Minutes from the September 23, 2003 Student Technology Fee Committee meeting are as follows:

In Attendance: Committee members - Mike Asoodeh, Donna Methvien, Brad O’Hara, Bea Baldwin, Ashley McKee, Ademir Karisik, Luke Causey, SGA Senate Chairman and Ashley McKee as proxy for Lauren Faraone. Also in attendance were Erik Johansen and Rosalyn Chauvin.

The meeting began at 3:30 p.m.

§ The June 25th meeting minutes were reviewed. A motion was made by Ademir Karisik to approve the minutes. Ashley McKee seconded the motion. The vote was 8-0 in favor of approving this motion.

§ Report on Action Items:

o Surplus Computer Proposals – Donna Methvien reported on all the proposals – see agenda item below.

o Student Technology Fee Agreement – Brad O'Hara reported on the new agreement – see agenda item below.

§ Student Technology Fee Agreement – Brad O'Hara reported that the updated Student Technology Fee Agreement was signed on September 19, 2003 by Southeastern President Randy Moffett and SGA President Ashley McKee. This agreement will remain in effect until September of 2005.

§ Small Project Proposal –Mike Asoodeh reported that the Small Project Proposal subcommittee recommended that two of the three proposals that were submitted be approved. These proposals totaled $8,000 and were from Biology and Mathematics. A third proposal in the amount of $3,000, from Biology, which was approved via email vote, was also recommended for approval to be recorded in the minutes. A motion was made by Ademir Karisik to approve these recommendations. Ashley McKee seconded the motion. The vote was 8-0 in favor of approving this motion.

Mike Asoodeh also recommended that the Mathematica software, requested by Mathematics in the small project proposal approved above, become a part of the standard Mathematics Lab software in subsequent budget years. A motion was made by Brad O'Hara to approve this recommendation. Ademir Karisik seconded the motion. The vote was 8-0 in favor of approving this motion. Action Item: Mike Asoodeh will obtain information on the cost of a campus license for Mathematica.

§ Surplus Computer Proposals – Donna Methvien reported that the Surplus Computer Proposal subcommittee recommended approval for distribution of 41 of the 43 computers requested. A motion was made by Brad O'Hara to approve this recommendation. Bea Baldwin seconded the motion. The vote was 8-0 in favor of approving this motion.

Donna Methvien also made a recommendation that the oldest 54 surplus computers be sent to Property Control for surplus. A motion was made by Ademir Karisik to approve this recommendation. Bea Baldwin seconded the motion. The vote was 8-0 in favor of approving this motion.

Mike Asoodeh recommended that surplus computer proposals be accepted at any time. A motion was made by Ademir Karisik to approve this recommendation. Luke Causey seconded the motion. The vote was 8-0 in favor of approving this motion. Action Item: Mike Asoodeh will inform the Deans and Vice Presidents that the available computer and peripheral inventory can be seen on the STF web page.

§ Software Installation Requests – Donna Methvien reported on two Request for Software Installations. A motion was made by Ademir Karisik to approve this recommendation. Ashley McKee seconded the motion. The vote was 8-0 in favor of approving this motion.

§ Athletics Lab change – Mike Asoodeh informed the committee of a change in location of the Athletics Lab to NCBS 236. He also presented a request to change the coordination of the computer lab from Athletics to the College of Basic Studies, Student Enhancement Services. It would be known as the Student Enhancement Services Lab. A motion was made by Bea Baldwin to approve this request. Brad O’Hara seconded the motion. The vote was 8-0 in favor of approving this motion.

§ Large Projects – Mike Asoodeh requested permission to go to the Deans and Vice Presidents to request submission of Large Project Proposals. The STF budget currently has $500,000 available to fund these proposals. The proposals would have a deadline of October 17th. A motion was made by Ademir Karisik to approve this recommendation. Luke Causey seconded the motion. The vote was 8-0 in favor of approving this motion. Action Item: Mike Asoodeh will go to the Deans and Vice presidents with the RFP.

§ Erik’s Report – Mike Asoodeh reported that usage reports from the computer labs is now available and will become a part of the future meeting agendas.

§ Blackboard Update - Bea Baldwin asked for an update on the Blackboard upgrade. Mike Asoodeh reported that all of the equipment and software has been received and installed. Training is currently going on and the new system is scheduled for implementation for the beginning of the Spring 2004 semester. All Blackboard data is also being backed up in the Business Continuity Center.

§ WebScheduler – Brad O'Hara requested usage information on the new WebScheduler program that is part of WebMail. Action Item: Mike Asoodeh will obtain that usage data.

§  A motion to adjourn was made by Ademir Karisik and seconded by Dr. Brad O’Hara. The meeting was adjourned at 4:16 p.m.

§ Next meeting– The next meeting will be held during October. Rosalyn Chauvin will coordinate a date and time