Standard Tender Document PW3
Invitation for Tenders (IFT)
Bangladesh Water Development Board
Telephone No: 0941-61842-(Off) Office of the Executive Engineer
B Kishoreganj WD Division, BWDB,
Fax: 0941-61842
1 / Ministry/Division / Ministry of Water Resources2 / Agency / Bangladesh Water Development Board.
3 / Procuring Entity Name / Executive Engineer, Kishoreganj WD Division, BWDB, Kishoreganj
4 / Procuring Entity Code / Not used at present.
5 / Procuring Entity District / Kishoreganj
6 / Invitation for / As Sl. No. 25 below /Works
7 / Invitation Ref No / Memo No. WDB/Kishore/T-1/120
8 / Date / 20/02/2012
9 / Procurement Method / OTM (Open Tendering Method)
10 / Budget and Source of Funds / GOB Development Budget
11 / Development Partners / World Bank/ IDA and Government of the Netherlands (IDA Cr.4359-BD)
12 / Project/Programme Code / Not applicable.
13 / Project/ Programme Name / Water Management Improvement Project
15 / Tender Package Name / As per Sl.25
16 / Tender Publication Date / 23/02/2012 (Also visit BWDB’s Website at
17 / Tender Last Selling Date / 15/03/2012
18 / Tender Closing Date and Time / Upto 12.00 Hrs. on 18/03/2012
19 / Tender Opening Date and Time / 18/03/2012 at 13.00 Hrs.
20 / Name & Address of the office(s) / Address (s)
Selling Tender Document (Principal) / a) Rupali Bank Ltd., Kishoreganj Branch, Kishoreganj
Selling Tender Document (Othersl) / a) Rupali Bank, Thana Ghat Branch, Mymenshingh
b) Janata Bank Ltd., Dilkusha Corporate Branch, 29, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka
Receiving Tender Document / Office of the Executive Engineer, Kishoreganj WD Division, BWDB, Kishoregonj
Opening Tender Document / Office of the Executive Engineer, Kishoreganj WD Division, BWDB, Kishoreganj
21 / Place/Date/Time of Pre-Tender Meeting / Office of the Superintending Engineer, Mymensigh O&M Circle, BWDB, Mymensingh on 11/03/2012 at 11.00 hrs. to be presided by SE, Mymensingh O&M Circle, BWDB, Mymensingh.
Tenderers are highly encouraged to participate in this meeting; tender related detail information will be discussed among potential Tenderers in the meeting.
22 / Eligibility of Tenderer / All firm except a firm that is from Israel and any other firm (tenderer) that has been determined to be ineligible by the World Bank and or BWDB for World Bank financed works.
23 / Brief Description of Works / Earth work in re-excavation of channel, leveling, dressing, clod breaking, bailing out water, brick block manufacturing and placing, R.C.C work & Earth work in re-sectioning of embankment, leveling, dressing, clod breaking, find dressing and close turfing , CC block manufacturing and placing, manufacturing and supplying M.S vertical lift gate, wheel type lifting device etc
24 / Brief Description of Related Services / Not applicable
25 / Package List
Sl. No. / Package No. / Location / Identification of Packages / Price of
(Tk) / Tender
(Tk) / Completion
Time in
1 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
01 / BWDB: WMIP/
KISHORe/W-1 / Upazilla Katiadi in District Kishoregonj / Re-excavation of 4.100 km Adampur Khal including repair of Adampur regulator in Adampur Sub-project in Upazilla Katiadi, District Kishoregonj under Water Management Improvement Project (WMIP) during 2011- 2012. / 1500/
(One thousand and five hundred ) / 2,10,000
(Two lakh ten thousand ) only / 120 days
02 / BWDB: WMIP/
KISHORe/W-2 / UpazillaKishoregonj sadar, Tarail and Karimgonj District Kishoregonj / Re-excavation of 8.785 km Gazaria khal and Gabba khal including repair of Gazaria khal regulator of Gazaria beel Sub-project in connection with Water Management Improvement Project (WMIP) during 2011- 2012. / 1500/
(One thousand and five hundred ) / 2,20,000.00
(Two lakh twenty thousand ) only / 120 days
03 / BWDB: WMIP/
KISHORe/W-3 / Upazilla Pakundia and Hossainpur, District Kishoregonj / Resectioning of Embankment from km 0.000 to km 8.800 including repair of 2 Nos. Water Control Structures of Charfaradi Jungalia Sub-project in Upazilla Pakundia and Hossainpur District Kishoregonj under Water Management Improvement Project (WMIP) during 2011- 2012. / 1500/
(One thousand and five hundred ) / 700,000.00
(Seven) lac only / 180 days
26 / Name of Official Inviting Tender / Khushi Mohan Sarker
27 / Designation of Official Inviting Tender / Executive Engineer
28 / Address of Official Inviting Tender / Kishoreganj WD Division, BWDB, Kishoreganj
29 / Contact Details of Official Inviting Tender / Tel. -0941-61842 (office)
Fax -0941-61842
30 / Special Instruction / 1. Tender Modification: As per memo No: CPC of BWDB-51/04, dated- 06/07/2010
a) Modification of tender must be submitted before the tender submission dead line with written notice to the procuring Entity duly signed by the tenderer or his authorized representative with Notarized letter in respect of authorization.
b) The rates of the items which tenderer intend to modify, must fill up the rates and amount afresh of those items in section-6 of BOQ duly filled in by types or written in indelible ink and submit in a sealed envelope marking “Modification”. Modification in respect of rate/value of one or all the items in % above/below will not be accepted.
c) For Modification of tender, cutting/cleansing/rubbing/ over writing will not be accepted.
2. The Procuring entity reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever.
3. Notice of Award (NOA) will be issued subject to the clearance from the Directorate of Environment (DOE).
(Khushi Mohan Sarker)
Executive Engineer
Kishoregonj WD Division Date :
Standard Tender Document PW3