Practice Translations: ANSWERS
1. I don’t have any very good friends; which of you (“you” here refers to two people), therefore, wants to be my one best friend?
nōn habeō ullōs amīcōs optimōs; uter vestrum itaque meus amīcus optimus ūnus/ūnicus/sōlus esse cupit?
2. Some men are able to read and write Latin, others (correlative use of alius, vid. Word Study p. 213) prefer (use mālunt = “(they) prefer”) that inferior language of the Gauls.
aliī (virī/hominēs) legere scrībereque Latīnē (adv.) / Latīnam linguam possunt, aliī istam linguam inferiōrem Gallōrum mālunt.
3. On that day, the emperor himself will be giving bread to the entire population.
illō diē imperārtor ipse pānem tōtī populō dabit.
4. The pride of neither man was greater than (his) wisdom.
superbia neutrius virī/hominis maior saptientiā/quam sapientia erat.
5. Do you keep the love of one person alone in your heart?
habēsne/tenēsne amōrem ūnius (hominis/personae) sōlius in tuō corde/pectōre?
6. Give me another kiss from the bottom of your heart.
da mihi alterum basium ex imō pectōre/corde.
7. Find the name of another teacher for us as quickly as soon as possible.
invenī(te) quam prīmum nōbīs alius* nōmen magistrī/magistrae.
*N.B. alius = genitive singular modifying magistrī/magistrae
8. Nobody (use nēmō, “nobody”; gen: nullius) is an island and no man’s home is able to be sustained by one man alone.
nēmō insula est et domus nūllius sustinērī a ūnō virō sōlō potest.
9. Did the Romans have a very great desire (use cupiditās, cupiditātis, f.) for any city or all cities?
Rōmānīne maximam cupiditātem ūllius (urbis) aut omnium urbium habuērunt?
10. Both Livia and Messalina were very powerful women who lived in the palace (use rēgia, -ae, f.)
et Līvia et Messalīna erant potentissimae mulierēs/fēminae quae in rēgiā habitāvērunt/habitābant.