325 Hill Road, Kingsport, TN 37664
March 5th - 8th
Sunday, March 5th -10:45 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.
Monday, March 6th - 7 p.m.
Tuesday, March 7th -7 p.m.
Wednesday, March 8th
Meal begins at 6 p.m.
Service begins at 7 p.m.
The five areas of Days of Direction:
- Equip the Saints
- Evangelize the Lost
- Energized Worship
- Enhanced Fellowship
- Extend the Love of Christ
February 26, 2006
Prelude...... “Missions Medley” Arr.Don Wyrtzen
Welcome and Prayer
Worship Through Song...... “Awesome In This Place Medley”
...... Angela Grizzle, John Williams, solos
Worship Through Giving...... “Make Me a Servant”Arr. Carolyn Hamlin
Sharing Through Song...... “Stand As One”
...... Dale O’Dell, Paul Patterson, Jim Williams, Trio
Worship Through Song...... “Majesty”
Sharing Through Song...... Jamie Williams
Worship in the Word...... Dr. Roc Collins
Confession and Repentance...... “Just As I Am”
Postlude...... “Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus” George Webb
Sermon Notes“Equipping the Saints”
Acts 2:42-47
Delayed Broadcast of our Sunday Morning Worship Time can be heard on WHCBFM91.5 at 10:00 a.m. each Sunday Morning. You may also listen to the Morning and Evening Worship Services on our web site at
General Announcements
HELP NEEDED!!! There is a vacancy in the 4-year old Children’s Church for a leader on the 3rd Sunday of each month. If you would like to volunteer to fill this position, please contact Elaine Harvel at 2884561.
~ ~ ~ ALSO ~ ~ ~
Due to the above vacancy ~ PARENTS ~ we need your help! Because we are short-handed in the 4-year old Children’s Church, PLEASEtake your child for a restroom break between Sunday School and morning worship services. Thank you for your help until we get another volunteer!
Summer Camp for Kids will be June 15-18. Student Life Camp for Kids 2006 is for kids completing 3rd-6th grades. The cost is $229 - a $50 deposit is due to Mrs. Jeralyn by March12. Camp is at RidgecrestConferenceCenter in Black Mountain, NC.
March 18 ~ Brotherhood Breakfast & Meeting ~ 8 a.m. Our speaker will be Mr. Steve Harris, a businessman from Huntsville, AL.
Take it to Heart Challenge ~ How are you doing?? We are entering week 4 and everyone should have verses 1 to 8 memorized. If you are behind, it’s okay. You can still do it! Check out the score sheets in the children’s hallway area. Remember – we are working on John10:1-15 passage, NKJV.
March 8 – NO AWANA THIS WEEK ~ Please join the church family for dinner and “Days of Direction” in the East Campus Sanctuary.
Grand Prix Race is coming in April! Car kits are now on sale. The Awana Grand Prix , founded in 1964, is a family-oriented affair that allows clubbers to express their ingenuity by creating and racing their own wooden Grand Prix cars. Approximately 200,000 boys and girls compete annually in the more than 5,000 Grand Prix events nationwide.
“Building Teamwork in Your Marriage” is the topic for the Spring Quarter. Join us today. Understand that your differences are gifts from God and learn to enjoy each other more. Make your marriage more fun, healthy, and fascinating and find out how you are the unique person equipped to complete your mate! Contact Paul Vowell if you want more information, , 384-7285.
Our next meeting will be March 29th ~ There will be no meeting on the 28th. We have planned a trip to the Barter Theatre to see Second Samuel. We will leave the church at 11:30a.m. and stop to eat somewhere - not yet decided. We will have a short meeting while eating lunch. We have to be at the Barter by 1:30 p.m. The ticket cost is $18.00 - let me know as soon as possible if you plan to go as I need to order tickets. Thanks!
New Members
We welcome the following new members:/ J.R., Keri, & Hunter Hagood desire membership at ISBC. J.R. comes by letter from Martins Chapel and Keri and Hunter by baptism. They live at 5501 Oddfellow, Kingsport, TN37664
/ Perry, Donna, & Clarissa Whitaker desire membership at ISBC. Donna & Clarissa come by letter from First Baptist Blountville. Perry comes by baptism. They live at 440 Camp Placid Road, Blountville, TN 37617.
/ Don & Sona Fosterdesire membership at ISBC. Don comes by letter from VernonHeightsBaptistChurch and Sona comes by statement. They live at 4004 Grey Fox Drive, Kingsport, TN 37664.
/ Ryan Ketron - son of Phil & Christina Ketron. Ryan comes as a candidate for baptism upon his public profession of faith that Jesus is Lord and Savior.
Puppet Team
Practice and lunch TODAY immediately after the service. Team members: Please go to the CLC to load up equipment and bring it down to the sanctuary. We will have lunch and stay for practice today in preparation for our puppet presentation at tonight’s service.
Wedding Shower forChad Williams & Jennifer Smith
(Chadis the son of David & Lea Williams)
Date:March 11, 2006
Time:1 p.m.
Location:IndianSpringsBaptistChurch, CLC
Registered at: Bed, Bath & Beyond; Target; Crate & Barrell;
and Macy’s (NOTE: Macy’s will present the couple with a gift card
totaling 5% of thetotalpurchases made from their gift registry).
Baby Shower for Lindsey Hood Repass
(Daughter of Pam and Johnny Hood)
Date: March 11, 2006
Time: 4:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. (Drop-In)
Registered at: Baby Depot and Wal-Mart
Women’s MinisTree
TONIGHT ~ Living Your Life as a BEAUTIFUL OFFERING ~ This new Bible Study begins tonight at 5 p.m. in Room A212. Discover how your imperfect life with blemishes and scars can reflect back to God a true gratefulness for His love. In this 7-week study of the Sermon on the Mount, Angela Thomas shows that Jesus gives us compassionate instruction for our everyday living and then wraps His teaching with the promise of His blessing. She encourages women to rekindle their hearts by returning the love of God with their lives. (Angela has an article in the March edition of HomeLife.) Our facilitator is Susie Toomey. Cost - $12 workbook fee.
March 13 ~ You’re invited to our Open House to get to know us better! Jeralyn Collins will share her testimony and we will have lots of information about who we are, what our purpose is, and how we minister. We hope you’ll join us for light refreshments at 6:30 p.m. in the CLC.
April 22 - Ladies Spring Tea - “Singing in the Rain”with Guest Speaker missionary, Barbara Youderian, whose husband was martyred in Ecuador by the Waodani Indians. Hostesses needed! If you are interested, call Vicky Eaton, 323-2798.
May 5 & 6 ~ Ladies Pajama Partyat the SullivanBaptistRetreatCenter - Put this overnight event on your calendar now.
March 14 ~ Anne’s Sisters meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month in the CLC andis a wonderful support group for any ladies in our community who have been touched by cancer in any way. All are welcome.
Opportunities for ServiceSunday / 8:30 / Prayer Time
9:00 / Sunday School Teachers - Meet for Prayer
9:15 / Sunday School
10:45 / Morning Service - DAYS OF DIRECTION
Children’s Church
12:00 / Puppets - Lunch & Practice - Sanctuary
4:00 / Mimes - CLC
5:00 / Celebration Ringers 2 - cancelled
Bible Study - Living Your Life as a Beautiful Offering - A212
5:15 / Preschool Committee & Extended Session Leaders - A105
Christ and Company
6:30 / Children’s Choirs - cancelled
Evening Service - DAYS OF DIRECTION& Baptisms
7:30 / YAC
Monday / 6:30 / Celebration Ringers - cancelled
Tuesday / 6:00 / Beth Moore’s “Breaking Free” - cancelled
6:30 / Precepts Bible Study - rescheduled to Thursday
6:45 / Visitation - cancelled
Wednesday / 9:30 / Precepts Bible Study - CLC, Youth Area
5:00 / Wednesday Supper - moved to 6 p.m.
6:00 / DAYS OF DIRECTION ~ Dinner Begins
Beth Moore’s “Breaking Free” - cancelled
6:15 / Youth Bible Study - cancelled
6:30 / Prayer Meeting - cancelled
Awana - cancelled
ISBC Library - closed
6:45 / Celebration Choir - cancelled
7:00 / DAYS OF DIRECTION ~ Service Begins
7:30 / Celebration Orchestra - cancelled
Thursday / 6:30 / Precepts - rescheduled from Tuesday night
7:00 / Fellowship Basketball - CLC
Saturday / 1:00 / Wedding Shower for Chad Williams & Jennifer Smith
4:00 / Baby Shower for Lindsey Hood Repass
7:00 / Fellowship Basketball - CLC
Future Events Calendar
March 13 / Women’s MinisTree - Open House
May 5 & 6 / Ladies Pajama Party at SullivanBaptistRetreatCenter
June 5-9 / VacationBibleSchool
June 15-18 / Summer Camp for Kids - RidgecrestConferenceCenter
June 23-30 / Youth Mission Tour - Des Moines, Iowa
Wednesday Supper ~ March 8
Days of Direction - Churchwide Meal and Service
Wednesday, March 8 - Meal begins at 6 p.m.
East Campus Sanctuary
Barbecue Dinner Provided
(Donations will be accepted)
Weekly Vital Signs - February 26
Attendance / Finances
Sunday School / 440 / Budget Receipts (to date) / $149,506.24
Morning Worship / 570 / Needed (to date) / $188,012.95
Evening Worship / 313 / Needed Each Week / $20,892.55
Awana(Wednesday) / 112 / Received / $17,612.66
Building Fund / $4,780.00
Required Monthly
Principal Payment / $7,711.00
Pew Offering / $725.00
TOTAL Pew Offering / $3,774.00
Total Offering / $24,189.16
Loan Balance / $1,344,533.10
“Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantlyor
under compulsion for God loves a cheerful giver.” - - - 2 Corinthians 9:7 (NIV)
on Call
Carl Hylton ...... 239-3914
Larry McKenzie . . . . 323-7251 / Hostesses
for March
Sandy Allen ...... 288-4770
Erma Hylton . . . . . 239-3914
March Ushers/Greeters
Leader - Tim Lewis
Allen Brooks, Joey Carico, DFrazier, Ray Fletcher, GeraldGuffey, Robert Wallace, Henry White / Parking Lot Greeters
Team 2 - March 12
Leader: Larry Harper
Gene Longworth, Brad Jones,
David Bryant, Tom Pressley
1stSunday Workers
2ndWednesday Workers
Nursery Schedule is on line
Nursery Coordinator, Barbara Carico / Cleaning
CLC - Friday p.m./Saturday a.m.
Office Area - Friday p.m. & Wednesday a.m.
East Campus - Mondaytouch-up Friday p.m.
Extra Cleaning Needs - please contact Leonard Davis (246-6933)
ISBCChurch Staff
West Campus, Church Office: 323-2187
East Campus, Main Lobby: 323-7633
Pastor: Dr. Roc Collins ...... Ext. 24
Minister of Music: Mike Morgan...... Ext. 25
Minister of Youth/Education: Chris Toomey...... Ext. 26
Children’s Ministry Director: Jeralyn Collins...... Ext. 29
Administrative Secretary: Pam Curtis...... Ext. 21
Financial Administrator: Linda Patterson...... Ext. 22
Minister of Administration: Leonard Davis...... 246-6933
Sunday School Director: Ray Rossie ...... 323-2707
Pianist: Tom Allen ...... 288-4770
Organist: Sandy Allen ...... 288-4770
Church Cook: Wayne Droke...... 246-8055
ISBC Web Address: