Yesterday we had a VERY successful and productive SVO meeting. Thank you so much to all who made time in their busy schedules to attend, and a very big thank you to those of you who were able to volunteer to help organize our events. I was so excited to see so many people who were willing to pitch in and get involved. Thanks to all of you, I can tell that this is going to be

a great year for our organization. Below are the meeting minutes for those of you who could not make it to the meeting. If you see an something that you would like to be involved in, please come to our next meeting or contact myself, Todd, or Mike. The more people we have the stronger our voice will be! We have been given the opportunity to use room 1602 as a Veteran's hub.

This is a really great place to go relax between classes, do homework, socialize, etc. Members of the SVO have volunteered to bring in a microwave, coffee pot, and small refrigerator. Also the veteran's hub proudly serves Starbucks coffee! It is so important that we utilize this room because we have been pushing to get a permanent veteran's facility and we can not

justify the expense to the school if we do not use the space they have already provided. The most important goal for me as President, is to create a sense of community among us vets, that is the one thing mike and I can not do alone. Okay, I've rambled long enough... here are the minutes.

*First order of business:*

*Veteran’s day: *

vets sub committee: Drew, Amber, Mike, Mark Tarte, Kelly jabel, William


The sub committee will be meeting tues@ 2:30 in building 1602 to begin

planning. ( If you have any idea's or contacts we would love to hear them

even if you are not on the committee)


*Soldiers to students photos* to display in building 2400. optional: LPC vets bring pictures in of themselves in uniform while they were in the service and then pose for a photo on campus in civilian clothes. The idea behind this is to remind the other students on campus, that while we looklike every other student, that was not always the case.

Jim Potts, Sandra Nava: Volunteer photographers

*helicopter*, Last year we had a non op helicopter towed out to campus, we

want to do that again

Contact: Concord vet center

*Humvee on campus*

Contact: Spike (Todd knows him)

*Color Guard and National anthem:*

Kelly Garcia (has a contact, with a female vet that sings the National anthem)


Hospital Vets?*

Mark tart suggested, we will have to do further research in the


*Invite the VFW*:

Gene Raeza has a contact

*Display of Memorabilia (in a locked case)*:

To include past or present uniforms or weapons. (If anyone has anything to

display, please please contact me)

Mark Tarte suggested. We have done it in the past and it was very



Open to all students for purchase, free for all veteran's

Contact: Knights of Columbus.


News paper add for memorabilia*:

Contact: Kelly Jabel

*Second order of business*

*SVA conference*:

The club voted to send two representatives to the national student veteran's

association's annual conference.

The vote was unanimous, with a vote of yes.

The members of the SVO also agreed to do fund raising to replenish the funds

it will take so that future students can attend.

The attendees will be the President and the Vice President.

*Third order of business


*Basket Ball tournament Concessions: These have been very successful in the

past there are two coming up. We addressed the one in Sep, the Nov

tournament will be discussed at a future meeting.

Sep 11, 1000 to 1900

Volunteers: The Kellys, William.

Kelly Gabel:10:00 to 1:00

There are still spaces available for volunteers, please contact me if you

are interested.

Nov 5, 6, 7




*Spaghetti Feed/ silent auction*:

18th through the 23th Oct, we need to find out when space is available

Sub-committee:Travis, William, Susie and Kelly

*Car wash: *

Volunteers: Travis, Susie

Gas station?

Need a location: Brian Kerby

Discus further next meeting


Restaurant fundraisers*:

Amber will contact Fridays, The Outback and Applebees to see which offers

the best program and report back to the SVO next meeting.

Add in paper and fliers to advertise the fundraiser.

*Fourth order of business:*

Soldier Welcome home: We have several local welcome home parties for

incoming soldiers. It was put to vote on weather each member will attend one

welcome home per semester.

Vote of yes unanimously

This was a particularly long meeting with a lot to cover, it should not be

as intense in the future. Thank you so much if you took the time to read

this long long email. If you are interested in getting involved just let me


Thank you,

Amber Cruz

SVO President