Individual & Family



Mission MexicoMay 27th-June 5th 2016

Doctor Arroyo, Nuevo Leon, Mexico

Mission Mexico is the name we have given to the mission experience we will be partnering in with Dayspring Outreach Ministriesin the city of Doctor Arroyo, Mexico May 27th-June 5th. This mission trip is a family friendly trip, meaning children and youth of all ages are welcome to participate provided at least one parent or guardian accompanies them. This is a wonderful opportunity for our church to grow in our relationship with Jesus as we serve others in his name. It is also a great setting to help children and youth catch the desire to serve others for Jesus.

Often when we as Americans think of Mexico,media exaggerations concerning violence come to mind. And so the most frequent question that is asked by those considering going becomes “Is the trip safe?” While there certainly is violence in Mexico much like America, it is not all what our media makes it out to be. In fact the organization we are going with has done hundreds of trips into Mexico over a twenty five year span without one single incident of violence. That’s a pretty good track record. Still concerned? Two other factors might help ease your mind. First, of all the border crossings into Mexico, the McAllen, Texas crossings that we will be taking is one of the safest in all of Texas. Also once we arrive in Doctor Arroyo we will be staying in gated community. Roger Tomlinson who is coordinating our trip and has been to Doctor Arroyo numerous times describes it as a “lazy town in the mountains, that you would not have anything to fear walking the streets at night.” So be assured it is a safe trip and that we would never put our kids, or our adults for that matter, in harm’s way.

Should you choose to go on this trip, a letter of commitment is being included for all participants to sign. This commitment lettershowsStratton Church of God your commitment to follow trip guidelines and requirements. While we will be offering fundraising opportunities as a church to help supplement the cost, all expenses are ultimately the responsibility of those participating in the trip.Please be in prayer for this great opportunity for our people and our families to grow in Jesus Christ, and to share him with others.

United in Christ,

Pastor Bob


Facts Sheet

When: May 27th-June 5th, 2016

Where: Doctor Arroyo (city), Nuevo Leon (state), Mexico

Website: and

Who: Any member of Stratton Church of God and children of that member.

Registration: $50 per person and commitment letter, due by10/18/2015

Total Trip Cost by Family (food cost to and from McAllen, TX not included, see “Food Money”)

  • Mission Organization Fee- 1st two peoples in a family $500, next three$400, any more than 5 no fee. Kids 5 and under no fee.
  • $100 per adult for hotel stays.
  • $75 per person van rental cost.
  • $45 per person van fuel cost.

Trip Cost Includes:


Travel Expenses

Mission Experience Through Dayspring Outreach Ministries

Food Money: You will need to save money for food for the trip to and from McAllen, Texas. Recommended $80/person. (8 total meals, $10/meal)

  • Each adult participant must sign the commitment page to be turned in with registration. Parents and guardians will sign for minors in their care.

Tentative Agenda/Schedule

Friday, May 27th
8:00 am (Mountain) / Depart Stratton, CO
8:00 pm (Central) / Stop for night in Abilene, TX
Saturday, May 28th
8:00 am / Depart Abilene, TX
4:30 pm / Arrive McAllen, TX
Sunday, May 29th
8:00 am / Depart McAllen, TX
3:00 pm / Arrive Doctor, Arroyo, Mexico
Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs May 30th-June 2nd
Friday, June 3rd
Saturday, June 4th
8:00 am
7:00 pm
Sunday, June 5th
8:00 am (Central)
3:30 pm (Mountain) / Depart Doctor Arroyo, Mexico
Arrive in McAllen, TX
Depart McAllen, TX
Arrive Lubbock, TX
Depart Lubbock, TX
Arrive Stratton, CO

Letter of Commitment

Please review each point. Your signature indicates you understand all the aspects of this agreement.

I understand that I am financially responsible for the $50 registration cost for each person in my family over the age of 5. The registration is refundable so long as I do not cancel less than 30 days from the beginning of the trip date of May 27th, 2016.

I understand that the $50 registration fee is due by October 18th, 2015.

Though the group participating in Mission Mexico will do fundraising to help supplement the cost of the trip, I understand I am responsible for the total trip cost per person listed above.

I understand I the per person costs listed above are close approximates, and I will be given exact amounts soon after all registrations are turned in on October 18th, 2015.

I understand my registration(s) fee(s) will not be accepted without this signed Letter of Commitment.

Names of Adult(s) Participating____________

Names of Children Participating ______


Email______Phone ______

Signatureof Adults______

