Tennyson House Surgery



Dear Patient

We would be grateful if you would take some time to complete this survey. Your Doctors and Nurses want to provide the highest standard of care. Feedback from this survey will help them to identify areas that may need improvement. Your opinions are very valuable.

Please answer ALL the questions that apply to you by putting an X in one box unless more than one answer is required. There are no right or wrong answers and your doctor will NOT be able to identify your individual answers. Thank you.

Your Consultations

Which clinician did you see at your most recent appointment? (Please tick one)

5 Doctor 5 Nurse 5 Healthcare Assistant 5 Physio 5 Midwife 5 Other ………………

5 Have not been seen in last 6 months 5 Have not been seen in over a year

1: Referring to your face to face / telephone consultation with the clinician how highly would you score them at each of the following?

A: Professionalism?

5Excellent 5Very good 5Good 5Fair 5Poor 5Very poor 5N/A

B: Making you feel at ease?

5Excellent 5Very good 5Good 5Fair 5Poor 5Very poor 5N/A

C: Listening to you?

5Excellent 5Very good 5Good 5Fair 5Poor 5Very poor 5N/A

D: Explaining treatment and tests?

5Excellent 5Very good 5Good 5Fair 5Poor 5Very poor 5N/A

Please add any other comments you would like to make about the clinical staff at the practice.

2: How easy is it to speak to a doctor or nurse on the phone at the surgery?

5 Very easy 5Fairly easy 5Not very easy 5Difficult 5Never Tried

3: How many days do you usually have to wait to get an appointment with a GP/Nurse of your choice for a routine problem or review?

5 Same or next day 52-4 days 55 days or more 5 Don’t know, never tried

4: How often do you get to see the GP or Nurse you requested to see?

5 Always 5A lot of the time 5Some of the time 5Never 5N/A

5: Did your most recent appointment start on time?

5 Yes 5No 5 Don`t know 5N/A

5a: If no how long did you have to wait?

5 Less than 5 mins 55-10 mins 511-20 mins 521-30 mins 5More than 30 mins

6: If you need to see a GP/Nurse urgently, can you normally be seen on the same day?

5 Yes 5 No 5Don’t know, never tried

7: If you have ever missed an appointment, was it because?

5I recovered 5I forgot 5I was delayed 5Too difficult 5Unable to get through 5Other

to cancel on the phone

8: Is the surgery currently open at times that are convenient to you?

5 Yes 5 No 5 Don`t know

9: If no, what other times would you want the surgery to be open?

5Early mornings 5 Evenings 5 Saturday 5 Sunday Other…………………………………….

The practice premises

10:How did you get to the surgery for your most recent appointment?

5Walk 5 Bicycle 5 Car 5 Taxi 5 Public transport 5 Other…………………………..

11:If you came by car did you manage to park easily?

5 Yes 5 No

12: How easy do you find getting into the building ?

5 Very easy 5Fairly easy 5Not very easy Difficult 5

13: We have recently refurbished the main waiting area with wipeable seating and flooring; do you think this is an improvement?

5Yes  No  Don`t know

14:Do you find the moving messages on the board in the waiting room informative?

Yes No Don`t know


15: How helpful do you find the receptionists at the surgery?

5Very Helpful 5Fairly helpful 5Not very helpful 5Don’t know 5Have not spoken to a receptionist

15a: In the Reception Area, do you think you can talk confidentially?

5Yes 5No 5Don’t know

16: How easy is it to get through to Reception at the surgery on the phone?

Between 8.30 and 9.30 am for an emergency appointment

5 Very easy 5Fairly easy 5Not very easy 5Not at all easy 5Never Tried

Between 9.30am and 1.30pm

5 Very easy 5Fairly easy 5Not very easy 5Not at all easy 5Never Tried

Between 2.30pm and 6.30pm

5 Very easy 5Fairly easy 5Not very easy 5Not at all easy 5Never Tried

17: Do you find our queries line helpful between 10.30am and 1.30pm?

5 Yes 5 No 5 Never used it


18: In the last 12 months how many times have you seen a GP/Nurse at the surgery?

5None 5 1-3times 54-6 times 56 or more times

19: How do you normally book your appointments to see a GP/Nurse?

5In person 5By Phone 5Online

20: We are now sending SMS text reminders for appointments to mobile phone numbers, do you use this service?

5 Yes 5No 5Did not know about it (Please ask Reception if you are interested)

21: Are you aware you can book a routine appointment up to four weeks in advance?

5 Yes 5No

22: Have you used our online appointment booking or repeat prescribing services?

5 Yes 5No (Ask at reception for more details about this service)

23: Have you used the Walk in Centre or A&E instead of us during our working hours?

5A&E -Yes 5 A&E- No 5 WIC –Yes  WIC -NO

23b: If yes, why?

More convenient 5 Could not get through on the phone5 No appts at a time I wanted 5

Other ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

24: How often have you used the Out of Hours service in the last year?

5None 5 1-3times 54-6 times 56 or more times 5Have never used it

About You:

25: Are you? Male 5 Female 5

26: How old are you?

18-25 26-35 35-45 46-55 56-65 over 65

27: Do you have a longstanding health condition?

 Yes  No  Don`t know  Prefer not to say

28: What is your ethnic group?

A: White B: Mixed C: Asian or Asian British

5British 5White and Black Caribbean 5Indian

5 Irish 5White and Black African 5Pakistani

5White and Asian 5Bangladeshi

Any other White background Any other Mixed background Any other Asian background

(Please detail) (Please detail) (Please detail)

D: Black or Black British E: Chinese/Other Ethnic Group F: 5Not Stated

5Caribbean 5Chinese

5African Any other Ethnic Group

5Any other Black background (Please detail)

29: Which of the following best describes you?

5Employed 5Unemployed 5Full time education

(full, part time, including (includes looking for work)


5Unable to work 5Looking after 5Retired from paid work

due to long term sickness family and home.


Patient Experience

30: Overall, how would you describe your experience of the surgery?

5Excellent 5Good 5Fair 5Poor 5N/A

31: Would you recommend this surgery to someone who has just moved to your local area?

5 Yes 5 No 5 Don`t know

Please write down any other comments or suggestions you may have about your experience

of our practice which you may want us to take into consideration .

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.

Please hand in at the reception desk once you have finished.

On behalf of Dr Stead and Partners.

JAN14 V3