British Pool and Hot Tub Awards Evening

to be held on Tuesday 31st January 2017

In the E-ON Lounge at the Ricoh Arena, Coventry

Deadline for all entries is Friday 11th November 2016

Award entries are to be made online via the BISHTA website; entries received after 5pm on the date above cannot be entered into the competition.

Please make sure that you read the entry form and instructions carefully

and please check the categories available this year.

Entry Form

Entries must be selected into one of nine categories this year, and these are:

  1. Residential Hot Tubs Below £7,000 (inc VAT)
  1. Residential Hot Tubs £7,000to £14,000 (inc VAT)
  1. Residential Hot Tubs £14,000 and Over (inc VAT)
  1. Swim / Exercise Spas
  1. Hot TubsChange Lives*
  1. Hot Tubsin a Holiday Setting**
  1. Hot Tub Happiness***
  1. Showroom of the Year****
  1. Best Use of Digital Media*****

The BISHTA Awards are only open to companies who are members of BISHTA.

The hot tubs and swim/exercise spas that are entered must be self-contained rather than having a separate skid pack.

For most categories, previous award winners will not be able to re-enter the same winning item in a subsequent year’s competition, with the exception of the Showroom/ Digital Media categories. However, in these 2 categories, judges will expect to see evidence of images taken within the last 2 years, and ideally any improvements that have been made since the last award received.

* This category challenges members to demonstrate how the hot tub installation has had a positive impact on the users. As well as the health benefits associated with hot tub usage, there may be other suitable stories to tell.

**A holiday or business setting is open to any BISHTA member that has installed a hot tub in a holiday lodge, or similar location. It is also open to any Holiday lodge members that have installed hot tubs on their site.

Hot tubs in a business settingrefers to the situation where one hot tubsis exclusively available to one room or lodge and is therefore not shared with other guests.

*** This category is your opportunity to enter lifestyle images of people enjoying time in a hot tub or swim spa. The purpose of the category is to find the best lifestyle images, of hot tubs and swim spas in use, capturing a moment of ‘Happiness.' This could be an image of children in a swim spa enjoying a pool party; it could be some people enjoying hydrotherapy in their hot tub at home; it could be a child or adult being soothed of their ailments by a hot tub or it could be something quirky! Use your imagination; this is your chance to have fun and stand out from the rest by showcasing your products ‘Happiness’ feature (continued over the page).


It’s important that when planning, setting up and taking your shots you consider health and safety. For example don’t take shots of anything that you would advise your customers not to do, e.g., no drink glasses in the shot, no jumping into the hot tub/swim spa, no head submergence, etc.

When setting up and taking the shot, think about what is in the foreground and background of the photo and be sure that nothing in the shot shows the product in a bad light. But most of all have fun and make sure that the people in the hot tub/swim spa are having a good time too. Please note that no branding or advertising should be visible in the image and please ensure that the ‘image consent form’ (page 12) is completed for each entry.

**** This category award acknowledges the vital role that a showroom can provide customers in promoting our industry.

Some suggestions of what you might like to enter for this section:

  • A floor plan of your retail area
  • A brief explanation of your reasons for this layout (100 words max)
  • Recent photographs of:-

“The first impression” - please take this photo standing in the doorway of your outlet looking in

Any pool or spa displays

Your retail chemicals

Sundry sales area

Your till area

  • Anything else you are particularly proud of.
  • Any additional supporting information you wish.

*****This category is to promote members who have used digital media with proven commercial success. For websites, interactive online features, apps, education videos and other digital technologies that use creative and innovative techniques and content to extend knowledge and understanding of, and engagement with, the developing world.This could be through the development of a great company website, that’s user-friendly for consumers, uses considered’ design and has proven online success. It could be for a social media campaign that has created consumer impact online and in return has driven increased leads or sales. The emphasis is on the use of digital media aimed at consumers.Digital Media Examples; Website / Social Media / Digital Videos / Digital Marketing Campaign / Email Marketing Campaign / Mobile or Tablet App / Blog / Digital Strategy Etc.

Please submit evidence based on the following judging criteria: Navigability, calls to action, collecting data information, data usage, platform compatibility, customer experience, clarity of information, e-commerce experience, support tools, customer contact channels, analytics, etc.

Please provide:

  • A brief summary of your digital media initiative (max 100 words).
  • A live URL address to the content
  • Images of any parts of your campaign
  • Anything else you feel demonstrates why your digital media initiative deserves to win an award

Sponsors are not entitled to enter any award category, but their support of the event is greatly appreciated.Please note: Brand importers with showrooms may not enter, however, retailerscan enter.

The entries will be judged on the aesthetic appeal of the hot tub or swim spa in situ, based on a marking systemto be adopted by the judges. Judges will remain confidential and for obvious reasons will not be able to enter any awards themselves.

Photographs of hot tubs and swim spas must be in focus and images showing relevant hot tub activities will beawarded additional marks by the judges. Images of before and after the installation (ideally from the same view) would also be useful for the judges.

Please ensure that you have obtained the relevant permission detailed below under publicity and that the photos are of a high resolution (300 dpi or more and the image file size should be a minimum of 1mb and a maximum of 6mb – full-colour)

We may invite the hot tub owners to comment on their satisfaction with their hot tub as well as the installation and or the delivery of the equipment. Your co-operation in providing their FULL contact details, where possible, is appreciated as this will make our job more manageable.

PLEASE DO NOT MENTION YOUR COMPANY NAME ON ANY OF THE PHOTOGRAPHSas judging is undertakenon an anonymous basis.

Please complete the application form online as fully as possible to assist the judges and also to help provide a press release if you are a winner. Before starting the form, please ensure that you have all the relevant information and images to hand

To make the Awards even more attractive to the media, BISHTA will try to ensure that all categories with suitable entrants will receive either a Gold, Silver or Bronze. However, BISHTAreserves the right to move entries into more suitablecategories and to decide not to give an award if in the opinion of the judges there are insufficient entries of a suitable standard.

BISHTA will permit hot tubs installed by members for their own use, to be included in the awards this year.

Publicity: Rights of use by BISHTA

All entries, photographs,etc. become the property of BISHTA if accepted for entry, and none will be returned to members. BISHTA reserves the right to use of all materials in its own publications, other publications and for display, reprint, publicity, promotional or any other purpose. BISHTA reserves the right to cancel any category, to combine categories or to refuse to accept entries at the sole discretion of the judges or the Chairman of BISHTA. BISHTA may grant permission for the British Swimming Pool Federation (BSPF) or Pool Industry Promotions (PIP) to use these photographs for industry publications.

Important: Permission of the hot tub or spa owner

Submission of any entries includes the assurance of the submitting member that (s)he has obtained the permission of the hot tub owner for entering the awards and for the subsequent unrestricted use by BISHTA of the prints as deemed appropriate by BISHTA without further reference to the owner or to the Member.

Important: Ownership of BISHTA Awards

BISHTA Awards remain at all times the property of BISHTA and are presented on loan to a winning member on the strict understanding that they will be returned to BISHTA in the event of cessation of membership (for whatever reason). Under no circumstances may a BISHTA Award be transferred by the recipient to any other person or company without the express permission of the BISHTA Committee. Any Awards which are damaged by the Member must be paid for in full by that Member.

We are here to help you enter the BISHTA Awards

Please provide as much information as possible on the online application form because this will help the judges perform their task more efficiently. Please ensure you complete and return all entries online by the closing date. If you have any questions about the entryprocess,please call Jan, Sallie or Rebeccain the office on 01264 356211.

Some of this information will also be used to explain the winning entries on the awards evening. A quote from you will also be appreciated as this will be used in any press releases and promotional work that we do.

A picture is worth a thousand words, so to make your photo the winning entry, it is important to present it so that it is displayed to the best advantage and the most important first step is to have the photo in focus!

Please see the photography factsheet at the end of this entry form for details of why your photos should be in high resolution (300 dpi or more and the image file size should be a minimum of 1mb and a maximum of 6mb – full-colour)

Sponsorship:BISHTA is currently seeking sponsors for this event. Please contact the office for more details.

EUSA European Pool and Spa Awards

It is possible that BISHTA Award winners may be considered for entry into the EUSA European Pool and Spa Awards. EUSA is the European Union of Swimming Pool and Spa Associations, and BISHTA is represented through the BSPF.

BISHTA Entry Form 2017

Before starting the form, please ensure that you have all the relevant information and images on hand. Please fill out the entry formonline for each entry.

When completing your entry, somequestions may be more relevant than others depending

on the category that you wish to be entered for, so please put N/A if a particular question

is not applicable to your application.

Categoryof Entry: ______

1 / Client's details: (please write clearly)
______Post Code:______
Tel:______E mail:______
2 / Date of installation, if applicable (must be after 1/1/12) and must not be a previous BISHTA award winner (except Showroom of the Yearor Best Use of Digital Media Awardcategories):_____/_____/______
3 / Contract value of hot tub orswim spa installationand please note this price should include VAT.
(Please enclose a copy of the final invoice for verification to ensure the project was completed within budget).
4 / Did the client have any specialrequirements which needed to be taken into account? If yes, how did your installation meet these?
e.g. disabled access, difficult site access, special landscaping, safety aspects, any special design features, etc.
5 / Please confirm the arrangements in place to permit access for maintenance and servicing.
6. / Please confirm if a cover has been supplied with this hot tub and if ‘yes’ how is this stored safely?
7. / Hot TubsChangeLives - This category challenges members to demonstrate how the hot tub installation has had a positive impact on the users. There maybe health benefits associated with the hot tub, but any other suitable story may be relevant.
8. / Hot Tubs in a Holiday Setting -This award will enable BISHTA to promote the importance of hot tubs in these business settings. Members will need to confirm that regular water testing is undertaken and provide any information about the hot tubsthat has generated more bookings.
9. / Hot Tub Happiness Category:
When was the photo taken and where?
What was the occasion? (if applicable):
Who are the subjects?
Has this image been used before, if so, when and where?
Is there anything else that you would like to add?
10. / If entering the Showroom of the Year category, please submit,in addition to the photographs, any relevant information about the key aspects that make(s) your showroom(s) a valuable part of your business?
(e.g. sq footage; location; number of hot tubs; store layout;investment
provided; how often the layout is reviewed?)
The judges will evaluate the entry on the following headings – Showroom layout/displays, exterior/outdoor site, your service and systems, sales
literature, customer service/sales training methods, innovative promotional ideas/special events, your customer experience.
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Please note that it is important that you advise us on whatyou have done to improve your showroom in the last 12 months.
11. / If entering the Best Use of Digital Media Award category, please include the following:
A brief summary of your digital media initiative (max 100 words) and images:
A live URL address to the content:
Anything else you feel demonstrates why your digital media initiative deserves to win an award:
12. / And finally, please point out any other noteworthy features of your entry which you wish to bring to the attention of the judges, or any other comments to support this application. Some of this wording may be used in any press releases if your company wins an award.

Entry Requirements

The BISHTAoffice must receive with each entry:

  1. One (minimum, although ideally at least two) image(s) toshow a different angle/aspect of the hot tub or swim spa. The pictures should be of high resolution (300 dpi or more and the image file size should be a minimum of 1mb and a maximum of 6mb – full-colour).
  1. Entry fee: (FREE for the first award entry only)

Standard rate of £17.00 + VAT per entry 

£60.00 + VAT (for a maximum of 5 entries) 

£10.00+ VAT per entry for6entries or more* 

  1. Please confirm the total number of entries that you have submitted: ______
  1. Please confirm the total amount of entry fees being paid (if applicable) - Please remember to add VAT:


Once you have submitted your form online, a member of the office

will contact you to take payment for your entries.* Please note there is a limit of four entries per company, per category but a company can only win a maximum of 2 awards in any category.

All entries must be submitted online no later thanFriday 11th November2016.

I hereby certify that the information providedis true to the best of my knowledge and that I

have been given permission by the owner or his/her agent to photograph the installation and

to use the prints for BISHTA promotion, publicity or display purposes as deemed appropriate

by the BISHTA Chairman.

I agree to abide by the rules and conditions of this competition.

Signed……………………………………. Name (please print)…………………………….

Company………………………………………………………………….. Date………………

Image Consent Form


Address ………………………………………………………………………………………

……………………………………………Phone Number.…………………………………

Age…………… Email ………………………………………………………………….

I/ we understand that the photographs taken of myself and/or my children if under 18 years of age in my/our hot tub/ swimspa can be used to enter the BISHTA Awards by

(State company name)______

Any photographs can be used to promote the awards wholly or in part, in magazines, books, calendars, website, portfolios exhibition and for editorial or advertising use (please delete any that are not applicable) and can be used by BISHTA and / or the British Swimming Pool Federation (BSPF) and any companies associated with the BSPF.

I acknowledge that by signing this form, subject to the restrictions stipulated and agreed, the photographer retains ownership of the image and the subject(s) in the photograph and give permission for the photograph to be used. In relation to entry in to this award both the photographer and the subject(s)assign all income, editorial control and use of the resulting photographs, and assign all copyright ownership to BISHTA Ltd and that no payment will be due, in respect of the image being used for hot tub and swimming pool related matters.

Use of the photographs may be granted to third parties. However, the photographs will remain the property of BISHTA. I have read this form carefully and fully understand the implications, and I acknowledge that by signing this form I give the company full copyright and authority to publish the photographs and my agreement with the terms listed above.

I am 18 years old or over.

Signed……………………………………………………... Date……………………………

If the person/people in the photograph are under the age of 18 years, a parent or legal guardian must also sign here.

Parent/guardian ………………… ……………………… Date………………………......


………………………………………..Phone Number ……………………………………..

Name of company entering the awards…………….……………………………………...

Signature…………………………………….Company role……………………………….

Photography Tips