Student Name: / Click here to enter text. / Field Educator Name: / Click here to enter text. /
Agency Name: / Click here to enter text. / Social Work Field Educator (External)(if applicable) / Click here to enter text. /
Semester: / Click here to enter text. / Date: / Click here to enter a date. /
Unit Code: / Click here to enter text. / Placement hrs. to complete: / Click here to enter text. /
Professional Learning
TheMy Professional Learning Toolforms the ‘road map’ towards developing your professional identity as a Social Worker. In simple terms, it should guide you in developing a strong understanding of yourself, because “before you can understand others, you need to have a strong sense and understanding of yourself”.In getting to know yourself you are encouraged to consider:
- What do I already contribute to social work practice? (i.e. Self-assessment of experiences/knowledge/skills)
- What areas of practice/skills/knowledge do I want to further develop? (i.e. Learning goals)
- How can I develop these areas of practice/skills/knowledge? (i.e. Learning activities and actions)
- Who can support me in these activities, and when do I expect them to be completed by? (i.e. Resources and People supporting you and Timeframes)
- How will I know I am ‘safe’ to practice, as an ethical and quality Social Worker? (i.e. Evidence of your Learning and Understanding of the AASW Practice Standards and Code of Ethics)
My Professional Learning Toolis designed to not only guide all your learning on placement, but also to capture the evidence of your development towards becoming a professional Social Worker. This is your personal document, so it needs to be unique to you and your context:
- Use language that is simple, practical and most importantly,makes sense to you;
- Identify learning goals that are meaningful to you;
- Identify learning goals that are relevant to your placement context; and
- Identify what you have learnt to date in your degree that you would like to apply or build on in a ‘real life work context’.
Placement is a transformational learning experience where you will discover new aspects of yourself. Many studentsexperience significant personal growth and find they aredifferentpeople by the end of the placement. My Professional Learning Toolis designed to capture and document this amazing journey of self-discovery and growth.
The following process is suggested as a guide around how you may document your Professional Learning throughout Placement:
3-5 Overall Learning Goals for Placement
Practice Standard 1: Values and Ethics
I aim to demonstrate that the values of social work are integral to my practice and that I uphold the ethical responsibilities and act appropriately when faced with ethical problems, issues and dilemmas.
YOUR LEARNING ACTIVITIES1.1 Practice in Accordance with the Code of Ethics
/ What tasks and opportunities will facilitate or support my learning in this area?To assist with developing your learning goals, think about your placement context, level of experiences/knowledge/skills and then ask yourself, can I:
- Demonstrate understanding of a social justice and human rights framework to be able to practice from a social justice and human rights framework?
- Demonstrate understanding of empowerment in practice and demonstrate ability to facilitate people’s empowerment?
- Identify social systems and structures that preserve inequalities and injustices within my practice context?
- Critically reflect on policies and practices that are oppressive and demonstrate understanding of potential strategies that would address these oppressive policies and practices?
- Demonstrate good knowledge and uphold ethical responsibilities relevant to others, the social work profession and in the workplace?
1.2 Managing ethical dilemmas and issues arising in practice
/ What tasks and opportunities will facilitate or support my learning in this area?To assist with developing your learning goals, think about your placement context, level of experiences/knowledge/skills and then ask yourself, can I:
- Identify and critically reflect on ethical dilemmas, drawing on the AASW and organisation’s code of ethics?
- Raise ethical issues/dilemmas with relevant parties and actively participate in achieving a solution?
- Consult my field educator and/or relevant manager when faced with an ethical dilemma or issue?
- Report to my field educator or an appropriate person if I have identified being in a position which contravenes ethical principles outlined in the AASW and Organisation’s code of ethics?
- Demonstrate critical reflection when examining personal and professional ethics and values that influence my and others’ practice?
Notes: Recording your daily learnings here and how they relate to this practice standard
Practice Standard 2: Professionalism
I aim to demonstrate active promotion and support of the social work profession, act with integrity and ensure accountability.
YOUR LEARNING ACTIVITIES2.1 Represent the social work profession with integrity and professionalism
/ What tasks and opportunities will facilitate or support my learning in this area?To assist with developing your learning goals, think about your placement context, level of experiences/knowledge/skills and then ask yourself, can I:
- Demonstrate and articulate understanding of the role and value of social work in the community?
- Articulate the values, processes and outcomes of social work and how they are applied to different practice contexts?
- Demonstrate language and behaviour consistent with social work values, responsibilities and objectives in my role as a student practitioner?
2.2 Behave in a professional manner and be accountable for all actions and decisions
/ What tasks and opportunities will facilitate or support my learning in this area?To assist with developing your learning goals, think about your placement context, level of experiences/knowledge/skills and then ask yourself, can I:
- Advise clients of feedback/complaint processes/mechanisms?
- Demonstrate ability to maintain appropriate professional/personal boundaries, which includes discussing these with my field educators?
- Identify and declare conflict of interest when they arise or are likely to arise?
- Maintain confidentiality and understand the legal limits to confidentiality within the context of my placement agency and more broadly?
- Recognise when personal factors or issues impact on my professional practice and seek support in relation to this?
- Justify all decisions, recommendations and actions?
- Recognisethe limits to knowledge, skills and practice competenceas they arise?
- Seek support and information or refer to field educator or other workers when my professional capabilities are exceeded?
Notes: Recording your daily learnings here and how they relate to this practice standard
Practice Standard 3: Culturally Responsive and Inclusive Practice
I aim to demonstrate adequate understanding and knowledge of cultural diversity in order to work in a culturally responsive and inclusive way.
3.1 Work respectfully and inclusively with cultural difference and diversity
/ What tasks and opportunities will facilitate or support my learning in this area?To assist with developing your learning goals, think about your placement context, level of experiences/knowledge/skills and then ask yourself, can I:
- Demonstrate knowledge and openness to knowledge and understanding of diversity between and within different cultures including ethnicity, disability, economic status, age, sexuality, gender and transgender, faiths and beliefs?
- Demonstrate language and behaviour that is respectful to all culturally diverse groups?
- Demonstrate understanding of the complexity of cultural identities and how this impacts on practice?
- Creatively adaptmy practice to work effectively and inclusively with people who have different and diverse cultural identities, values, affiliations, beliefs and customs?
- Engage in continuing professional development, supervision/cultural supervision and critical reflection; consult with relevant community members and professionals; and engage in collaborative learning and research to enhance knowledge and practice in working with culturally diverse groups?
- Critically reflect on own personal values, cultures and beliefs and how these impact on interactions with people, community members and colleagues and in working with organisational policies and practices; and seek supervision or consultation as appropriate?
- Identify discriminatory and oppressive practice and policies with respect to culturally diverse people, and/or develop strategies to respond to these practices/policies whereappropriate and where possible, including reflection and discussions with my field educator?
3.2 Respect, strive to understand and promote the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their cultures
/ What tasks and opportunities will facilitate or support my learning in this area?To assist with developing your learning goals, think about your placement context, level of experiences/knowledge/skills and then ask yourself, can I:
- Demonstrate knowledge and/or behaviour that acknowledge the strengths, capacities and contributions that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples make to society?
- Demonstrate knowledge of the diversity among, and differences between, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures throughout Australia?
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, protocols and practices in a local context?
- Engage in continuing professional developmentaroundmy understanding to work safely and effectively with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples?
Notes: Recording your daily learnings here and how they relate to this practice standard
Practice Standard 4: Knowledge for Practice
I aim to demonstrate that I have and will obtain the required knowledge for effective practice.
4.1 Understands higher level systemic influences on people with respect to area of practice
/ What tasks and opportunities will facilitate or support my learning in this area?To assist with developing your learning goals, think about your placement context, level of experiences/knowledge/skills and then ask yourself, can I:
- Demonstrate understanding of social work practice on the broader systemic level in relation to my practice context?
- Demonstrate knowledge of referral pathways within the agency – both internal and external?
- Critically analyse the structure of society with respect to power and disadvantage including the influence of gender, age, ability, sexuality, ethnicity and economic disadvantage and demonstrating this through my discussions and actions?
- Demonstrate awareness of social, political, legal, cultural and organisational contexts and systems and how they impact on people?
- Demonstrate understanding and awareness of policy, including organisational policy, relevant to the practice context and how this impacts on people?
- Demonstrate understanding and awareness of changes in society, demography and culture and how this impacts on the social work profession and people within my placement context and more broadly?
- Demonstrate understanding of relevant legislation governing practice and the legal frameworks which inform and mandate the practice context I am working in?
- Critically analyse policies, systems and structures that contravene social work values and do not prioritise the interests of people, groups, communities and wider society, and discuss these with my field educator to identify the challenges and mechanisms of influencing policy change?
- Identify policies that will promote and prioritise the values of social justice and human rights within the agency context?
4.2 Understand and articulates social work and other relevant theories and concepts
/ What tasks and opportunities will facilitate or support my learning in this area?To assist with developing your learning goals, think about your placement context, level of experiences/knowledge/skills and then ask yourself, can I:
- Demonstrate a critical understanding of social work specific theories relevant to the placement context?
- Draw on and articulate relevant knowledge from other relevant disciplines to be able to best meet the needs of the placement ‘client’ group (e.g. psychological theory, anthropology, law etc.)?
- Demonstrate understanding of theories of systems, human behaviour and development, personality development and life cycle stages?
4.3 Understandsthe roles of research and evaluation in obtaining and generating new knowledge for practice / What tasks and opportunities will facilitate or support my learning in this area?
To assist with developing your learning goals, think about your placement context, level of experiences/knowledge/skills and then ask yourself, can I:
- Proactively seek out new knowledge relevant to my placement context?
- Seek the feedback of service users in relation to my involvement?
- Demonstrate understanding of research methodologies that may apply to the placement context?
- Identify, critically analyse and discuss limitations to research and findings being applied in the practice context?
- Distinguish and evaluate various sources of knowledge, including practice evidence; practice experience; personal and community knowledge and experience; research evidence; organisational and policy knowledge; and legal and ethical knowledge to help inform practice and decision making?
- If relevant to placement context, demonstrate ability in presenting research in a professional manner? (e.g. seminars, placement workshops, group supervision, journal club etc.)
4.4 Understand and articulate how and when theories, knowledge bases and knowledge sources inform practice. / What tasks and opportunities will facilitate or support my learning in this area?
To assist with developing your learning goals, think about your placement context, level of experiences/knowledge/skills and then ask yourself, can I:
- Develop my emerging practice framework that articulates my core personal and professional values, key theories, sources of knowledge, skills and methods of practice I draw on?
- Appropriately and critically identify and discussmy practice approach and the theoretical/ conceptual underpinnings that inform my practice approach?
- Identify, describe, analyse and apply current research evidence, methodology and approaches to my placement context?
- Demonstrate understanding of the principles, framework and relevant legislation of the placement context’s area of practice? (organisational context framework)
Notes: Recording your daily learnings here and how they relate to this practice standard
Practice Standard 5: Applying Knowledge to Practice
I aim to demonstrate effective social work skills as required to implement knowledge into practice.
5.1 Conduct an assessment and analysis of needs to inform the service being offered
/What tasks and opportunities will facilitate or support my learning in this area?
To assist with developing your learning goals, think about your placement context, level of experiences/knowledge/skills and then ask yourself, can I:- Undertake an effective and holistic assessment by gathering relevant information appropriate to the person/organisation and practice context? (note this can include assessments of clients/situations you are shadowing or observing)
- Assess the nature and level of risk to people, if any, and effectively identify these as part of the overall assessment?
- Identify relevant theories, research and knowledge that inform and support my assessment?
5.2 Work collaboratively with relevant people
/What tasks and opportunities will facilitate or support my learning in this area?
To assist with developing your learning goals, think about your placement context, level of experiences/knowledge/skills and then ask yourself, can I:- Facilitate people to identify their own needs in a respectful and safe way?
- Demonstrate support around people’s decision-making regarding service/s they want to assist in meeting their needs, taking into account any limitations to their capability, their voluntary/involuntary status and the choices available?
- Work with other agencies, teams and across jurisdictions at a practice/service level in relation to my practice context?
5.3Uses a range of specific social work methods and techniques appropriate to area of practice / What tasks and opportunities will facilitate or support my learning in this area?
To assist with developing your learning goals, think about your placement context, level of experiences/knowledge/skills and then ask yourself, can I:
- Select an appropriate method/s of practice relevant to my practice context to address and meet the needs, goals and preferences of individuals, families, groups and communities, taking into account best available research evidence for the field of practice?
- Demonstrate skill and understanding in the chosen method/s or techniques, including increasing level of skill and understanding?
- Identify systemic and policy injustices and potential actions to address these injustices in relation to my practice context? (i.e. social action, advocacy; research and evaluation)
- Demonstrate research skills for example undertaking relevant literature reviews; reviewing journal articles, data collection; analysis and dissemination; and evaluation as relevant to my practice context?
5.4 Apply critical and reflective thinking to practice / What tasks and opportunities will facilitate or support my learning in this area?
To assist with developing your learning goals, think about your placement context, level of experiences/knowledge/skills and then ask yourself, can I:
- Critically reflect on and evaluate practice with a particular focus on principles of self-determination, empowerment, inclusion, equality, human rights and social justice?
- Critically reflect on the role of social work, paying particular attention to power imbalances, professional boundaries, use of authority in statutory positions and work with people who are using services involuntarily?
- Critically reflect on evaluation undertaken of practice at individual, program, organisational or policy level within my practice context?
- Critically reflect on the broader organisational, societal and political context as it applies to my area of practice?
Notes: Recording your daily learnings here and how they relate to this practice standard
Practice Standard 6: Communication and Interpersonal Skills