Psychology Syllabus
Jennifer Klingeman, Room 143
Contact me: 636/464-4430 X 4764 or at
Course Description:
Psychology is a one-semester class for juniors and seniors designed to introduce them to the field of psychology. The use of critical thinking skills, reasoning, deducing, computer skills and research through various sources (including the internet) and will be demonstrated throughout the semester.
Course Unit Topics
1. What is psychology?
2. Sensation and Perception
3. States of Consciousness
4. Learning
5. Memory
6. Life Span Development
Course Requirements:
1. 3 ring Binder for Psychology ONLY
a. 8 tabs to separate units in your binder
2. Writing materials and loose-leaf paper
3. A majority of tasks completed to pass
1. You know the difference between right and wrong… Do what is right!!!
2. Bestow upon each other the kindness I promise to always bestow upon you!
3. Follow WHS policy
Grading Scale:
A: 90%-100%
B: 80%-89%
C: 70%-79%
D: 60%-69%
F: 59% or Below
Grade Break Down:
1st/2nd Quarter- 90%
3rd/4th Quarter- 90%
Semester Final- 10%
***Class work, Homework, and Participation 25%, and Summatives/Projects 75%***
Redo Policy:
Any 2 tests can be redone once. The redone grade is the only one that will count (even if it is lower). The redo must occur before the day of the next test. The same rule applies if you are absent the day of a test and need to take it for the first time. In all of these situations, tests must be taken outside of class (before school 6:45, after school 2:25, or during your lunch). You must inform me in advance when they will be completed.
Final Exam:
A comprehensive final or project will be given at the end of the semester; however, students who have a 95% or higher (no rounding) and no write-ups in any class may be exempt from the final.