Minutes of the adjourned Annual Budget Meeting of Kildare County Council held at 09.30a.m. on Monday 27th January, 2003 in the Council Chamber, St. Mary’s, Naas.
Present: Councillors J. Reilly (Mayor), G. Conway, T. Conway, J. Dardis, F. Dukes, M. Fitzpatrick, M. Glennon S. Griffin, W. Hillis, J. Keane, P. Kelly, A. Lawlor, A. McEvoy, J. McGinley, M. Miley, C. Murphy, S. O’Fearghaíl, F. O’Loughlin, J. O’ Neill, S. Power, P J. Sheridan, E. Stagg, J. Wall and K. Walsh.
Apologies: Councillor R. Hendy
Also Present: Mr. N. Bradley, County Manager, Mr. K. Kelly, A/Director of Planning and Public Safety, Mr. J. Lynch, Director of Transportation and Environment, Mr. P. Minnock, Director of Corporate and Cultural Affairs, Mr. E. O’ Sullivan, Head of Finance, Mr. C. Talbot, Meetings Administrator and other officials.
Programme Group 4 – Development Incentives & Controls
Programme Group 5 – Environmental Protection
The members continued their discussion on income & expenditure in programme groups 4 and 5 and in addition to the points raised at the previous meeting the following issues were raised:
Programme Group 4
· Is the Planning Section self-financing?
· Should development control be self-funding?
· How much money has been collected by imposition of the €20 charge for submissions on planning applications?
· How much has been paid by Councillors?
· Some members objected to the €20 charge for submissions on planning applications.
· It was acknowledged that more effective action is being taken by the Council in relation to Unauthorised Development, however, difficulties arise where people are determined to be non compliant despite the issue of notices and finance should be reserved to fund court action in these cases.
· It was acknowledged that progress was also being made in Development Control since the appointment of additional staff to this section.
· It was suggested that planning staff should contact applicants by phone when looking for clarification on issues rather than by letter.
· Will the Conservation Grant Scheme be continued.?
· The provision of €38,000 for the Kildare Heritage Company was welcomed.
· There should be more positive action on Urban Renewal Schemes.
· Urban Renewal work at Main Street, Celbridge need to be finished.
· Has the allocations for Village Improvement Works been rolled over from year to year?
· It was suggested that the provision for Usaid na Gaeilge could be used for a disabled persons scholarship as there is currently no Irish Officer appointed.
· Councillor Stagg referred to the allocation of €42,000 in the budget for the Community & Voluntary Forum and proposed the following motion which was seconded by Councillor McEvoy
“That further to the report to the County Manager from the County Kildare Community & Voluntary Forum, mainly “A New Way Forward” that €137,000 be provided in the 2003 Budget for the implementation of the Report”
The County Manager advised that the Community and Voluntary Forum proposed to work on a budget of €137,000 for the coming year but this was not what they were seeking from the County Council. The Manager indicated that he was meeting with them in relation to their requirements. Other development agencies will also be funding the forum and the Manager was satisfied that given the support of the Community & Enterprise Directorate the work of the forum will not be inhibited.
Mr. Kevin Kelly responded to the members queries and comments and confirmed the following:
· He thanked the members for their comments in relation to the improved operation of the Planning Section and confirmed that progress has been made on development plans, planning applications and local area plans. With the increased staff levels and revised legislation the Planning Section are now in a position to move forward these and other issues.
· A Staff Officer has been assigned to deal with taking in charge of housing estates and work is underway to prepare a report for each area committee in relation to estates in its electoral area.
· The Planning and Development Regulations set out the steps which much be undertaken in relation to Unauthorised Development. There is a process of inspection, reports and notices and this will be followed with legal action The section will look at taking injunctions where circumstances warrant it. Very significant action on enforcement is planned for the coming year.
· The Council has secured a court order in relation to the unauthorised development of a house. The case is due back in court shortly for non-compliance with the court order. There are also examples of developers complying with the requirements to remove all or part of work, which they have undertaken without permission.
· All Urban and Village Renewal allocations due to the Council were drawn down last year and the section will ensure that work begins as soon as possible.
· In relation to the CAAS plans he confirmed his intention to talk to all Community Groups involved in putting these plans into action. Mr. E. O’Sullivan confirmed that any unspent allocations would be capitalised and carried forward.
· It was confirmed that €12,000 has been paid under the €20 fee for planning submissions from commencement of the act to the 31st December 2002.
· Correspondence has issued to members on the requirement to pay the fee
· Mr. E. O’Sullivan confirmed that the Planning Section is not self-financing. A case has been made to the Department of the Environment and Local Government to increase fees and the outcome is awaited.
· It was confirmed that the Council would assist any proposals for a CCTV system in Athy and Newbridge. Finance could be provided to assist with local contributions for provision of such services.
· It was confirmed that all the money has been drawn down for the Conservation Grant Scheme for 2002. A number of grants were not subsequently taken up. The Council is awaiting details of the availability of Conservation Grants for 2003 which will be advertised when received.
Programme Group 5
The Members made the following points
· The costs of domestic refuse collection is exhorbitant.
· The condition of the Rehab bins leave a lot to be desired.
· Support was given to the provision of Civic Amenity Centres within the county.
· What happens to white goods, which are brought to Silliot Hill for recovery?
· The Council should move to weight based billing, which would encourage the use of smaller bins and leave scope to reduce costs.
· There is a demand for the Skip Scheme for Residents Associations and the high cost of such a scheme was questioned.
· There should be a provision for maintaining field drains at critical points.
· Special street cleaning teams need to be set up in each electoral area.
· A more co-ordinated approach needs to be taken in relation to preventing the damage caused to roads as a result of work being undertaken on foot of waste permits.
· The members were disappointed at the loss of FAS schemes and the effect that this would have on Tidy Town groups and cemetery maintenance groups.
· A request was made that the Council accept a presentation from the residents of Timahoe in relation to the proposed landfill in Drehid.
· It was suggested that the Council should hold a special meeting to discus environmental issues.
· It was indicated that there is a continuing problem of odours at landfill sites.
Mr. Lynch responded to the member’s queries and comments in relation to programme group 5 as follows:
· The Waste Management Policy is based on the principles of reduce, reuse, recover and recycle.
· Reduction of waste is the responsibility of the public in general and the Council in its policies has undertaken initiatives to reuse, recover and recycle and will continue to develop initiatives such as bring centres, civic amenity sites, dry-recyclable collections, etc.
· The Council’s strategy is to have a residual landfill site with no organic waste being delivered. The policy is to remove all these items from the waste to produce an inert environmentally friendly product. Problems associated with odours are caused by organic matter.
· Biological treatment has been proposed for the residual waste management facility at Drehid.
· The problems associated with odours at landfill sites are being addressed by the EPA. In his opinion it is not Kildare County Council facilities at Silliot Hill that are causing odour problems.
· The strategy being adopted by the Council will enable the public to change over to the use of a smaller bin.
· The refuse collection service marketing drive has obtained 1,000 new customers in the last six months. Only 25% of these were waiver cases.
· Four Litter/Traffic Wardens are now employed by the Council and their effectiveness will be maximised during the year. Over 600 litter fines have been issued, 23 prosecutions have been taken in court and details are available on these. The name and shame policy will be implemented.
· The dry-recyclable pilot project in Leixlip, introduced by Kildare County Council, has been very successful and will be extended to five other towns in the county.
· Arrangements can be made to facilitate the litter bin grant scheme by giving larger wheel bins to residents associations so they can empty them.
· In relation to the skip scheme for residents associations he confirmed that the Council wishes to continue to support associations who want to clean up their areas but that delivery of skips which attract all types of waste is contrary to the Councils policy of segregation of waste. He proposed that a tidy up scheme be promoted and if clean ups are undertaken in a segregated fashion the waste can be disposed of by the environmental crew.
· Kildare County Council is pursuing the use of landfill gas for electricity at Silliot Hill.
· In relation to street cleaning the budget is limited to the 2002 level. It is indicative of the state of communities that the Council have to spend €1m on street cleaning each year. Members voiced their concern about the levels of service to be provided and requested that a schedule of activity be circulated.
· A number notices have been issued under the Local Government Water Pollution Act and cases have been referred for legal action.
· Nutrient Management Plans are required for farms adjoining waterways.
· The obligations and conditions for the issue of waste permits are set out in the Waste Management Act. The policy in relation to the issue of Waste Permits, the requirements for planning permission or exemption and the effect on roads is being examined.
· White goods at Silliot Hill are exported at present to Germany. A company is in the process of setting up in Ireland to undertaken this work and if they obtain the required permits then the Council will utilise their service.
Councillor Dardis seconded by Councillor T. Conway proposed the following
“With a view to encouraging waste recycling and minimisation within the
County that Kildare County Council undertake a detailed review of the operation and funding of the present and alternative systems and bring forward a report on the matter prior to the consideration of the 2004 Budget”.
Councillor John McGinley seconded by Councillor Emmet Stagg proposed the following
“That this Council adopt a policy of issuing the small 140 litre bin for the weekly collection in the towns of Leixlip, Maynooth, Celbridge, Clane, Kilcock and Newbridge and that the existing 240 litre bin be used for the recyclables in these towns and that this policy take effect on the passing of the 2003 Budget. Given the savings on landfill that the annual charge for the service be €240 per annum.”
Mr. Lynch advised the following:
· It is up to the individual householder to determine usage.
· In the towns to which the dry-recyclable scheme is being extended the use of a smaller bin for landfill could be implemented.
· There is no indication of the waste generated by waiver recipients and the Council is not in possession of enough information to immediately implement a policy of giving waiver recipients a smaller bin.
· There is sufficient finance in the street cleaning budget to keep sweeping at the level given in 2002. A schedule of work will be brought before the area committees. Additional requests have been noted.
· The Council will be developing a civic amenity site in Athy this year subject to obtaining an EPA licence. An application has also been made for an EPA licence for Kilcock and for capital grant assistance for provision of this site.
· He acknowledged the support of Intel for the dry-recyclable programme in Leixlip.
· Once the annual budget has been adopted the dry-recyclable scheme will be extended to Celbridge and a marketing strategy will be put in place.
· In relation to the unauthorised waste sites in Wicklow he confirmed that to the best of the Councils knowledge there is no such illegal waste disposal in Kildare. It has been investigated in conjunction with the Gardai and he placed on record his thanks to the Garda Siochana for their assistance in this matter. He confirmed that there was no evidence of such activity in Kildare.
· There is currently a facility at Silliot Hill for acceptance of green waste.