Terms Last Revised: 6/02/2016
L.1PM10 Ambient Air Monitoring Network, upgrading an existing network [OAC rule 3745-31-14]
These terms and conditions are for a facility that is required to upgrade an existing ambient monitoring network to satisfy State/federal monitoring requirements.
L.1Additional Terms and Conditionsfor upgrading an existing PM10 Ambient Air Monitoring Network (3 terms)
Replace the XXXXs with the following:
XXXX1number of monitoring sites in existing network(1st term, in 2nd , last sentence)
XXXX2 number of collocated sites to be maintained(3rd term, in 1st , 2nd sentence )
XXXX3 - year to stop monitoring (3rd term, in 4th , 1st sentence)
XXXX4 - select the monitoring frequency at the site(2nd term, in 1st sentence)
every day or
every other day or
one-day-in-three or
other proposed acceptable frequency
- The permittee shall reevaluate the number and location of existing monitoring sites based on accepted modeling practice, to adequately characterize the predicted areas of maximum impact of the particulate plume on air quality and to determine the background concentration.
Determination of the revised and additional particulate sampling locations shall be coordinated with, and subject to the prior approval of, the Ohio EPA. Within 45 days after the effective date of this permit, the permittee shall submit a plan describing the proposed revised monitoring network. This plan shall provide documentation detailing the number of samplers, location selection criteria and reasoning, and the modeling information. Pending approval of the revised sampling network plan, operation of the present [XXXX1] site network shall be continued as an interim particulate monitoring requirement.
Following approval of the PM10 sampling network plan, 90 days will be allowed to correct any existing siting deficiencies, relocate any samplers, and/or locate any additional samplers in accordance with the plan's requirements. All PM10 samplers shall be sited and located in accordance with the requirements of 40 CFR Part 58, Appendix E.
The network shall be equipped with PM10 samplers meeting the reference methods specified in 40 CFR Part 53. In accordance with 40 CFR Part 53, each instrument shall be equipped with a continuous flow meter (recording transducer), unless the instrument uses volumetric flow control.
[OAC rule 3745-31-14]
- The permittee shall operate the monitoring sites, specified above, on an one-day-in-six schedule in accordance with the following guidance and requirements:
- The permittee shall operate one of the monitoring sites, specified by Ohio EPA, on an [XXXX4] schedule. The other sites will run on the same schedule as the Ohio air sampling network (one-day-in-six) and in accordance with the following requirements:
- The operating procedures shall follow those identified in:
(a)40 CFR Parts 50 and 58; and
(b)the Quality Assurance Handbooks for Air Pollution Measurement Systems, including:
(i)A Field Guide to Environmental Quality Assurance, Volume I, (EPA/600/R-94/038a); and
(ii)Ambient Air Specific Methods, Volume II, Part II, Section 2.11 (EPA/600/R-94/38b).
- The flow rate of each instrument shall be calibrated using the guidance referenced above from the Ambient Air Specific Methods, Volume II, Part II, Section 2.11 and as follows:
(a)at least quarterly;
(b)after any repair that might affect sampler calibration (i.e., following replacement of the motor or brushes);
(c)if the results of a field flow-check or independent flow audit exceeds 10% difference from the samplers indicated flow rate; and
(d)whenever a field flow-check or independent flow audit indicates the sampler is out of the acceptable flow rate range, i.e., for samplers with design flow rate of 1.13 m3/min, the acceptable range is 10% from 1.13 m3/min or 1.02 to 1.24 m3/min.
- An operator's log book shall be maintained for each site location with a format and content as specified in guidance provided by the Ohio EPA.
[OAC rule 3745-31-14]
- The permittee shall meet the quality assurance activities specified in 40 CFR Part 58, Appendix B. In accordance with 40 CFR Part 58, Appendix B, Table B-1, [XXXX2] collocated sites shall be maintained, one of which will be at the site with the highest expected 24hour pollutant concentration. The collocated monitor(s) shall run on a one day in six schedule. Equipment siting and performance specifications must be in accordance with Ambient Monitoring Guidelines for Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD), (EPA450/487007).
The Ohio EPA Air Monitoring Section and Ohio EPA District Office and/or local air agency personnel shall be provided with access to each site location. The site operator and/or supervisor shall accompany the Air Monitoring Section, Ohio EPA District Office, and/or local air agency personnel on any site inspection or audit, and respond to inquiries regarding instrument operations and maintenance.
Appropriate corrective actions must be taken by the permittee following the identification of any problem by the independent auditor (auditor hired by the permittee to maintain the permittee’s PM10 ambient air monitoring network), or Air Monitoring Section, Ohio EPA District Office and/or local air agency personnel.
The permittee shall continue to operate the PM10 ambient monitoring network as described in this permit condition through the end of calendar year [XXXX3]. The Director may extend the term of this monitoring requirement. In determining the need for such an extension, the Director shall consider the concentrations measured by the monitors, the trends in air quality concentrations, and the value of the air quality data in fulfilling the goals and requirements of the federal Clean Air Act and Chapter 3704 of the Ohio Revised Code. An extension of the term of this monitoring requirement would not be considered a minor or significant modification that would be subject to the Title V permit modification requirements in paragraphs (C)(1) and (C)(3) of OAC rule 3745-77-08.
[OAC rule 3745-31-14]
L.4Reporting Requirements for the PM10 Ambient Air Monitoring Network Audit and Precision Results [OAC rule 3745-31-14]
Replace the XXXXs with the following:
XXXX1 -month that the reporting must start
XXXX2 -year that the reporting must start
(2)Independent audit (accuracy) results and precision results must be submitted monthly to the Air Monitoring Section of the Ohio EPA, Division of Air Pollution Control in Columbus, and the appropriate Ohio EPA District Office or local air agency, and within 45 days after the end of each calendar month, beginning with the month of [XXXX1], [XXXX2], unless otherwise specified by the Ohio EPA.
[OAC rule 3745-31-14]
L.5Reporting Requirements for the Ambient Air Monitoring Data[OAC rule 3745-31-14]
Replace the XXXXs with the following:
XXXX1 - month the reporting must start
XXXX2 - year that the reporting must start
(3)All air quality monitoring data shall be reported to the Air Monitoring Section of the Ohio EPA, Division of Air Pollution Control in Columbus, within 18 days after the end of each calendar month, beginning with the month of [XXXX1], [XXXX2], unless otherwise specified by the Ohio EPA. All such data shall be submitted electronically or as a hardcopy, in Air Quality System (AQS) format, and in a form suitable for direct entry by Ohio EPA into the AQS database.
[OAC rule 3745-31-14]