Essay Writing Tips

How to organize the opening statement

  1. Be sure you understand the question. Answer the question!Look for key words (e.g., “analyze”, “compare”, “contrast”, “validity”, “advantage”, “disadvantage”, etc.) Follow directions.
  2. Answer the question in general terms – one or two sentences.
  3. Mention important points that you intend to discuss in general terms – one or two sentences.
  4. DO NOT merely restate the question! The readers have seen it all!


  1. The essay should be organized in “SECTIONS”. The number of sections is determined by the question.
  2. Each “section” should be one, two, or three paragraphs long and refer to the points stated in the opening statement. (see #3 above)
  3. These paragraphs should be ordered as in the opening statement.
  4. These points must be supported by specific examples (names, events, achievements, dates, etc.) when necessary

Closing Statement

  1. Bring the reader back to your thesis and the questions.
  2. However, do not simply restate your thesis or present a summary of all you have included
  3. Try do the following
  4. State the significance (“so what”) of your thesis to
  5. The time period
  6. Subsequent history
  7. The present situation
  8. Give some sort of indication that your thesis is applicable to other situations
  9. Analyze or state insight into the overall discussion of your essay
  10. Do not introduce new evidence.

Some No-Nos

Avoid using the following words:

OKreallyas you seestufflike when

You knowkind of you will seelots maybe

Perhapsand othersI have shownI am going to show

This essay will showI thinkI believe


  1. “outline” a plan for the essay. Five minutes of planning can make or break your essay
  2. write in PAST tense
  3. vary words that have similar meanings
  4. stick to the question


  1. write in the First Person
  2. write in the Second Person
  3. Use Slang, dudes!
  4. Tell jokes
  5. Tell stories
  6. abbreviate

* ALL Free Response essays will be graded based on the following criteria

Scoring Standards


a) Contains a clear, well-developed thesis

b)Supports thesis with substantial, relevant information

c)Understands complexity of the questions; deals with the question in depth, although treatment may not be balanced

d)Effective analysis

e)May contain minor errors


a)Contains a clear thesis with limited development

b)Supports thesis with some relevant information

c)Limited understanding of complexity; may deal with only one aspect of the question in some depth, or with all in a more general way

d)Limited analysis; mostly describes

e)May contain errors that do not detract from overall essay/argument


a) Lacks a thesis, or thesis may be confused or undeveloped

b)Lacks supporting information, or information which is given is minimal or irrelevant

c)Ignores complexity; may deal with one aspect of the questions in a general way or all aspects in a superficial way

d)No analysis

e)May contain major errors


a) Incompetent response

b)May simply paraphrase or restate the question with no discussion

c) Little or no understanding of the question