Saturday 19th Nov 2016

midday onwards auction 2pm

BBQ & Refreshments

Fanciers donating birds

2016 GMPF aggregate winners Haidar brothers.

2016 VHA aggregate winner D Wetering & son.

2016 WPF aggregate winner M Portelli.

Other leading fanciers including Terry Sylvester SCF, Nick Lakiotis a 10 bird race team, current bid $1,000.00. Raphael Lay 2 x 5 bird race teams, ABC Evans 1 race team, Michael Lucas, Rod Churchill, John & Linda Shore, J&P Phillips, A&M Vella, John McCooke, Noel Podesta, Paddy Otoole, S&S Brown, Gary Mountjoy, Andrew Spiliopolous, Darryl Klopprogge, Marco Mota, Slav Radic, Lou Gatt, David Ketteringham, Kehagias & Hughes, plus many more.

Many thanks to Ballarat east homing club donating 20 2017 Eureka classic entries, & 6 Sovereign Hill sprint entries.

Western Pigeon Federation 4 entries into their 2017 $30,000 1st prize breeders plate.

Croydon Homing Pigeon Club 5 entries their 2017 Croydon Classic.

Prizes to be raffled include a set of down lights, perfect for the home improvement,

Latest edition of Dr Colin Walkers book on everything you need to know on keeping your birds healthy,

Set of step ladders(no more standing on the coffee table to change a globe)

Vitamin & mineral products,

La ledois manual clock.

Dear fellow members

As you may or may not have heard one of our members children (Rafel Stytzen) Peter has been suffering with brain tumours since birth, after undergoing several failed attempts throughout his short 9 years of life the prognosis finally came that Peter had just 6 weeks to live, as the tumour had grown back again more aggressive than ever & it was too close to the nerves that control his vision, hearing & speech to name a few. The medical team at Monash we're not specialised enough to consider operating any further.

In desperation after learning of a new treatment being done in China with great results (SPDT) sonar vibrations to put it simply, Rafel & Yolla embarked on taking Peter there for 3 months intensive treatment, amazingly the tumour shrank from 4 centimetres to just 6 millimetres unfortunately the root of the tumour remained.

Prof Charles Teo the world famous Sydney neurosurgeon heard of the Chinese result & contacted Rafel & Yolla & invited them to Sydney for a consultation, after looking at the scans that had been done a few days prior showing the tumour was once again growing, Peter was operated on the following day, & amazingly Peter was out playing his beloved soccer with the local juniors just 10 days later. Prof Teo is very confident that he removed all of the tumour & that Peter can go forward now to leading a healthy & rewarding life, & who knows he may go on to score the winning goal for Australia against his fathers beloved Poland in the 2030 soccer world cup.

As you will be aware this journey has not been cheap, $230,000.00 has been spent, putting great financial stress on the family, not to mention the emotional strain they have been under. If we as a group can rally around to assist in whatever way we can by donating & or purchasing a pigeon or two, or even a hamburger or three, please tell you're friends & turn up for what promises to be a great day.

Many of Melbourne's leading fanciers have already pledged to donate birds to the auction including Rod Churchill, Haidar brothers, Nick Lakiotis,(race team) John McCooke, Michael Lucas, J&P Phillips, A&M Vella, Michael Portelli, ABC Evans, John & Linda Shore. just to start, with more to come at this early stage.

Croydon pigeon club have donated 5 rings for their Croydn Classic race with more donations to come.

Flyers wishing to donate pigeons or products for the raffle please contact

Nev Arathoon mob 0413 912 168

Tony Maslowski mob 0412 200 960

Nick Lakiotis mob 0404 547 515