9th, 10th, and 11th Hi-Tech Fairy Tales 5 class time hours

Select a children’s fairy tale to key in using MS Word.

Strategically include a minimum of ten technological changes that have impacted modern society.

Do not change the plot of the story.

Incorporate the narrative aspect; become a character in the tale.

150-200 words (entire project on one sheet of paper)

Include a copy of the original fairy tale.


One day, the big bad wolf came and knocked on my door and said, “Little pig, little pig, let me come in.” And I answered, “No, no, I won’t let you come in. Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin.” So I took out my Smartphone and sent a text to my mom, which read, “HELP!” But I was too late! The wolf huffed, and puffed, and blew my house down. I ran for safety to my brother’s house. We popped some popcorn in the microwave and were watching the big screen TV and playing games on my tablet, when the wolf appeared again. I could hear him say, ““Little pig, little pig, let me come in.”

Grading Rubric

A (90-100) / B (80-89) / C (70-79) / D (60-69) / F (0-59)
Correlation to fairly tale is accurate. / Stays to basics of the original fairy tale plot. / Mostly on target with the original fairy tale plot. / Some Variation of original fairy tale plot. / Significant variation from the fairy tale plot. / Story has no correlation to the original fairy tale plot.
Presentation & Neatness / Margins and font are correct; no more than 1 hyphenated word at the end of only one sentence per paragraph; and presentation is over-all neatly presented.. / Some deviation on margins or font; hyphenation incorrect; and not quite as neat as it should be. / Margins or fonts are incorrect; hyphenation incorrect; messy. / Margins, font, and hyphenation incorrect; very messy. / Messy or did not follow directions
Correctness / No spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors. / 1 spelling, grammatical, or punctuation error / 2-3 spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors / 4-5 spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors / 5+ spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors
Timeliness / Submitted on or before due date / N/A / N/A / One day late / More than one day late
Technology/ Creativity / Appropriately and correctly Integrates 10 examples of modern technology / Appropriately integrates 8-9 examples of modern technology. / Appropriately integrates 7 examples of modern technology. / Appropriately integrates 6 examples of modern technology. / Integrates no modern technology.


Submission requirements: