Cash 1
Johnny Cash (Name)
CP English III, 3rd Period (Class, Hour)
Formatting Guidelines (Assignment)
5 February 2009 (Date)
Title Format: Don’t Underline, Don’t Italicize, Just Caps and Center
You will use MLA formatting guidelines for all your assignments. Learn and use these formatting instructions. Otherwise, you’ll lose points. Sound picky? Maybe so, but remember: “God is in the details.”
Identification—In the top left-hand corner, place the following: name, course number, assignment/draft #, and date. Don’t put this information in the “header” space. It should only appear on the first page. In the header space, include last name and pagination only (even on the first page). Do not include a comma between your last name and the page number.
Spacing—Double space between the date line and your title. This means there should be one—and ONLY ONE—blank line between the line containing the date and the line containing your title. Same holds true with regard to your title and the first line of your paper. Finally, double-space the text of your assignment.
Font—Your entire paper—heading, title, body, EVERYTHING—should be in 12 point Times New Roman. Also, leave your title alone!! This means don’t put your title in bold, “quotation marks,” or italics.Don’t put it in a different font; don’t put it in a bigger font. And don’t put it in ALL CAPS.
Miscellaneous Details—(1) Top and bottom margins should be one inch. As for the left and right margins, both one inch and 1.25 inches are acceptable. (2) Spell out all single-digit numbers (that means one through nine). (3) When citing sources, you must use MLA format.
Johnny Cash (Your Name)
EN100-04 (Course Number)
Interview #3 (Assignment/Draft #)
22 August 2006 (Date)
May the Form Be with You (Assignment Title)
- In the top left-hand corner, place the following: your name, the course number, the assignment/draft #, and the date you are turning in the assignment, in that order, double-spaced (see above example). Don’t put this information in the “header” space. It should only appear on the first page.
- In the header, include last name and pagination (even on the first page). However, do not include a comma between your last name and the page number.
- Double space between the date line and your title. This means there should be one—and ONLY ONE—blank line between the line containing the date and the line containing your title.
- Double space between your title and the first line of your paper. This means there should be one—and ONLY ONE—blank line between the title and the first line of text.
- Leave your title alone!! This means don’t put your title in bold or quotation marks. Don’t put your title in italics.Don’t put it in a different font.Don’t put it in a bigger font. And don’t put it in ALL CAPS.
- Your entire paper—heading, title, body, EVERYTHING—should be in 12 point Times New Roman.
- Double-space the text of your assignment.
- Top and bottom margins should be one inch. As for the left and right margins, both one inch and 1.25 inches are acceptable.
- Spell out all single-digit numbers. That means one through nine.
- When citing sources, you must use MLA format.