St Peter and St Paul’s Church, Aylesford
St Peter andSt Paul’ Church
Aylesford / PARISH NOTES
Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity
8th October 2017 / Our Vision
Sharing God’s love for all
Worshipping, Serving, Growing
If you have young children with you, they are very welcome to stay in the pew during the service or go to the Children’s Corner at the back of the church.
8am & 10am Holy Communion. Theme: Living by the values of the Kingdom. Readings for this week: Exodus 20:1-4, 7-9, 12-20 (OT p76) & Matthew 21:33-end (NT p31) 7pm Home Group at The Vicarage.
Heavenly Father, we thank you that through Jesus you promise each of us a place in your heavenly kingdom. Keep us faithful to our calling to live by the values of your kingdom in our lives today. Amen.
The Week Ahead
Tuesday 10th: 2pm Friendship Group. 8pm-9.15pm Bell ringing practice.
Wednesday 11th: 10am Holy Communion.3pm Songs of Praise Duchess of Kent Court. 4pm Communion Dennis Cadman House.
Thursday 12th: Choir practice: Juniors: 7:15pm – 8:00pm. Full Choir: 7:45pm – 9:15pm.
Sunday 15th: Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity. 8 am Holy Communion. 10am Community Songs of Praise. Theme: Celebrating Community. Readings for next week: Colossians 3:12-17 & John 15:1-17.
Parish Notes are now available to download on the Church website. They can be found on the "main home page" and the "events page":
Vicar: Rev. Jonathan Hall 01622 717434
Church office: Anita Keays Tuesdays and Thursdays 9am to 2pm
01622 719366
Churchwardens: Brenda Sladen 01622 882395
Robert Halliday 01622 717426
Pastoral Assistant: Janet Holdstock 01622 710083
Parish Evangelist: Jenny Relf 01622 710963
Parish Website:
Quiet Area for Prayer and Prayer Book - You are welcome to use the chapel on Sundays or during the week for prayer, and a Prayer book is available, in which you can write any prayer requests. These will be prayed through at the Wednesday morning service.
The Key to the Church - This is kept at the Village Shop. You are welcome to borrow it if you want to go into the church outside service times.
Aylesford Church Prayerline
If you have a special request for a prayer to be said at the 10am service on Sunday please telephone Richard on 01622 792855 at any time during the week.
Homeless Centre: Donations of food
Please see below a list of goods that the Homeless Centre has requested us to donate: Tinned Fruits, Tinned Vegetables (Carrots/Peas), Long Life Milk, Custard, Rice Pudding, Hot Chocolate, Individual Drinks, Tinned Mince Beef/Stewing Steak, Meat Pies/Ready Meals, Pasta/Curry Sauces, Marmite, Vegetable Oil, Coffee, Sugar & Crisps. All donations are greatly appreciated.
New Church Calendar 2018 These are available from the back of church £5 each proceeds to church funds.
Nurturing Our Faith
As part of this programme a teaching/ discussion morning is organised on Saturday 14th October entitled ‘Looking Beyond our Everyday’. The second of the two study days, ‘Story-telling like Jesus’ will be held on Saturday Nov 4th 2017. Please note the format and/or location of these sessions are changed from the original programme. Details are below.
Responding in Love and Service
Notes from Janet
Discussion Group – meet October 18th
Pensioner’s Fair at Snodland school Friday 27th 0ctober 10am. Janet will host a church table. I need info’ please for the public…. Bell ringing, Messy church, hand bells, Friends of our church etc…
Food allergens – A reminder that when baking for the public (includes church) ingredients with the food should be shown please.
First Aid Boxes – at present I check them. Much to my irritation plasters etc have expiry dates on them. So wasteful. I will be checking Brassey and church boxes soon and will put out of date plasters etc for you to use at home if you wish. Have any of you ever asked if a plaster is out of date!!!!?
Supporting ‘The Friends of Aylesford Church’ Murder Mystery Dinner ‘Death in Darjeeling’
A Charity Presentation by New Allington Players Saturday 28th October 7pm at Capel Morris Centre, RBL Village, Hall Road, Aylesford. Tickets: ‘Friends of Aylesford Church’ £20 & other adults £25. Includes 3 course Indian Meal. Optional dress- 1940’s India. Booking Essential on 01634 681798 (Peter) or 01622 719589 (Anita).
Almshouses in Aylesford
There will be vacancy for the post of Clerk to the Trustees starting in January 2018. There are 14 residents living in a listed building in Rochester Road. The vicar and the two church wardens are ex- officio trustees along with five other members of the board. The post would be suitable for someone in early retirement who lives in the village or nearby, and attracts a small honorarium. Please contact Gordon Sladen, if you are interested, for more details – 01622 882395 or
Church Lift Scheme Quite a number of people who come to church can only do so because they get a lift. This is a blessing to them, and to all of us in the congregation; we are grateful to those who provide the lifts and glad to see those who otherwise wouldn’t be with us. We know of some people, and there may be more than we know, who would like to come to church but cannot get here, and don’t have the contacts or the confidence to ask. We would like to help them too. We would like to match up people needing lifts with people prepared to offer a lift. So, if you drive to church and have a spare seat in your car, would you please let us know if you would be prepared to be contacted and be put in touch with someone who would like a lift. And / or, perhaps you could offer a lift to social or other special events? Some people shy away from entering a commitment like this, knowing there will be times when they would not be able to come, sometimes at short notice, and they worry about “letting people down”. I suggest this might be an exaggerated concern. Firstly, I feel most people would think it is better to be able to get to church for most of the time, even if -occasionally - the arrangement falls through. Secondly, it seems to work very well with those who are already getting lifts, and in practice these problems can be overcome.
If you are interested in offering a lift, please let me (or Janet Holdstock or Jonathan) know. We would obviously need to establish a few details (such as where you live and which service you attend). You can be assured that nothing further would happen and no contacts or arrangements would be made without your agreement. Gordon Hunt.
Church is now on Facebook!So how can you find us? If you already have a Facebook account, head to our Community page: St. Peter & St. Paul's Church, Aylesford or search for Aylesford Church Facebook.
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