IMP 1 POW #5
Goal: To find the best strategy for “What’s on Back” and to justify that result with both experimental and theoretical probability models.
Note: In order to earn an A, the work must include all required sections of the POW:
Problem Statement - The problem statement must provide enough information so that a reader unfamiliar with the textbook can understand and solve the problem without referring to the text. Be sure to clearly state what you are being asked to do, to solve or to find. Remember: You may have more than one task!
Process - This may be a journal or narrative format. You should include all diagrams, equations, tables, etc. that you used - even if you eventually discarded the idea! Remember: “Mistakes” help us learn!
Solution - This section may be included in the Process section. Whether a separate section or part of the Process section, your Solution must be clearly labeled and clearly stated.
Please label each section.
100% The work contains all required sections. The student has tested both the strategies in the text and has provided a correct theoretical analysis for each. Additionally, the student has tested and theoretically analyzed at least one other strategy as a means of finding the best strategy. For each strategy, the student has performed enough trials that the experimental data is valid. The student’s writing enhances the readers understanding.
85% - The work contains all required sections. The student has tested both the strategies in the text as well as at least one additional strategy. The student has provided a theoretical analysis for each strategy. The student’s work may contain one of the following errors: limited testing in the experimental probability sections, incorrect (but easily fixed) theoretical analysis, an incorrect conclusion about the best strategy. However, the student’s work indicates that the student is developing a solid sense of probability and analytical reasoning.
75% Like an 85% but may contain two of the listed mistakes OR the work indicates that the student’s understanding is procedural only. OR The work indicates that the student will need additional help to develop a theoretical model for the strategies. OR The student has a correct result with limited testing and limited explanation of the theoretical model.
65% - The work indicates full effort but serious reasoning errors in both theoretical and experimental models. OR The work includes a correct result but no explanation is given.
50% - The work is incomplete or indicates lack of serious effort.