100th Anniversary of Fatima Day of Inspiration

Saturday, October 28, Hastings, Nebraska


The 100th Anniversary of Fatima began on May 13, 2017 and continues. Even though

the Miracle of the Sun on October 13, 1917, is commonly considered to be the close

of the private revelations from Fatima, the message of Fatima continues today. In

fact, Sr. Lucia continued to receive messages and visions long after October 13, 1917.

Please join us as we consider how the message of Fatima is relevant in our lives today and how we as Christians, can apply this information and inspiration to our daily lives in order to glorify God and do our part in showing the truth, beauty and goodness of God to our family members and the world around us.

The day begins at 1pm, at the Holy Cross Chapel, 223 E. 14th Street, Hastings, Nebraska (formerly part of the Crosier Monastery).

Please RSVP at www.stceciliahastings.com Or call or text Bob Sullivan at 402-469-5149

Bishop James D. Conley will explain how and why we, those of us right here in the heartland of America, are on the front lines of the battle between good and evil. As St. Paul tells us in Ephesians 6:12, “Our struggle is not against enemies of blood and flesh, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” Bishop Conley will draw on the message of Fatima to give us strategies and tactics necessary for this battle.

Fr. Scott Courtney is the Pastor of St. Joseph Catholic Church in Geneva, Nebraska and St. Mary in Shickley. Fr. Courtney has a passion for the Word of God through Scripture and the Eucharist and he will help you see the beauty of the message of Fatima through the messages given to Sr. Lucia as well as through the Immaculate Heart of our Blessed Mother.

Doug Barry is the host of the EWTN hit series, Battle Ready which air on Sundays at 11:30pm and Fridays at 3am. Doug also travels far and wide, teaching Christians about spiritual warfare, the significant of all the Marian apparitions and keeping God at the center of our life. Doug will share the urgency of the message of Fatima and inspire you with practical ways to draw on the arsenal of Catholicism in the spiritual battles that lay ahead.

At 4pm, Bishop Conley will lead a Eucharistic procession from Holy Cross Chapel

to St. Cecilia Catholic Church, where he will celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

at 5pm. In case of inclement weather, there will be adoration from 4pm to 5pm in

St. Cecilia Catholic church. St. Cecilia Catholic Church is located at 301 W. 7th, Hastings.

After Mass, Doug Barry will meet with the men to dig deeper into men’s role in spiritual warfare while Teresa Monaghan will meet with the women and discuss women’s role in spiritual warfare.

There is no cost to attend this event, but if you benefit from this event in any way, St. Cecilia will be grateful for any donation you would like to make in order to help pay the costs of the event and to help the parish evangelize and inspire others to embrace the Gospel and help build the Kingdom of God on earth.