/ 09/15 / 09/16 / 09/17 / 09/18 / 09/19
8:00 / Program planning and school support / Program planning and school support / 8:00 to 8:15 Program Planning / Program planning and school support / 8:00
:15 / Program planning and school support / Program planning and school support / 8:15 to 9:00 Indirect Services: SST / Program planning and school support / :15
:30 / Program planning and school support / Program planning and school support / Participation with parent and Wise Team / Program planning and school support / :30
:45 / Program planning and school support / Program planning and school support / Program planning and school support / :45
9:00 / / / School support-Hall Duty / Program planning and school support / 9:00
:15 / 9:15 to 9:45
Fair Share: Assist with Test Administration / 9:20 to 9:50
Direct Services:
Academic Group / 9:20 to 9:50 Indirect Services: RTI Meeting planning for individual / :15
:30 / / student needs in the RTI / :30
:45 / 9:45 to 10:05
Individual Session-6th grade female social concern / Process / :45
10:00 / / 10:05 to 10:15 Individual session-6th grade female social concern / 10:00 to 10:15 Direct Service Individual Session 6th grade female / Core Curriculum
6th Grade Bullying Lesson / 10:00
:15 / 10:15 to 10:30 Indirect service-Consultation with Assistant Principal / Re: social concern / Core Curriculum
6th Grade Bullying Lesson / :15
:30 / / 10:30 to 10:45 Individual session-6th grade male social concern / 10:30 to 11:00 Indirect Services: Consulting with a female student’s former counselor re: academics / Core Curriculum
6th Grade Bullying Lesson / :30
:45 / 10:45 to 11:00 Program planning and school support Documentation / And RTI process. Consult with Math teacher Wise / Core Curriculum
6th Grade Bullying Lesson / :45
11:00 / / Program planning and school support / Left for dentist appointment / 11:00: 11:25 Indirect Services: Consulting with a counselor of a former male student of CMS / Core Curriculum
6th Grade Bullying Lesson / 11:00
:15 / Program planning and school support / Dentist / Re: RTI process and behavior plan / Core Curriculum
6th Grade Bullying / :15
:30 / / Dentist and lunch / 11:30 to 11:45 Direct Service: Individual Session male re: social / Lunch / :30
:45 / Dentist and lunch / 11:45 to 11:55 Direct Service Individual Session male re: academics / Core Curriculum
6th Grade Bullying Lesson / :45
12:00 / 11:55 to 1:00 Indirect Services: Consultation with Administration and / 12:00 to 12:20 Indirect Services: Parent Contactfemale student re: social / Core Curriculum
6th Grade Bullying Lesson / 12:00
:15 / Former school for a new female transfer student to CMS. Set up SST. / 12:30 to 1:45
Working Lunch/Program Planning: Emails, SSTs, / Core Curriculum
6th Grade Bullying Lesson / :15
:30 / Lunch / Advisement, Peer Leaders, documentation, etc. / Core Curriculum
6th Grade Bullying Lesson / :30
:45 / Lunch / Core Curriculum
6th Grade Bullying Lesson / :45
1:00 / / 1:00 to 1:30 Direct Services: Met with new female student and mom / Core Curriculum
6th Grade Bullying Lesson / 1:00
:15 / Core Curriculum
6th Grade Bullying Lesson / :15
:30 / 1:30 to 2:30 Indirect Services: Supervision with intern and planning student / Core Curriculum
6th Grade Bullying Lesson / :30
:45 / / Interventions. / Core Curriculum
6th Grade Bullying Lesson / :45
2:00 / Program planning-Weekly Counselor Meeting / 2:00 to 2:10 Indirect Services: Parent Contact re male academic concern / Core Curriculum
6th Grade Bullying Lesson / 2:00
:15 / 2:10 to 2:30 Indirect Services: Parent Contact re: former student re: RTI / Core Curriculum
6th Grade Bullying Lesson / :15
:30 / 2:30 to 2:45 Program Planning: Documentation / 2:40 to 2:50 Indirect Services: Consultation with Teachers re: student / Core Curriculum
6th Grade Bullying Lesson / :30
:45 / 2:45 to 3:00 Indirect Services-Consultation with 6th grade teachers / 2:45 to 3:20 Indirect Services: SST for male student with Brown Team / 6th Grade Bullying L / :45
3:00 / 3:00 to 3:15 Program Planning: Emails / and Parent / 3:00
:15 / 3:15 to 4:10
Indirect Services: IEP for / :15
:30 / Drive from staff development location / 3:30 to 3:50
Direct Services – Male Student Social Concern / female student with Brown Team and Howard / 3:20 to 4:00 Indirect Services: SST for male student with Wise Team / :30
:45 / Drive from staff development location / 3:50 to 4:00 Indirect Services – Bus Driver re: Male Student / And parent / :45
4:00 / 4:00 to 4:25 / 4:10 to 5:00 Indirect Services: ParentMeeting / 4:00 to 4:25 / 4:00 to 4:25 / 4:00
:15 / School support-Hall Duty / re: 6thgrade female / School support-Hall Duty / School support-Hall Duty / :15
:30 / 4:25 to 6:15
Program Planning: Responding to emails, scheduling SSTs, etc. / 4:30 to 5:00 Indirect Services: Consultation re: behavior Tier 3 Interventions with Wise / :30
:45 / Drive to ice-cream shop / Team for male student / :45
5:00 / After school scooping ice-cream for school spirit night until 6:00 / 5:00 to 6:45 Program Planning: Scheduling SSTs, emails, Peer Leader planning, etc. / 5:00 to 6:00 Program Planning
Responding to emails, scheduling SSTs, etc. / 5:00
:15 / 5:00

Blue – School Support/Program Planning

Yellow – Indirect Services

Green – Direct Services