1101 East Thomas Road, Phoenix, AZ 85014Dr. Chad Gestson, Superintendent
Casillas, Principal
(602) 764-6500
Department:World Language
Course Title:French 1-2Anne-Valerie Boisdin
Code: 4801000 – 4802000Room# LA 65
No. of Credits:1 (Two-semester course)Tel: 602-764-6500
Grade Levels:9-10-11-12Email:
Course Description
French 1-2 is designed to give students basic proficiency in reading, writing, speaking, and understanding the French language. Audiovisual techniques will be used. Emphasis is on development of oral proficiency and knowledge of Francophone cultures.
Materials and supplies needed everyday
1/ Student Planner
2/ Weekly Work Record in a binder (or a section in a binder)
3/ Textbook “T’es branché 1” (EMC)
4/ Pens (blue or black and red), pencil, paper, and binder
Grading System (accommodations/modifications included per IEP & 504 plans)
Per quarterPer semester
Assessments (written and oral)80%Grades Quarters #1 & #280%
Homework / In-class work (work ethic)20%Semester Final20%
Grading Scale
A: 90-100%SuperiorD: 60-69%Below Average
B: 80-89%Above AverageF: Below 60%Failing
C: 70-79%Average
Adherence to deadlines
Late work will be accepted with reduced credit until the end of the month in which work was assigned.
ParentVUE/StudentVUE is our district’s system to monitor each student’s education. It provides current information about attendance, grades, and assignments and due dates, as well as progress towards graduation and school events. Parent account codes and information is included on the student’s first progress report. A postal mailer with complete login instructions will be sent prior to that time. Students will be taught how to access StudentVUE in their classes.
Title I Program
Academic tutoring and test preparation is available to all students. Additional support for passing classes and graduating on time is the intent of these services. Support through Title I funding is available in the areas of math, reading, and English. If interested, please contact the Principal Vanessa Casillas, or Assistant Principal for Instruction Makayla Jackson, for additional information at 602-764-6539.
Make-up policy
Students will inform the teacher of known future absences and request work for that time, utilizing teacher’s work phone number, email, and tutoring time. Upon return to class, work will be due in the number of excused days the student has missed plus one, except for extenuating circumstances. You will be asked to complete all missing assignments at home and/or during tutoring time in room LA65 if the teacher asks you to do so.
French Tutoring
Tutoring is available everyday during MAP period, as well as after Period 8 until 3:30pm, in room LA65.
Tutoring is available upon appointment with French teacher during first lunch and after 3:30pm.
Students have also the opportunity to practice independently using the “T’es branché online portal” (Passport) on any device.
“Absent” is defined as nonattendance in an assigned class or activity for more than one-half of the period. (PUHSD Governing Board Policy J-1561 JHR)
“Tardy” is defined as not being in the assigned class or activity when the tardy bell has finished ringing. (PUHSD Governing Board Policy J-1561 JHR)
Students may fail the class for the semester in any course, when reaching a total of 12 excused/unexcused absences and after school-documented interventions have been exhausted. (Student Procedures Handbook page 26)
I will assign a reasonable amount of homework due at the beginning of each class. You will receive 5 points for each neat completed homework that is in my possession at the beginning of class.
Late and incomplete homework will be accepted at the discretion of the teacher.
Cell phone and electronic device policy
During class instruction, cell phone and electronic devices stay in backpacks/purses. If a student is caught using his/her cellphone, he/she will hand it over to the teacher. Then security will pick up and secure the device at the APS office. Only a parent/guardian will be responsible for picking up the device.
Student Planner
All North High School students are expected to bring and use a student planner every day to record assignments, to be signed out for tutoring during MAP, and for use as hall/nurse pass. This includes days with a shortened class schedule.
Always be respectful, kind, and polite to others.
Bring all needed materials to class.
Be in your seats and ready to work before the last tone of the bell.
Listen and stay seated when someone is talking.
Enjoy gum, food, and drink in the cafeteria or quad.
Cell phones and any other electronic device in backpacks/purses.
North High School - World Language - French 1-2
Plan For Student Success 2017-2018 Sign Off sheet
(Please sign, detach, and return this page to Ms. Boisdin)
I hereby acknowledge that I received a copy of the Plan for Student Success. I have a clear understanding of what is expected of me and I will do my best to support my learning and the learning of my classmates.
I have also read and understood the cell phone policy. (Hemos leído y entendido la política de teléfono celular.)
Student’s name (printed)
Student’s signaturedate
I hereby acknowledge that I have read the Plan for Student Success. I have a clear understanding of what is expected of my child and agree to support his/her effort.
I have also read and understood the cell phone policy. (Hemos leído y entendido la política de teléfono celular.)
Parent/Guardian’s name (printed)
Parent/Guardian’s signaturedate
Contact information
Student’s First and Last name ______
Home Phone______Your cell # ______
Email ______
Address ______
Father/Guardian’s name ______
Cell # ______Work # ______
Email ______
Mother/Guardian’s name ______
Cell # ______Work # ______
Email ______