Voluntary Service International (VSI)
International Volunteer projects 2013 – wheelchair accessible
VSI’s international volunteer projects are a unique form of volunteering, bringing together people from different countries, cultures and backgrounds to live and work together on short-term projects with local communities. The projects also aim to break down barriers between people, to develop international understanding and to work for a more just and peaceful society.
The Programme is made up of four elements; Preparation, Volunteer project, Evaluation and Using your experience. More info about the programme here:
These projects are part of VSI’s international volunteer programme and you can apply online here:
VSI is a voluntary, non-profit organisation and registered charity so we need to charge each volunteer a Project Fee. Food and accommodation are provided free of charge during the project. Volunteers must pay for their own travel to the project. The project fee includes administration costsinvolved in the placement, insurance cover while taking part in projects in Europe (not travel insurance), participation at the Preparation Workshops, support during the application and volunteer project and membership of VSI for one year.
Fees to VSI for volunteer project in Europe:
Waged: €140
Unwaged: €100
2nd project: €50
Volunteers for this programme must be 18 or over, there is no upper age limit unless stated.
VSI volunteer quote: "Life on the project was wonderful! You get such a valuable insight into the culture, food and lifestyle of the local people, a much deeper insight than you will ever get on a regular holiday. You meet wonderful people and form lasting friendships. It was such an amazing experience, I can’t recommend it enough.”
Participants in Slovenia
Information on the projects
The following VSI volunteer projects are wheelchair accessible and VSI has reserved places for wheelchair using volunteers from Ireland.
The accommodation, transport and work are accessible to varying levels. On some of the projects there is less accessibility than others e.g. all areas of the worksite may not be fully wheelchair accessible or wheelchair accessible transport may have to be arranged from the arrival airport. The descriptions below are the general project descriptions taken from our search engine, and they may not mention accessibility but don’t worry if it sounds like the project isn’t accessible, all the hosts are able to place wheelchair users and will make provisions.
Not all these projects will be suitable for all wheelchair users, it depends on the individual but we will do our best to adapt to accommodate volunteers who are wheelchair users. In all areas of the process VSI and the host organisation will offer support to ensure people have what they need to enable them to take part. The hosts are flexible and prepared to make changes to support wheelchair using volunteers. For example, in some of the descriptions, the sleeping arrangements are a sleeping mat and sleeping bag, if it’s not possible for you to sleep in this way then VSI and the host organisation will try to arrange for a bed that you can use.
On some of the projects it’s possible to bring a personal assistant with you, they would take one of the places of a volunteer on the project and so would have to pay for the project fee (as well as for their travel).
In general these projects accept applications on a first come first served basis, they can fill up pretty quickly, that’s why we have reserved places on them for wheelchair users as it can take more time to get the information that you need to apply. It’s possible for more than one wheelchair user to take part on a project, the reserved place is to make sure that they will hold at least one place for a wheelchair user. If you would like to go with a friend they can also apply, as long as there’s places available.
So, if you’re interested apply or contact VSI as soon as possible!!!
VSI prepares all volunteers to take part in our projects and supports volunteers while they are away volunteering, where needed we provide extra preparation and support.
Volunteers on these projects will need to be prepared! Volunteers should know that it will definitely be less comfortable than at home, you will need to be prepared to make compromises, to be challenged and to solve problems yourself!
VSI offers various volunteer opportunities both in Ireland and internationally, we offer support for people with disabilities to take part in volunteering.
If you think one of these projects might be for you or for more info on these or any other VSI projects, please contact Helen in VSI:
VSI volunteer quote: “Actions speak louder than words... Rather than taking about it ...do it! It will be a memory that will stay with you for the rest of your life!”
International Volunteer projects 2013 – wheelchair accessible
Project / Country / Dates (all 2013) / Number of reserved places / Extra info‘Le Nuove Ex Prison
Turin’ IT-SCI 9.3 / Italy / 1st to 14th July / 1 place
‘Dachau’ DE-SCI 1.32 / Germany / 27th July to 9th August / 2 places / 18 – 26 year olds only
Extra fee: €140
‘Camp of young paraplegics, tetraplegics and international volunteers’ SI-SCI 4.1 / Slovenia / 28th August to 2nd September / 2 places
- Project name:
Code: / IT-SCI 9.3
Country: / Italy
Dates: / 1st to 14th July
Link to project description on VSI project search engine: /
Description: The Association "Nessun Uomo è un'Isola” (No man is an island) started in Turin in 2001 aims to restore the prison complex ‘Le Nuove’, covering 130 years of Italian and Turin history, transforming it into an experimental workshop where differences can cohabit, giving priority to the value of people as human being. The former prison is now open to the public, as a meeting place for citizens, organizations and institutions interested in giving attention to the past and expressing solidarity; listening to witnesses of people who suffered deportation and exclusion in this place.
Type of Work: With the aim of recovering the former prison complex, volunteers will be required to do manual activities, like cleaning and a little restoring inside and outside the structure. Regarding the historical and cultural memory of the prison, some of the volunteers will also support data entry relating to prison population registers until 2003, year of the final closure of ‘Le Nuove’ as Turin’s main penitentiary.
Study Theme: The study part will be divided into two: 1. Focusing on historical and cultural heritage, through the knowledge of the history of ‘Le Nuove’ with guided tours inside the complex and the air-raid shelter built underneath the structure. 2. Comparison of past and present situation of prison life, with a thematic tour through symbolic sites of Turin, from the first post-war period to the years of terrorism. The local partner will try to organise a visit to the new city penitentiary ‘Lorusso-Cotugno’ of Vallette, imprisoning many immigrants and foreign people.
Accommodation: Inside the structure, in functional, renovated cells, mostly on bunk beds. Kitchen and dining room for about 60 people.
Language: The camp language will be English, but Italian knowledge is strongly welcome ‘Le Nuove’ prison today
to support the research activities.
Approximate Location: By plane: ‘SandroPertiniInternationalAirport’ of the city of Turin; by train: ‘Porta Nuova Railway Station, main station of Turin, ‘Porta Susa Railway Station’.
Notes: If possible, please choose environmentally friendly transportation like train or bus.
- Project name:
Code: / DE-SCI 1.32
Country: / Germany
Dates: / 27th July to 9th August 2013
Notes: / 18 – 26 year olds only. Extra fee: €140
Link to project description on VSI project search engine: /
IMPORTANT: 18 – 26 year olds only. Extra fee: €140
Description: The KZ Dachau was the first concentration camp built by fascist Germany in March 1933. It was also used as an SS training centre. More than 200,000 people from all over Europe were imprisoned here. Many prisoners died as a result of terror, inhuman work, diseases, exhaustion and hunger. The study camp will take place within the framework of the ‘International Youth Meeting’ (IYM), which hosts around 120 teenagers and young adults from about 20 nations every year.
Type of Work: Maintenance work at the memorial site (1-2 mornings/afternoons); Fascism and the concentration camp in Dachau; workshops, tours of the memorial site, excursions, lectures
Study Theme: In contrast to other VSI volunteer projects, the main emphasis will be put on studies. The volunteers will learn about the history of fascism through communication with survivors and through active participation in workshops. Current political situations will also be discussed. More information about the IYM:
Accommodation: In four-bed rooms in Youth Guest House Dachau, suitable for wheelchairs.
Requirements: Interested in taking part in workshops, working knowledge of English and/or German.
Approximate Location: The nearest big city is Munich, which is about 20kms away from Dachau.
Notes: Before you apply, please read the basic info on this site first. Here we explain what we expect from volunteers in our camps. Since this camp's focus is on the study part instead of the work, volunteers will have to pay an extra fee of € 140,- upon arrival. Age limit! Volunteers should not be older than 26! Motivation letter required, contact VSI.
Organization Description: This workcamp is organized by the German branch of Service Civil International (SCI). SCI Germany was founded in 1946 and is approved as a non-profit organisation. We are one of the oldest peace and volunteer organisations. SCI Germany aims to promote peace, non-violence, international solidarity, social justice, sustainable development and cross-cultural exchange through international voluntary work. We cooperate with a network of branches and partners in more than 90 countries. Every year, SCI Germany organizes about 50 international workcamps in Germany
- Project name:
Code: / SI-SCI 4.1
Country: / Slovenia
Dates: / 28th August to 2nd September
Link to project description on VSI project search engine: /
Description: Our association aims to assist paraplegics and tetraplegics after the end of their rehabilitation and offers them a professional network of activities, that enable them to settle down and reintegrate to their local environment. We aim to equip them with tools so they can start independent and active lives. We offer them transportation to schools, health centres etc. organize different sport and educational activities. Every year we also organize a summer camp for the members of our association with the participation of foreign volunteers.
Type of Work: The volunteers will help paraplegics and tetraplegics (the members of our association). Their main job will be preparing the meals and taking care of house cleanliness. Also they will talk with members and spend time together, play chess and cards. The volunteers will not need to help our members in a sense of personal hygiene or any other ‘'personal' things. During the camp we will organize some tours around Bela Krajina and the coastal region of Slovenia, which is very beautiful.
Study Theme: The volunteers will learn about the day to day life of our members.
Accommodation: The volunteers will be accommodated in a house together with our members(women have separate room).
Language: We will use Slovenian and English language.
Requirements: The association prefers students of humanistic sciences but this is not essential, we would be glad to accept a student which is a paraplegic too or any paraplegic or quadraplegic.
Approximate Location: The project will take place on two locations, Semic and Pacug. The closest terminal is Brnik in Ljubljana. The association will take care of all the transport during the project, wheelchair users will be collected from Lubjlana airportby the host organisation or if full wheelchair accessible transport is required it will be arranged (at the cost of the volunteer but it may be possible to share). Volunteers must arrive to the meeting point by themselves, which will be a 5 min walk from main train station in Ljubljana(capital of Slovenia).
Notes: Our association works with members who use wheelchairs, therefore we will arrange accessible accommodation, transport, food(please report any preferences or allergies in your application form before you arrive). Volunteers must be at least 21 years old, but we might make an exception once in a while.