Department of Information & Computer Science

Course File


Section: 02, 03, 05, 07, 08 & 09

Semester: 082

Academic Year: 2008 – 2009

Instructor Name: Mr. Ali Khamis Al-Yousef


June 2009

Course File Check List

Instructor: Ali Khamis Al-Yousef Course#-Sec#: ICS 101(secs. 02, 03, 05, 07, 08 & 09) Semester:082



1.Course Assessment Report

() Complete( ) Incomplete

2.Copy of “I” Grade Reports

()not applicable( ) # reports available

( ) # reports missing


() Available( )Not Available


() not applicable

# quizzes:( ) available( ) missing

#best quizzes:( ) available( ) missing

# avg quizzes:( ) available( ) missing

#worst quizzes:( ) available( ) missing


() not applicable

# hws:(4 ) available( ) missing

# best hws:( 0 ) available( ) missing

# avg hws: ( 0 ) available( ) missing

# worst hws: ( 0 ) available( ) missing


() not applicable

# projects:( 1 ) available( ) missing

# best projects:( ) available( ) missing

# avg projects: ( ) available( ) missing

# worst projects: ( ) available( ) missing

9.Midterm / Majors / Tests

( ) not applicable

# exams:( 2 ) available( ) missing

# key solutions:( 2 ) available( ) missing

# best exams:( 2 ) available( ) missing

# avg exams: ( 2 ) available( ) missing

# worst exams: ( 2 ) available( ) missing

10.Final exam

( )not applicable

Final Exam: ( 1)available( )missing

Key solution:(1) available( ) missing

Best final exam:( 1) available( ) missing

Avg final exam: ( 1) available( ) missing

Worst final exam:( 1) available( ) missing

11.CD ( ) not applicable

Discussions: ( ) available( ) missing


( ) not applicable() available

( ) missing


() not applicable( ) # labs available

( ) # labs missing

14.Other (Please specify): ......

() not applicable

# Other: ( ) available( ) missing

# best Other:( ) available( ) missing

# avg Other: ( ) available( ) missing

# worst Other: ( ) available( ) missing


15. Comments:The homework best, average and worst samples are not available as the homeworks are not graded and no grades are assigned to them in the Assessment Plan(Grade Distribution).

Name of person filling this form: Mr. Ali Khamis Al-Yousef

Signature and Date:

King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

Information and Computer Science Department

Course Assessment Report

1. Course Information

Course Number & Title: ICS 101 (secs. 02, 03, 05, 07, 08 &09) Computer programming using FORTRAN

Course Format: 2–3-3

Semester: 082 (Spring 2008)

Instructor Name: Mr. Ali Al-Yousef

Instructor Role: Lecture Instructor

Enrollment: Registered: 227 Withdrawn: 11

Class Grade Point Average (GPA): 2.584

2. Course Objectives

The table below provides the faculty assessment of the actual coverage of the course objectives at the end

of the semester.

No. / Objectives / Coverage
0 – 100%
1 / Expose students to the concepts and principles in Fortran language. / 100%
2 / Enable the students to understand simple Fortran programs that incorporate different types of expressions (arithmetic and logical), input and output statements and selection constructs. / 100%
3 / Understand Fortran programs containing subprograms, repetitions and arrays and invoking (calling) functions and subroutines having input arguments. / 100%
4 / Design and implement simple programs using basic syntax of Fortran language such as expressions, assignment statements, input and output statements, and selections. / 100%
5 / Develop Fortran programs made of functions and subroutines passing data between them using repetitions, and arrays. / 100%

Comments on the coverage of objectives

Learning outcomes 1 and 2 are dealing with understanding written programs. These outcomes are assessed by giving written programs and asking the students to find the output. Output questions are covered in lectures,homework assignments, lab quizzes, and exams. Learning outcomes 3 and 4 are dealing with writing programs. Students participate in writing programs during lectures. Programs writing are covered during labs, homework assignments,lab quizzes, and exams.

3. Indirect Assessment

3.1: Learning outcomes Survey Results

5. Strongly agree 4. Agree 3. Neutral 2. Disagree 1. Strongly disagree

After taking this course, I am able to: / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / Average *
Understand and find the output of simple Fortran programs that incorporate different types of variables, expressions (arithmetic and logical), input and output statements and selection constructs. / 54 / 54 / 19 / 3 / 5 / 4.1
Understand and find the output of Fortran programs containing functions, subroutines repetitions and arrays. / 34 / 63 / 27 / 8 / 3 / 3.9
Design and implementsimple programs using basic syntax of Fortran language such as expressions, assignment statements, input and output statements, and selections. / 33 / 57 / 26 / 15 / 4 / 3.7
Practice modular programming by developing Fortran programs made of functions, subroutines, repetitions and arrays. / 24 / 44 / 39 / 22 / 7 / 3.4

* Average = ( N5*5+N4*4+N3*3+N2*2+N1*1)/(N1+N2+N3+N4+N5)

3.2: Students’ Comments on Survey

‹ In response to the question “In light of the learning outcomes, what did you like most about this course”. Please include students’ comments below›

Response 2
its examples

Response 3

Response 4
How to write a program that makes a lot of functions with little words

Response 5
finding outputs

Response 6
I liked the course in general. It gave a background about programming. I enjoy the course especially in the LAB because I understand what I study in the class.

Response 7
programs...the way of write these programs

Response 8
It is very important course for our life because we can solve many problems in short time,but I think we should have more than one lab to practise writing programes.

Response 9

Response 10

Response 11
file processing

Response 12

Response 13
the lab

Response 14

Response 15
I like the way for writing programs with the group to discuss the errors on that program in the lab.

Response 16
the first 4 chapters were the best and easiest, but the reast chapters need a good teachers to make them easy to understand.

Response 17

Response 18

Response 19
Instructors and lab works

Response 20

Response 21
I liked to design and solve programs

Response 22

Response 23
لا شيء

Response 24

Response 25
programing In general , connecting with computers

Response 26
it makes me use alot of my mind....

Response 27
about array and if function

Response 28
knowing about programming even it was few . how the program works

Response 29
the lab

Response 30

Response 31

Response 32

Response 33
Writing programs in lab .. It was an efficent way to learn ..

Response 34
useing projecter and blackbord

Response 35

Response 36
it is simple and not complicated

Response 37
1-the mathimathics problem solving 2- the way of thinking to do the programme

Response 38
arrays in 2 dimention

Response 39

Response 40
encaruges me to think .

Response 41
There are a lot of solved questions at the end of each chapter.

Response 42

Response 43
THE COURSE ITSELF. and the benefit of the programming language.

Response 44

Response 45
the 2-D arrays

Response 46

Response 47

Response 48
I like to participate in the lab, which made my programing skills much better.

Response 49

Response 50

Response 51
easy course

Response 52
there is no thing interested in this coure. it is a poring course.

Response 53
writing the project

Response 54
Knowing the basis of programming. Sech as IF statements, Loops and the sub-programs. Thanks.

Response 55
every thing

Response 56
The lab always support the lecturer. unlike phys or chemistry lab.

Response 57

Response 58

Response 59
I have learned basic of programming

Response 60
all the same for me

Response 61
repetition, subroutines

Response 62
i like to write program in subroutine and subprogram

Response 63

Response 64
build a good program with a good design

Response 65
1- it is a simple program 2- i found it easy to understand the concept

Response 66

Response 67
all things in this course.

Response 68

Response 69
the lab

Response 70
The way it force the student to improve his problem solving skills.

Response 71
No thing interesting .. That much

Response 72

Response 73
I like just the instructions

Response 74
attendance system

Response 75
the first to capters .

Response 76

Response 77
new ideas about how can we solve a problem

Response 78
good and easy to understand chs. those about array were a little bet hard and need more exercises to be understood

Response 79
first 5 ch

Response 80
i like dealing with computer software

Response 81
it is easy to understand

Response 82

Response 83
i did not find any interesting thing a bout the course

Response 84

Response 85
2 D arrays

Response 86
every thing

Response 87
the lab questions

Response 88
all of it

Response 89
nothing, becouse it is irrelated to my field of specializition

Response 90

Response 91
the first four chapter

Response 92
simple rules and dicipline

Response 93
I like to wriet programs because it will help me in future

Response 94
the avg is B

Response 95
Making different programs that can solves problems.

Response 96

Response 97
thw way that we can do a chooses for the users

Response 98
sorry , but i don't like this course

Response 99

Response 100

Response 101

Response 102
book has lots of mistake . the g00D thing is that M.R " ALYOUSEF " who is the best one that can handle such a complicated subject like FORTRAN 77 > he is the best :) that's it dude ^__^

Response 103
writing progammes

Response 104
How to find the out put.

Response 105

Response 106
Creating programs

Response 107

Response 108
I liked because its exams are not difficult.

Response 109

Response 110
كل شي يعني تصميم البرامج شي رائع جدا

Response 111

Response 112

Response 113
the labs

Response 114
I liked the program itself, it can be very helpful in solving problems.

Response 115
material of the first exam

Response 116
the application

Response 117

Response 118
if functions

Response 119
eveything the teacher, lab and material

Response 120
every thing ...... teachers

Response 121
no thing spacific

Response 122

Response 123

Response 124

‹ In response to the question “In light of the learning outcomes, list any suggestions you haveto improve this course”. Please include students’ comments below›

Response 2
you should explain the last three chapters clearly because it is extremely hard

Response 3
i think that fortran is just an old program.

Response 4
increasing the applying of what we learn and applied exams

Response 5
having quizes in the lectures

Response 6
I suggest to replace the current book with a new one with new edition.

Response 7
more practic.... more projects

Response 8
I think you should in every class give an exercise on the lecture to writing a program because I think most of the students know how to get the out put ,but they face diffeculties in writing a program,so this is what we should foucse on to improve the course because writing programs are the basics of this course to make our life problems very easy.thank you.

Response 9
I recommend that the book of the course needs a lot of changes, to make it more interesting for students, like adding colours to it and correcting the falses in it.

Response 10
the desing of the book. it has many error. i suggest to correct them

Response 11
change the course to C++

Response 12

Response 13
chang the book or the way of it

Response 14

Response 15

Response 16
I suggest that if we let the course is taken by finding solution of some problems in small groups after the lecture , it will have more attractive.

Response 17
the book need to rewrite it in a new style and in a simple methods to learn

Response 18
make it 2 labs and one lecture

Response 19

Response 20
change the book or the design of the book

Response 21

Response 22
- Change the Exams time ( any day in week exept thrusday and Friday ). - Put more Examples in the book

Response 23

Response 24
إلى متى سنظل هذا البرنامج القديم العير مستخدم الماتلاب اسهل ويستخدم بشكل اكبر في الهندسة الميكانيكيه على سبيل المثال

Response 25

Response 26
Just change the book because it has lots of mistakes

Response 27
i think if we could practice on the programming during the lecture is better tha waiting for the lab in my view, I think if you make the lecture 2 hours so we can practice during the lecture to understand better. in simple word, compine between the lecture and the lab.

Response 28
to put examples step bu step

Response 29
it's will be better if we take the lectures in the lab it will be easier to understand . like in the oria 2 hours class without a lab. thank you for giving us the chance to give our opinion

Response 30
the distribution of marks in my opinion the lab have to take moer marks

Response 31

Response 32

Response 33

Response 34
to fouces on lab work & to Make attendence to leactures is optional since most of students Don't learn much in the leactrues

Response 35
the lab kind of old and the language (fortran) too old

Response 36

Response 37
every student has to creat his own program every week

Response 38
the teaching procces should refer a source (( book )) or good slides indecating and ilustarting the matireal

Response 39
change the ways of teaching

Response 40

Response 41
It is much petter to have 2 labs in each week without any lecture.

Response 42
I've got nothing to mention.

Response 43

Response 44
No Suggestion, thank you,,,

Response 45
make a new book that can give students good explaining

Response 46
incrace the prcitce in programs

Response 47

Response 48

Response 49
this language is made for engineers, so we should take exercises serve this goal in order to make use of the course. In addition to that, I believe fortran77 is too old, my friends in USA study the same course but the new edition which absolutely better. I did my best to help :) Regards, Hamad

Response 50

Response 51

Response 52
change FORTRAN 77 it is very old

Response 53

Response 54

Response 55
Well, Maybe changing the Fortran program to another program, that is used commonly in our time.( i.e. MatLab).

Response 56

Response 57

Response 58
i should not be taught

Response 59

Response 60
nothing everything is fine in this course

Response 61
I suggest make some assignments like each three week for programs for other courses that the student have e.g in physics: for finding the capacitance of capacitors and how they are connected, and make it a bounce for the student and in math: calculate the series and sum thing like that. I thinks this will make this course more interesting and benefit

Response 62
I don't have any thank you..

Response 63
if you make the course shorter than this material we have it is better

Response 64
the book is not good.

Response 65
no suggestion

Response 66
I suggest that u should make this course without lectures , just 2 labs and put all info in this 2 labs. I think its enough to understand the course and to practice it

Response 67

Response 68
No suggestions.

Response 69

Response 70
the chairman should increase the Instructors and the sections.

Response 71
A new book mabey!

Response 72

Response 73
I suggest that even better if the course become two labs 3 hours each for explaining and applying the matter in this course

Response 74

Response 75
make the project in the lab in group so we can do it better.

Response 76
cancel it

Response 77
no thing .

Response 78
Remove this course from the coreculam it is rapish

Response 79
icrease lab times because we need more time to work in programm

Response 80
Reduce the time period for the lab from 3hs' to 1.30hs' only

Response 81
it is pooring that lab is 3 hours 2 hours is enough

Response 82

Response 83
using other computer languages that are so advanced

Response 84
do some lab work in the lecture

Response 85
I suggestions replace some of cource Doctors and Lab's workers. The book need more intersting equations, simple words, and more explainations of many topics

Response 86
i think it is not useful because my major is mechanical engenering

Response 87
the teachers must give excirsises so students be able to do programs

Response 88
every things are ok

Response 89
change the book

Response 90
weekly lecture quizes

Response 91
print new edition

Response 92
I have a single quistion. what is the point of giving the output row-wise or column-wise, in one single line or in several lines , i mean is just like a mistry not knowloge. why do we have to spend a vast amount of our lives learning row-wis and column-wise and ather non-sense stuff in the course. i whise it was a complete elective course! thank you for takinig my comment seriously.

Response 93

Response 94
there is no solution step in the example in the book and if the student forget the way of solving question he well never learn it.

Response 95
the exams shouldn't be written exams.

Response 96
i think you must reduce the time of lab because after 2 hors no student will be foxus in class

Response 97
extra classes before the exams to solve problems

Response 98
although fortran is helpful launguge , I think fortran is very old launguge, and there are many launguges better than fortran.

Response 99
better books and teachers

Response 100
i hope that the exames will be on PC not on papers because it will not compare the student who knowes how to programme and who dont

Response 101
i have nothing

Response 102
focus about Do-Loop Techniques

Response 103

Response 104

Response 105
none , you gust lie about this > you even not taking our suggestion seriously !!!

Response 106

Response 107
exchange submitting the project with taking more quizes in lecture time

Response 108
new book

Response 109

Response 110
everythng is ok

Response 111

Response 112
I will suggest that the book is not sgood and should be changed.

Response 113
its an old programming language and no one is still studying it ,we need to study something more interesting....!!

Response 114
بنظري انه الكورس كامل ومكمل يعني ما يحتاج اي اضافات

Response 115

Response 116

Response 117
the course should be dropped or the classes at least should be and labs instead fortran is too old to study

Response 118
I suggest that the term project should be assigned to a group of students, not every one have to submit an individual project.

Response 119
mo suggestions

Response 120
reduce the lab period

Response 121

Response 122
no thing

Response 123
just need more assignments and quizes

Response 124
what is the peinfit from formating???

Response 125
more explnained examples

Response 126

Response 127

Response 128
more materia

4. Learning outcomes Evaluation Method