest in the specific topic of the Islay Review Implementation Group.
- Understand the issues which the Implementation Group raises for your local community.
- Be able to express the views of service users, carers and the community
- Ensure that all views are represented, both the majority and minority views
- I&JPPF (Islay & Jura Public Partnership Forum) will support and facilitate representatives as necessary to enable them to fulfil the above roles and responsibilities.
- Wherever possible, concerns or difficulties should also be expressed to the Chair of your sub group.
- I&JPPF will endeavour to match inexperienced public representatives with experienced Community Members.
- I&JPPF will arrange any training or additional support required by Community Members to enable them to fulfil their roles.
Role of the Community Health Partnership:
- The CHP has governance (clinical, financial and safety) and budgetary responsibility to ensure provision of a National Health Service to the population of Argyll & Bute including health promotion and ill health prevention as well as treatment.
- The CHP is responsible for monitoring service performance against national and NHS Board standards and targets
- The CHP is responsible for ensuring the delivery of high quality services which are accessible, sustainable, and efficient and deliver value for money and will undertake reviews and redesign of service to maintain and improve services.
- The CHP is required to ensure meaningful public engagement and involvement in the provision and/or review of service and will put in place processes and systems accordingly.
Designation / Name
Co Chair / Community Member to be identified through advert and interview process
Co Chair / Christina West
Clinical lead / Dr Kate Pickering
Clinical Services Manager / Alison Guest
Social Work Team Leader / Lloyd Wells
Senior Charge Nurse / Dawn Bingham / Gill Hearle
Community Nursing Team Leader / Anne Tait
AHP Representative / tbc
Assistant Locality Manager / Moira Gillies
HR Manager / Angela Dewsnap/Gaye Boyd
Community Representatives / Pat Farrington
Ann Pilley
SAS representative / Joe Hughes
In Attendance
Scottish Health Council / Alison McCrossan
Argyll & Bute Councillors / Robin Currie & Anne Horn
In Attendance as required
Communications Manager / David Ritchie
Primary Care Manager / Joyce Robinson
Staff Side Union Representative / Dawn Gillies – UNISON
Planning & Public Involvement Manager / Caroline Cecil
eHealth Manager / James Brass
Frequency of meetings:6 weekly
To receive minutes:
Minutes to be with the Chair for amendments/approval within 1 week of the meeting and distributed within 2 weeks.
Minimum of 5 group members, with at least 1 health rep and 1 public rep
Review Date
Schedule of Future Meetings (meetings will be 6 weekly where possible)
e-Links to Useful Information & Resources
Link to Islay Health Services Review Steering Group papers:
Islay Review Implementation Group Terms of Reference V3 201113