This document is to support managers through the steps involved when an employee or contractor leaves the Department.

Actions for departing employees

Exit survey

Departing employees will receive an email invitation to complete an exit survey. Please encourage your departing team member to respond to the survey. Responses are anonymous and confidential. They will be used to shape the Department’s people strategy. For queries, email:

Actions for departing employees and contractors

All separating employees/contractors

Knowledge management / Arrange for the employee, contractor or consultant to:
  • do a formal handover to someone within the Department or to write procedures explaining complicated parts of their role
  • store all records made or received in the course of their duties for the Department, in accordance with the Records Management Policy. A record is any knowledge, information or data that enables decisions, actions, outcomes or business activities, and includes both hardcopy and digital formats, including email
  • appropriately file any confidential or sensitive documents, or documents containing personal information, whether paper or digital format, and delete any local digital copies that may have been saved to their desktop or other devices. For example, Cabinet-in-Confidence documents and emails containing confidential, sensitive or personal information.
  • remind the person that the Department owns all intellectual property created by its employees in the course of their employment (unless ownership has been modified by agreement) and ensure any intellectual property created by the person has been stored and protected appropriately.

Separating employees/Contractors with ARIBA responsibilities

Purchasing / Action any of the following outstanding ARIBA documents:
  • Documents requiring their approval
  • Invoices requiring reconciliation
  • Any incomplete ARIBA documents
  • Any ARIBA documents awaiting approval by another ARIBA user
  • Unprocessed invoices received from supplier/s. These must be processed in order for the supplier/s to be paid

Contract management /
  • As the Contract Manager, replace themselves with another ARIBA user with the ‘Contract Manager’ role
  • If they have sole edit access to contracts, grant edit access to at least one (1) other ARIBA user with the ‘Contract Manager’ role
  • If they have sole release access, grant release access to at least one (1) other ARIBA user with the ‘Requisitioner’ role

Travel and expenses /
  • Reconcile all travel requests (TRAs) and associated documentation including reconciliation/acquittal of travel advances & expense claims
  • Travel Reports to be completed and submitted for approval

Mobile phone accounts /
  • Process all outstanding mobile phone statements and submit for approval
  • Complete and submit a Mobile Phone Order Form (select the relevant option e.g. Transfer Service, Cancel Service) to arrange return of your departmental mobile phone

Financial delegation /
  • If they have a financial delegation, please delegate their authority within ARIBA to another appropriately trained ARIBA user so they can act in their role after they have left the Department. (To do this, click on Preferences and then click on the ‘Delegate Approval Authority’ link, select the relevant delegate, specify the period of delegation and reason, and submit for automatic approval)

Separating employees/contractors who have Department assets

Laptop / Return to the direct line manager
Cab charge voucher and/or taxi e-ticket card / Return to the direct line manager
Keys for offices and cabinets / Return to the direct line manager
Mobile phone / Return to Information Technology Division
Contact Geoff Coombes
Ph: 03 7022 0737
Corporate card / Return to Financial Services Division
Contact Carlo Diguglielmo
Ph: 03 7022 2280
Car parking pass / Return to Procurement Division
Contact Zoe Perejuan
Ph: 03 7022 2345
Keys for basement lockers / Return to People Division
Contact Mark Bischof
Ph: 03 7022 1037

Separating employees/contractors who have received gifts

Please complete the last page of the Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Policy and return it to the General Manager, Procurement Division.

For information about your obligations, see: Gifts, benefits and hospitality

For queries, contact the Procurement Division

Contact: Maria-Grace Capito

Telephone: 03 7022 1584


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