Note on request for additional support 2006

The support system extended by ASHA for Education is helped the Magu Madhura Kalike (MMK) process in a right direction.

  • The advocacy regarding primary education with the government, education department and with the local community has been successfully achieved. The achievements are indicated by various outcomes. One of the major out come is formation of state level education forum. At present this forum facilitated 3 meetings at different parts of the state. Now this forum strengthened the collective voice of those who working in the field of education especially primary education. The forum decided to hold meetings once in three months to discuss the current scenario of the education and work as a watchdog.
  • As you aware at the beginning stage of MMK the advocacy process has been hindered due to lack of financial support. At present MMK is strengthened and achieved its advocacy and lobbying by the support extended from ASHA and made the process independent.
  • Magu Madhura Kalike (MMK) has been visualized, designed and produced number of supportive materials and manuals, which in turn put into effect for concept clarity on education, incorporate gender and social and indigenous values in the learning process. The material brought under this process has a good response from the field practitioners.
  • As you aware there is a thirst on various model text books and guidelines on value education, gender, equity and so on. MMK strongly believes that such model textbook will serve the purpose and MMK is working on these models in the next phase.

Understanding the above factors I hope you will consider my request and sanction the additional support for 2006.

The details of the additional proposal are enclosed for your perusal.




/ Amount in Rupees
A / Gender Sensitivity Workshop for peoples representatives- A 1-day workshop with 40 participants
1 / Food / 2,500
2 / Materials / 1,000
3 / Travel & Communications / 2,000
4 / Remuneration for Resource Persons / 1,000
5 / Miscellaneous / 500


/ 7,000
B / Model textbook preparation. - A 8-day workshop (2 phases 4 days each with 6 resource parsons) and one day consultation with 6 resource persons and 10 experts.
1 / Food / 9,000
2 / Materials (including references) / 6,000
3 / Travel & Communications / 8,000
4 / Remuneration for Resource Persons / 24,000
5 / Workshop Hall & Accommodation for Resource Persons / 13,000
6 / DTP, layout, printout, binding etc charges / 6,000
Miscellaneous / 3,000


/ 69,000
C / General seminar on SSA midterm review(State level at Bangalore)
A 2-day workshops with 100 participants
1 / Food / 16,000
2 / Traveling and Remuneration for Resource Persons / 12,000
3 / Seminar Hall & Accommodation for Resource Persons / 7,000
4 / Communication, Publicity and Materials / 8,000
5 / Miscellaneous / 1,000


/ 44, 000
E / District Level 3 day vehicle jatha for create awareness on girls education
1 / Food / 5,000
2 / Materials / 6,000
3 / Travel (hiring two vehicles) / 28,000
4 / Communication and publicity / 6,000
5 / Documentation / 4,000
6 / Miscellaneous / 2,000


/ 51,000
F / Material Preparation
1 / Preparing and printing of booklets for promote gender sensitiveness
among children / 10,000
2 / Preparing and printing health awareness material for children and parents / 4,000
3 / Printing teaching materials for teachers(Flip charts) / 40,000


/ 54,000

TOTAL for Workshops & Material Preparation

/ 2,25,000
4(once in three months) meetings @ Rs.11,000 per meeting / Amount in Rupees
1 / Food / 10,000
2 / Travel / 24,000
3 / Meeting Hall & Accommodation for participants / 8,000
4 / Miscellaneous / 2,000

TOTAL for State Level Network Meetings

/ 44,000

GRAND TOTAL for Advocacy & Raising Awareness

/ 2,69,000

Amount requested from ASHA (50%)

/ 1,35,000

We at Maghu Madhura Kalike will mobilize the remaining amount of Rupees 1, 34,000 locally.