Mn/DOT Office of Technical Support—Consultant Services

Work Type Definition

Rev 1.3 (9/18/03)

Work Type Name


1.2 Geometric Layouts

Work Type Owner / Office of Technical Support, Geometric Design Support Unit (James Rosenow)
Work Type Input / All project-specific documents and studies including but not necessarily limited to Project Scoping Documents and Scoping Decision Documents, following the Mn/DOT Highway Project Development Process Handbook (HPDP) Guidance.
Work Type Definition / Preliminary design plan layouts for rural and urban roadways of all functional classifications using Mn/DOT’s Level 2 CADD Standards (as published in the most current CADD Data Standards Manual), current American Association of State Highway & Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (also known as The Green Book), AASHTO Roadside Design Guide, current Mn/DOT Road Design Manual, and current Highway Capacity Manual.
New or modified access to the Interstate system, regardless of funding source, will require Interstate access approval by Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Approval of Interstate access requests is required by federal regulations at Non-regulatory Supplement (NS) 23 CFR 630C, item #3. The Engineering and Operational Analysis is a report containing sufficient information to allow the FHWA to independently evaluate that all pertinent factors and alternatives have been appropriately considered.
Work Type Output / Mn/DOT staff approved layout, FHWA approved layouts when required by the Stewardship Plan, subsequent municipal approved layout, and required reports including, for the Level 1 Layouts that require it, the Engineering and Operational Analysis Report.
Specific Examples of Output / Geometric layout preparation includes but is not limited to:
·  Development of a Base Map;
·  Design Study Reports;
·  Horizontal and vertical alignments;
·  Intersections and Interchanges, including Interchange Modification Requests and Engineering and Operational Analysis Report;
·  Noise walls, retaining walls, traffic barriers, and construction staging.
Consideration must be given to:
·  Pavements, culverts, ponding, storm and sanitary sewers, utilities, erosion control and earthwork.
Quality Attributes of Output / ·  The layouts meet the form and content requirements listed in the Highway Project Development Process (HPDP) Handbook.
·  The layout includes a history that documents the development process and the design influences and decisions.
·  The layout considers the various inputs during development process, and incorporates where appropriate.
·  Consultant deliverables must include a documented Quality Control/Quality Assurance (QC/QA) process.

Work Type Name


1.2 Geometric Layouts (cont.)

Levels of Work Type Output (Compare & Contrast)
Level 1 Geometric Layout Preparation / Level 2 Geometric Layout Preparation / Level 3 Geometric Layout Preparation
·  Level 1 projects include design for the following Project Types in the categories Interstate and Non-Interstate National Highway System (NHS):
1.  Major Construction
§  Freeways, High Speed, Multi-Lane Facilities and Class 1 Rest Areas
2.  Major Reconstruction
§  Freeways, High Speed, Multi-Lane Facilities and Class 1 Rest Areas
3.  Design Exceptions (exception only)
4.  Major changes in Freeway Access / ·  Level 2 Projects include design for the following Project Types in all categories except Interstate and Non-Interstate NHS:
1.  Raised channelization
2.  Change in number of lanes
§  Addition
§  3 lane section
§  5 lane section
3.  Major intersection revisions
4.  Moderate changes in access / ·  Level 3 Projects may not require layouts, and include design for the following Project Types:
1.  Guardrail work
2.  Culvert:
§  Extensions
§  Elimination
§  Replacements
3.  Road work:
§  Overlay only
§  Standard right turn lanes
§  Standard left turn lanes on divided highway
6.  Removal of obstructions from clear zone
7.  Overlays with widening or left turn lanes
8.  Minor changes standard geometrics
9.  Minor painted channelization
10.  Minor changes in access
11.  Minor intersection revisions
12.  Rest Areas non-NHS

1.2 Geometric Layouts Minimum Technical Qualifications

Requirements of the Professional Staff
Minimum Number of Staff / ·  At least two professionals are required for Level 1 and Level 2 Projects. One of the professionals is required to perform independent checks of data, calculations and reports of the other. Number of professional and technical support personnel must be recorded and updated.
·  At least one professional staff is required for Level 3 Projects.
·  Sufficient production staff to complete the Level of work must be documented.
Professional Certification/Licensure Past Record & Experience of Firm / ·  The qualified personnel shall have engineering training, experience, knowledge, and expertise in the appropriate areas necessary to do the project in accordance with AASHTO, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Mn/DOT design policies, procedures, practices and standards.
·  At least one qualified personnel shall be a Minnesota Board Licensed professional Civil Engineer.
Qualifying Experience / ·  Satisfactory experience must be demonstrated on at least two projects in the last ten years for Level 1 and in the last five years for Levels 2 and 3 in the activities required for the level for which pre-qualification is applied.
·  A professional qualification of Level 1 includes qualification for Levels 2, and 3.
·  A professional qualification of Level 2 includes qualification for Level 3.
Requirements of the Firm
Past Record & Experience of Firm / ·  Satisfactory experience must be demonstrated on at least two projects in the last ten years for Level 1 and in the last five years for Levels 2 and 3 in the activities required for the level for which pre-qualification is applied. To qualify for Level 1, you must supply two Level 1 project examples OR one Level 1 and two Level 2 project examples. Experience by qualified professional staff may be cited in lieu of experience by the firm.
·  Firm must affirm capability of meeting Mn/DOT’s Level 2 CADD Standards (as published in the most current CADD Data Standards Manual), including the use of GEOPAK™, Mn/DOT’s automated design software.

1.2 Geometric Layouts Minimum Technical Qualifications

Submittal Requirements
Requirements of Professional Staff / ·  Resumes and personal experience histories of the firm’s principals or key personnel which document qualifying experience for the identified category/level of work.
·  A list of all projects completed in the last five years by key personnel for the activities required for the level for which pre-qualification is applied.
·  Resumes of other professional and technical personnel used to support pre-qualification shall also be provided.
Requirements of Firm / ·  A list of all projects completed in the last ten years for Level 1 and the last five years in Levels 2 and 3 by firm in the activities required for the level for which pre-qualification is applied.
·  Experience by qualified professional staff may be cited in lieu of experience by the firm.
Two project examples from the list above. The project examples shall consist of a preliminary geometric layout suitable for Mn/DOT staff approval as well as accompanying preliminary profile grades. The project examples will be rated for technical integrity and format. Technical integrity will be judged on adherence to the applicable design policy and criteria as published in the Mn/DOT Road Design Manual. Format and content will be judged using the most current version of the Layout Content Review Checklist, which can be found in the Subject Guidance for Geometric Layouts, HPDP Handbook located at:
·  A signed and notarized form indicating the firm is capable of using Mn/DOT’s Level 2 CADD Standards. The form is located on the Web Site under Overview and Application Information.
Project Documentation / ·  Project examples may be submitted electronically on CD’s or submitted in hard copy (i.e. reports, plans, etc.).
Authorizing Signature/Date
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______/ Version 1.3

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