Learn “How the Business Works”
Know 2 Key Elements & Master them
Understand ‘How to Minimize Rejection’
Clearly know ‘How’ to teach others ‘How’ to
Work Smarter, Not Harder
3-Sep Plan
1. SI/Sort
2. Info Meeting/Book Follow-up
3. Collect Decisions/Repeat
The more concerned I am about the things I ______the less I will do about the things I can ______
Disc 1 continued
Achiever and Non Achiever – both work 15 hours
One is in the upper echelon of the payplan in 12-24 months
The other is a struggling at a the lower end, maybe just barely hanging on the the lowest pin level
What is the difference?
The both have the same
- Comp plan
- Product
- Sites and CDs
- Even the same upline
- Both have goals and PMA
– the difference is SKILLS.
Supportive by nature
Do more for others than for themselves
Yellows are Professional Helpers
Full time moms who love it
Yellows love helping others
Yellows Love helping people
Yellow’s at a meeting together – can’t decide where to have lunch
Probably not interested in the business at first but they will be interested in:
Yellows love Helping others with product and/or paying less is taxes
Most folks who know Yellows think they are ‘nice’
Have high credibility with others ~ KEY
Integrity driven, nice, like missions that are important to others
Help out at meetings, show up early, they ask "is there is anything they can do to help with the meeting."
Yellows are Well organized and/or superb multi-tasker
Additional Color Characteristics
Strengths: Service, listening [they will listen, speak their lang.]
Weaknesses: Indecision, over sensitive – keep it soft
Goals: Acceptance, stability
Fear: Sudden Change
Motivator: Involvement – get them involved
Irritation: Insensitivity – make piercing eye contact and listen fully
In a word? Party!!
BLUE’s Love having fun
Love adventure
BLUE’slove to Travel
MOSTLY BLUE’s love meeting new people
Salesmen who like selling [most sales folks don’t really want to sell]
BLUE’sare ALWAYS talking – ALWAYS !!
Seems like they have ADD – but NO – just thinking faster than they are talking - BLUE’s are trendy, popular, life of the party types – know a few blues?
Reps that are blues call you and ask if you have time for a quick question …BLAH BLAH BLAH
BLUE’srarely book follow ups – will get lots of CDs out but will not have an equal amount of SPECIFIC follow-ups scheduled
If you find a Blue who goes for it – you need to help them improve and be their yellow for a while
Blues BELIEVE they are great multi-taskers – they are not.
BLUE’s say “things that slip are situation” but it’s not true, help them break denial.
BLUE’s like having fun – and struggle with organization but they will talk to 10 people while most make plans to talk to one.
They do not listen – always talking and telling what they were/are doing that is more important than what they need to do.
Lack consistency in key tasks – last to learn the marketing plan in general – and love Recognition Will make themselves and others lots of money – [tell a yellow support wife story]
Additional Color Characteristics
Strengths: Persuasion, interacting with others
Weaknesses: Disorganized, carelessness
Goals: Popularity, applause
Fear: Loss of Prestige Motivator: Recognition Irritation: Routine
Like to be in charge
REDstelling others what to do, like to be the boss
REDs are Great organizers in thought – think systemically
Reds are ALL ABOUT THE MONEY/BOTTOM line – let’s say you are going to a ball game and you were going to get the tickets – maybe something interesting happened in getting the seats – a red just wants to know “did you have the tickets and how much did they cost”
ROI thinking for them ALWAYS
Donald Trump a RED thru and thru
Like Blues, they do not listen ~ they want to do it their way ~ unlike a Blue, they will find out what needs to be done [ like learn the plan] and then DO IT.
Reds They do not listen because they KNOW IT ALL already
Make the most money for themselves and others
ALL reds think they are yellows[ decisions made to HELP others]
Love competition and Recognition ~ Remember, Blues love recognition – reds love recognition AND competition
Additional Color Characteristics
Strengths: Taking Initiative
Weaknesses: Impatient, insensitive – be brief and to the point
Goals: Productivity, control
Fear: Being hustled [ never exaggerate w/Reds, even in jest]
Motivator: WINNING
Irritation: Indecision [ can you see the value of this chart w/ say a yellow and red? Yellows are indecisive and it irritates Reds]
Engineers, CPAs, Computer folks
Greens are Not emotional outwardly, they are logical
Mr. Spock from Star Treck
Greens Ask for more information – again and again
They are going to join on their own research – but a true GREEN will do the research
Greens really Like to be RIGHT
Spend to much time thinking instead of just working – will be focused on things like demi-graphics – instead of getting 10 CDs out, they try to figure out the best type of person….they best month to approach them, the best week of the month, the best day and the best time of the day
Hard to get going but if you get some greens on your team they will stay – why? They did the homework and they KNOW they are with the correct company.
You cannot close a green – but you can get them more information and follow-up. Big into the ‘next step’
Additional Color Characteristics
Strengths: Planning, research -
Weaknesses: Perfectionists, may be critical
Goals: Accuracy, thoroughness
Fear: Criticism
Motivator: PROGRESS …and the next step is….
Irritation: Unpredictability – be early, not just on time
Fill in correct color
Mr. ______In 1995 25% of Americans believed they needed a health supplement and 75% did not. By 2005 75% believed they needed supplements and only 25% did not. This a a huge expanding market.
There are two types of people in the world:
=> Those who get paid to take supplements, and
=> Those who don't.
Which group would you like to belong to? Great, let’s get you started
Talking to a ______? SIMPLE
Mrs. ______Donald Trump and Robert Kiwosaki see this as the prefect business and like them I believe there are two types of people in the world:
=> Business owners who are getting rich, and
=> People who make business owners rich.
Which group would you like to belong to? Great, let’s get you started.
Mr. ______having the money to do what you want, travel, come and go as you please and meet lots of interesting people is something you can easily make happen here.
There are two types of people in the world:
=> Those who schedule life they way they want
=> AND Those who don't.
Which group would you like to belong to? Great, let’s get you started
Ms. ______
There are two types of people in the world:
=> Those who have friends who pay too much income tax, and
=> Those who have friends who help their friends pay less in taxes
Which group would you like to belong to? Great, let’s get you started.
Ms. ______
There are two types of people in the world:
=> Those who get paid to help their friends experience better health
=> AND Those don’t
Which group would you like to belong to? Great, let’s get you started.
Write out a close for each color
Red –
Green –
Yellow –
Blue -
Use this chart to increase identification of Personality Type
Strengths:Servicing, listening.Strengths: Planning, analyzing
Weaknesses:Oversensitivity, indecisionWeaknesses:Perfectionists, critical
Goals:Acceptance, stabilityGoals:Accuracy, thoroughness
Fear:Sudden changeFear:Criticism
Strengths:Persuasion, interacting w/othersStrengths:Administration, taking initiative
Weaknesses:Disorganization, carelessnessWeaknesses:Impatience, insensitivity
Goals:Popularity, applauseGoals:Productivity, control
Fear:Loss of prestigeFear:Being hustled
1A_____ She/he usually reacts slowly and deliberately.
1B_____ She/he usually reacts quickly and spontaneously.
2A_____ She/he usually focuses primarily on ideas, concepts and results.
2B_____ She/he usually focuses primarily on persons, interactions and feelings.
These items are adapted to help you identify a person’s communication style.
If you checked 1A and 2A, you’re dealing with a GREEN
If you checked 1A and 2B, you’re dealing with a YELLOW
If you checked 1B and 2A, you’re dealing with a RED
If you checked 1B and 2B, you’re dealing with a BLUE
INVITING PEOPLE………simple, now that we know the language
Yellows - We have a meeting tomorrow night, would you please come with me. I really could use your support.
Blue – There is a meeting tomorrow night that is going to be incredible, it is going to be so exciting it’s going to be so much fun. We will be meeting a lot of people and I have told 3 or 4 of the top people in that area about you and them want to meet you.
Red – We are having a meeting tomorrow night and we will be talking money big money. The company is identifying 1-2 key people to take charge. Here is chance for you to be your own boss and get the recognition you deserve.
Green – and I need your opinion so please bring a notebook because there is going to be a lot of information and facts that I would love for you to analyze for me.
These invitations don’t need to be perfect, they just need to be in a language that they can understand.
Instant Presentations
I keep mentioning meeting people in coffee shops to get them a CD – Let me tell you why. To learn more about this you can go to [myxanchise.net]
Benefits – ONE: it shortens cycle, TWO: more people listen to the CD THREE; the impact the CD has is far greater on them than getting it in the mail a week after your initial approach FOUR it duplicates very, very quickly ~ once you teach them the colors they can ‘invite’ people to listen to the CD and book a follow-up
Sell the meeting ~ 10 minutes ~ not the plan or product
You already know about the first 5 minutes – right?
FIND THEIR COLOR – work the cheat sheet into play
PRESENT from to the COLOR as to why they should here the CD - in other words, you are selling the value of the CD, not the plan or product.
Yellow – Talk about benefits of product, we really need your help getting the work out about this product and you can help people save money on their taxes.
Blue – Talk about the social aspect of the business, the travel, the conventions and that this was designed for busy people who get bored doing the same thing over and over again.
Red – Six figure close, fire your boss, be in charge. Tell the about top pin levels and why they can do better. Trump/Kiosaki
Green – Can’t close them they are not closeable. But you can continue to feed them information and set the next appointment.
Yellow –
- Fundraising ideas around the product
- promising a weekend at a spa where they can meet some other nice people where they can relax.
- Helping others qualify for a prize
Blue –
- Incentivize the events, , meetings they set up
- tell them you want to get them up on stage.
Red - $/Recognition –
- Red have a button on their head here is how you push it.
- One ~ give them compliment.
- Two ~ give them another compliment.
- Three ~ challenge them to outdo someone else
Green –
- With stats that have proven and predictable success rate – 65-13-2/1-1.
- Break down the amount of dials per hour, contacts [16%], to get them to do a 3-1-2 program
- Use a long term statistical FACT ~ Their retirement, find the #’s for their age ~ 10,000 x their age
- Then go over the numbers of dials, contacts etc
~ Disc 2 ~
If you are out of names, you are out of work.
- TIP ONE - Build the list with them ~ I am repeating this becaue it is that important.
- TIP TWO ~ Build it at their house ~ YES ~ go to their house
- TIP THREE ~ build a resource list – not a tickler list but a list of lists. From time to time someone will introduce you to a new type fo list – add it to your list of lists. In addition to the yellow pages and a tickler list some examples of this are: Go to for list resources and additional tips
- address book
- high school year book
- college year book
- church directory etc
- fellowships and clubs like Eagles, Lions, Elks
- Sporting team’s booster club members
- Leagues
- Christmas card list, wedding list etc
- Vendors ~ anyway, you get the idea
- When you go to your new reps house pull out your list of lists and have him or her go get those things and break out the yellow pages. And you will be able to help your new rep build a list of 200+. I consider these names ‘referrals’ because they are.
- TIP FOUR ~ Have a list building ‘sizzle session’ ~ this is HUGE . Get a few new reps and a couple of veterans to come to your house or one of the reps homes. Shoot them all an email with your list of lists and tell them ALL bring ALL those things on that list to the ‘sizzle session’ You bring the Yellow Pages and the tickler list
- Make it fun, make it a contest
- First to 100 names wins a dinner
- Youngest to 100 names
- Teach them to focus on a group – RE Brokers, car salesman etc…….do it with them
- By Becoming an expert on building lists you are constanly pumping new, FREE & LOCAL names into the funnel
- SUPER Massive tip: When building the list with your new reps start the process of teaching them skill number 1. A really easy to do this is by using the 2 cheat questions that I gave you earlier. People make decisions slowly and deliberately or spontaneously. Are they focused on results or the process? This will help you to identify their prospects as red, green, yellow or blue get them off to a great start while you are teaching them the language of the prospects.
- Letter association, anyone’s name that starts with a D. Probe for occupation.
- A virtual diamond, business card funnel filler
- Harvesting cards – variety stores, delis, markets, etc.
- Join a local networking group, BNI, Chamber
- Prospects are everywhere 300,000,000 people in the US alone. 285,000,000 live paycheck to paycheck. David and Goliath
- Warm list to Warm list is the path pin levels beyond your imagination.
- SECOND MASSIVE TIP – a lot of folks in every Newtorking company have a lot of people who just want the product. These customers are the best sales force in the world.
- Follow up with product users – 3 times first week, 3x week after that – monitor their progress
- Once they start getting results tell them about giraffes and Rhinos – do a reverse 3-way.
- Never do a training about why they should build a names list and not set time aside at the training to build names. Use some of the principle at the sizzle party – make if fun, fast and give prizes.
Story Telling Skill
Story Telling
Become a great storyteller. There is a difference between a great story and a great storyteller. A bad storyteller can make a good story sound boring and lose the interest of the listener. A good story teller can make a bad story or a story people have heard 100s of times sounds interesting
What do you need to incorporate into each story? ______
Why do we tell stories?
How do we tell stories?
What sells? Facts or stories?
Skill ~ Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing – MDCs
The difference between success and failure is simple. The successful distributor simply does the thing the unsuccessful distributor makes a conscience decision not do to.
What are MDC’s
What is your MDC?
What are the MDCs of your 3 key people?
What is your accountability plan?
Who is your accountability partner?
#1 Schedule it …..the difference between knowing what to do and doing it is whether or not you ______it
#2 BEANS …..Buy some beans. Why?
#3 Go the extra ______. There is never a traffic jam on the extra ______
Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 on this
How do you feel about this concept?
#4 MDCs [minimum daily contacts] Pick the correct amount of MDCs
What is holding you back?
What would happen if you did this?
What will happen if you deny your dreams?
What do you want more of in your life?
What do you want less of in your life?
Do you resist the bean idea?
What do these formulas mean?
Here are two formulas:
10 – 3 – 2 and 4
3 – 1 – 2 and 1
If I set and keep an MDC commitment I will…….
#5 Think globally – Build ______.
What does this mean to you?
What is your plan?
When will you start?
People do not plan to fail, they simply fail to plan.
Here is my written plan of action: