Pastor Charles Holmes
40 Jesus come three times. He came the first time to redeem His Church. He comes the second time to receive His Church. He comes the third time with His Church. Everything in the Bible travels in trinities, threes, but all in one Christ. He... Remember, the first time to re--redeem His Church, the second time to receive His Church, the third time with His Church, as King and Queen.
Now, but on His first coming, we'll speak of just a little bit, and then on His being here; and then on His second coming; on His--and then on the third time; if the Lord willing.
We've had three Bible's written. One of them is in the heavens above, the Zodiac. Starts off with the virgin, ends up with Leo the lion, the first coming and the second coming of the Lord Jesus, down through the different ages.
Then we find it, till Enoch wrote one and put it in the pyramid. The third is put on paper.
Everything in the Word travels in a trinity. There's three coming's of Christ. He came first to redeem His Bride. He come second to receive His Bride. He comes the third time with His Bride. There, everything in a trinity, moving in the Bible, the three's, the three's in one...
E-52 Don't get them threes out of your mind, like justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost; Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, all those perfection numbers: first coming to redeem His Bride, second coming to catch His Bride away, third time coming with His Bride: all--all's in threes, all through the Bible.
E-9 And when we leave this life and go into that life beyond, we... I could shake... I couldn't shake your hand because you won't have a hand.
See, there's everything in the Bible runs in threes; we know that. And there's three comings of the Lord. The first coming is past; the second coming's the rapture when we meet Him; and the third coming is when He's coming to rule and reign a thousand years. And everything travels in a trinity like Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the one God in a trinity. And the works of grace in a trinity, and all... Everything in the Scripture runs in the trinity. Now, threes, sevens, twelves, twenty-fours, forties and fifties...
197 Now remember, as I've said, everything's in a three. His Coming is in a three: the first time, He came to redeem His Bride; the second time, He comes to catch away His Bride. Like a love affair, comes around and steals her out at nighttime, takes her away from the world, "meet Him in the air." The secret Coming of the Lord, see. The second time He come, is to receive His Bride. First time, to redeem Her; second time, to receive Her; and the third time, with Her, King and Queen!
210 Watch Christ. First coming, He come a mortal to bleed and die. Is that right? That's His first coming. The second coming is the rapture. We meet Him in the skies, immortal. His third coming, He's the incarnate God (Amen. Yeah.), God Emmanuel to reign on earth. That's right. Only three...
34 Everything travels in a three, with God. God is perfected in a three. First coming of Christ, to redeem His Bride; second coming of Christ, to receive His Bride; third coming of Christ, with His Bride, to rule in the Millennium. Everything runs in a three.
35 Now, there has been, there will be, three exoduses. One of them, God brought them in the ark, for an exodus, a ride above the earth. The next time, God brought them out of--of Egypt. And the next time, God takes them up. In, out, up! The next exodus is going up. We are facing one now, the going-up time.
36 Same as a life does the same thing. We come in to life, we go out of life, raise up to life, just exactly the same thing. So we're...
E-41 Now, remember, there is three classes always at the judgment. We find out the Bride comes back with Christ, in Daniel. Ten thousands times ten thousands came with the Ancient of days. The judgment was set, and the books were opened, and another book was opened, which was the Book of Life. See, the sleeping virgin come up for the judgment. And a book of the ungodly was opened, and He separated the sheep from the goats, but the raptured church come back with Him.
Jesus comes three times. He came first to redeem His Bride. He comes the second time to catch Her away. He comes the third time with Her: To redeem His Bride, to receive His Bride, and to bring Him and His Bride back as King and Queen over the earth, set on His father, David's throne.
374 Now, God made three Bibles. Now, there's a pyramid teaching that's nonsense, but there's a genuine pyramid. See? Notice. Now, God, first Bible... He made three. There have to be everything in a three.
375 Jesus comes three times. Come, once, to redeem His Bride; next time, to get His Bride; next time, with His Bride. See?
200 16. What happened to the born again believers who are in the various denominations but not in the Bride of Christ? What happens to them?
Well, I think we explained that awhile ago. See? They go into the tribulation. They are martyred in the tribulation, come up in the last after the Millennium for their judgment (See?), because the Bible said that the rest of the living... the rest of the dead lived not until the thousand years was expired. Then there was a resurrection, and then come forth the both just and unjust and was judged by Christ and the Bride. He came to the earth with ten thousands times ten thousands of His saints (Is that right?), His Bride.
Judgment was set, the books was open... Books was open, and another Book was opened, which is the Book of Life. He separated from there the goats from the sheep. Is that right? That had nothing to do with the Bride. She was standing right there in judgment with her Queen--the Queen and King together.
34 Everything travels in a three, with God. God is perfected in a three. First coming of Christ, to redeem His Bride; second coming of Christ, to receive His Bride; third coming of Christ, with His Bride, to rule in the Millennium. Everything runs in a three.
35 Now, there has been, there will be, three exoduses. One of them, God brought them in the ark, for an exodus, a ride above the earth. The next time, God brought them out of--of Egypt. And the next time, God takes them up. In, out, up! The next exodus is going up. We are facing one now, the going-up time.
Revelation 20:11-15,
"And I saw a great white throne, and Him that sat on it, from Whose face the earth and the heaven fled away: and there was found no place for them.
And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the Book of Life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works,
And the sea gave up the dead which were in it: and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.
And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
And whosoever was not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire."
There will be both the righteous and the unrighteous in this judgment. It says so. THESE RIGHTEOUS WILL NOT BE THE BRIDE FOR THE BRIDE SITS WITH HIM IN JUDGMENT.
I Corinthians 6:2-3,
"Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?
Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?"
Revelation 3:21,
"To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with Me in My throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with My Father in His throne."
See, the bride is with Him in the throne. As she is to judge the world she has to be sitting in the judgment with Him. That is exactly what Daniel saw.
Daniel 7:9-10,
"I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit, Whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of His head like the pure wool: His throne was like the fiery flame, and His wheels as burning fire.
A fiery stream issued and came forth from before Him: thousand thousands ministered unto Him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before Him: the judgment was set, and the books were opened."
See, it is the same scene, for the thousand thousands who are ministering to Him are the bride, for who ministers to the husband but the wife?
61-0211 ABRAHAM
E-41 Now, remember, there is three classes always at the judgment. We find out the Bride comes back with Christ, in Daniel. Ten thousands times ten thousands came with the Ancient of days. The judgment was set, and the books were opened, and another book was opened, which was the Book of Life. See, the sleeping virgin come up for the judgment. And a book of the ungodly was opened, and He separated the sheep from the goats, but the raptured church come back with Him.
Jesus comes three times. He came first to redeem His Bride. He comes the second time to catch Her away. He comes the third time with Her: To redeem His Bride, to receive His Bride, and to bring Him and His Bride back as King and Queen over the earth, set on His father, David's throne.
374 Now, God made three Bibles. Now, there's a pyramid teaching that's nonsense, but there's a genuine pyramid. See? Notice. Now, God, first Bible... He made three. There have to be everything in a three.
375 Jesus comes three times. Come, once, to redeem His Bride; next time, to get His Bride; next time, with His Bride. See?
E-52 Don't get them threes out of your mind, like justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost; Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, all those perfection numbers: first coming to redeem His Bride, second coming to catch His Bride away, third time coming with His Bride: all--all's in threes, all through the Bible.
Now. Watch it close. There's three classes of people. That's believers, make-believers, and unbelievers. And at the end, when... There's three churches that these three peoples belong to. Abraham represented the church elect. Lot represented the church formal in the world. But them Sodomites represented the world.
14 See, He makes three Comings. He come in three sons' names. He come in a trinity; Father, Son, Holy Ghost. See, all of it the same Christ, the same God, all the time. Now, we know He come to bring three works of grace; justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost. Everything, in God, is completed in three's.
15 And so He come, first, to redeem His Bride. He comes, second, as a Rapture, to take away His Bride. He comes, third, with His Bride, King and Queen; after, that's when many people are expecting the Coming.
36 Now, I begin to notice at the preaching of the Seven Church Ages, which is the--the pattern, or the forecast of all that God was going to do for the churches, and through the churches, and positionally setting them up.
37 The first three chapters of the Book of Revelations reveals all the happenings unto the Church. Then, from the 3rd chapter unto the 19th chapter of Revelation, there is no more seen of the Church. The Church goes up at the 4th chapter of Revelations, and returns back at the 19th chapter of Revelations, the Bride and the Groom, together, coming to the earth. And then from the 19th chapter to the conclusive of the 22nd chapter, it's all on the Millennium and what will be in the years that is to follow it. During the 4th to the 19th, God is dealing with Israel.
53 Now, we find out that Revelation is blocked off in three parts. The first is the first three chapters, pertains to the Church, the Message, the angel... to the angels of the Church. And from... And then She disappears right there in the 3rd chapter, does not appear again until the 19th chapter, in the 19th chapter She returned. Between this time, God is dealing with the Jews. Then, from then on, it's between the coming of the great city of Jerusalem, and the--the sealing away of the people of Israel, and so forth, at the end time.
164 Now, someone wrote me here not long ago, and asked me, said, "If you do not believe that the church goes through the tribulation period, how about Revelations 13, how they overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and their testimony?" The person asked that question. I wonder. Do you realize that the first three chapters of Revelation deals with the church in the church age? That's the tribulation period, not the church age; the church raptures and goes up at the 4th chapter of Revelation, never comes again till the 19th chapter when it comes with Jesus. That's right. That's in the tribulation period, not nothing to do with the church at all.
56 Now, now, in the 3rd chapter of Revelation, we find the ending up of the Church Age, which ended with the Laodicean, the lukewarm church age. Then we find out that, immediately after that, John was caught up in the Spirit, up into the Heavens. And he saw things that was, and was to come, and things that had been. Now, we find out, the church doesn't appear anymore until the 19th chapter of Revelation, then she returns with her Lord, gloriously washed in the Blood.
23 Now, now, we're going to turn to the 5th chapter. Now, this is not the Seven Seals. It is the "Breach Between the Church Ages and the Seven Seals." Now, there is also a 6th chapter of... and there was a 4th chapter, rather, of Revelation, and in that it kind of revealed something that would take place after the Church going up: that the Church goes up on the 3rd chapter of Revelations and does not return until the 19th chapter of Revelations. See? Therefore, the Church misses the tribulation. I know that's contrary to--to pretty near every teacher I ever talked to, but I--I don't mean to be dis--disagreeable. I--I mean to be your brother, but I--I must teach just as I can see it. If I don't, I can't put it together. You see? And now, whether it goes up before the tribulation or after the tribulation, I want to go up with it. That's the main thing.
41 Now, in the 4th chapter John was caught up immediately after the Church. John, going up, he saw the complete church age. There's where I'd like to stop just a second to say that many peoples who are expecting some great, tremendous, powerful something to happen in the Gentile age are certainly wrong. The church age and all that will happen during the Gentile reign is recorded from Revelation 1 to Revelation 3, inclusive. Then the Church was raptured and taken up, and the rest of this unto the 19th chapter is what happens to the Jewish race, after the Church is gone up, and it is the time of the great tribulation, nothing to happen amongst the Gentiles, only the slaughtering and so forth, as we'll get to that and see.
But the Church itself has gone on the 13th--on the last verse of the 3rd chapter of Revelation when the Laodicean church age end, which was the last.
30 Now, the reason for this... I brought down some little notes from my last few messages. And this morning I want to lap over, because this is on magnetic tape that will go all over the world, many nations. And always the reason I lap it back, is perhaps someone would hear the tape for their first time and would not be able to understand what I was meaning when I refer back to something else.