
Procedural Document

NAG 5. Health and Safety

TITLE:Intruder Alert- DRAFT

If a person or persons who constitute a threat to students and staff enters the school property or if gun shots are heard nearby, the following procedures are to be followed:

1)If children, parents of others see a person or persons in or adjacent to the school grounds who they consider to be a threat,they should immediately alert a staff member.

2)If possible, the staff member will confirm the presence of the possible threat and immediately notify the school office by telephone of other means.

3)Office staff will immediately:

-ring the school bell in a series of 10 short bursts (intruder alarm)

-notify the Principal or a Deputy Principal

-ring 111 and notify the police

-lock the administration block and office doors and turn off lights, close curtains and remain away from windows and out of sight

-stand-by telephones and e-mail, and keep lines clear

-relay communications as required

4)On hearing the intruder alarm, teachers in classrooms, the library or the hall will:

- maintain calm

-turn off lights and lock outside doors

-have student sit on the floor out of sight and away from windows

-keep phone lines open and stand-by for further communications

5)If children and staff are outside or away from their classroom when the intruder alarm sounds, staff will make a judgement call about the safest place/classroom to take the children.

6)If the intruder alarm sounds during interval or lunch, children and staff will immediately return to their classrooms, assuming it is considered safe to do so.

7)The main form of communication will be by way of classroom telephones/staff cell phones. These should be kept clear and only used for relaying important information to the school office.

8)Staff will take advice and guidance from the Police when they arrive.

9)Staff and students will be notified when an all-clear is given.

10)The site may be controlled by policed and it may be necessary maintain the lockdown situation beyond the end of school.

11)In such an event and when practical, the “Breaking News” section of the school’s website and the school’s answerphone will be used to keep parents informed of the situation. Outside telephone calls are unlikely to be answered.

12)These procedures will be rehearsed at least once per year in Term 1.

Procedure:Intruder Alert

Page 1

Category: Health and Safety

Procedure No: