6 April 2002
(ACN 010 552 691)
- The Definitions contained in Section 1 of the Articles of the Association shall be deemed to be embodied herein and shall be read as part of these Regulations:
“The Regulations” mean the Regulations of the Association from time to time in force.
“The Belmont Red Herd Book” means the Herd Book/Herd Inventory of the Belmont Red breed.
“Herd Book Number or H.B. No.” denotes the number allocated to such animal in the Herd Book/Herd Inventory.
“Recorded & Registered” in relation to an animal denotes registered in the Herd Book/Herd Inventory of the Belmont Red Association of Australia.
“Appendix” in relation to an animal denotes registered in the Appendix/Commercial section of the Herd Book/Herd Inventory of the Belmont Red Association of Australia.
“Female Inventory System” means the registration system used by the Association as from the 1st January 1995 and which also incorporates the Calf Return for the Belmont Red Association of Australia.
“Private Herd Number” in relation to an animal denotes the number or combination of numbers with which the animal ha been branded or tattooed pursuant to these regulations.
“Registered Owner” in relation to an animal denotes the person recorded in the Herd Book or on the Female Inventory From as the owner of that animal.
“Breeder” of an animal signifies the person registered or entitled to be registered as the owner of the dame of the animal at the date when the animal was calved.
“Service Certificate” denotes the Certificate signed by the registered owner of a sire, certifying the date or dates when a dam was serviced by or depastured with the sire, and embodying the name, the stud number and the Herd Book number (if any) of the dam and of the sire.
“Date of Sale” and “Date of Transfer” shall respectively be the date on which ownership passes to the transferee, provided that for the purpose of these Regulations, the date of sale or date of transfer shall be deemed to be that set out as such in the transfer submitted to and recorded by the Association.
“AI” in relation to an animal shall denote that the animal was produced by Artificial Insemination and subject to the Regulations be eligible for entry in the Herd Book.
“ET” in relation to an animal shall denote that the animal was produced by Embryo Transfer and subject to the Regulations be eligible for entry in the Herd Book.
“Imported and Imp” in relation to an animal shall denote that the animal has been imported into Australia, provided that if it has been imported in dame, the words “Imp. In Utero” shall be used to indicate that the animal has been imported in dame. A calf calved after shipment and during transit of its dam to Australia shall be deemed to have been calved in Australia and to be imported in dame, and subject to the Regulations be eligible for entry in the Herd Book.
2.(a)Any person, institution, company or individuals associated together under agreement or partnership, State and/or Commonwealth institution, may apply for membership. Their application will be tabled at the Council meeting following the date on which their application is received, and if approved by the Councill, their membership will be accepted.
(i)A member shall be any person, institution, partnership or corporation State and/or Commonwealth Institution who shall be actively engaged in the breeding and registration of either Purebred or Appendix Belmont Red cattle. An institution, partnership or corporation shall nominate one person to be its representative and for the purpose of voting, such nominated person shall be regarded as the member.
An individual member of an institution, partnership or corporation shall not be entitled to separate membership unless he or she is actively engaged in the breeding and registration of either Purebred or Appendix Belmont Red cattle outside the institution, partnership or corporation. A member shall pay such nomination fee and annual subscription as shall from time to time be prescribed by the Council.
Associate/Commercial Member
(c) Associate/Commercial Membership may be granted to any person, institution, partnership or corporation, State and/or Commonwealth institution interested in the promotion of the Belmont Red breed of cattle. Such Associate Membership shall be without voting power or rights to register or transfer cattle. An Associate Membership will pay such nomination fee and annual subscription as shall from time to time be prescribed by the Council.
Junior Member
(d) Junior Membership may be granted to any person up to the age of 17 years or student interested in the promotion of the Belmont Red breed of cattle. Such Junior Membership shall be without voting power or rights to register or transfer cattle. A Junior Member will pay such nomination fee and annual subscription as shall from time to time be prescribed by the Council.
- Every person upon acceptance of membership shall record with the Association:
(b)A prefix which shall be used as a prefix to and as part of the name of every animal of which he is the first owner, and which is submitted for registration in the Herd Book.
(b)A distinguishing brand or tattoo mark.
(b)The appropriate positions on his calves where his brand and Private Herd Number respectively will be impressed by fire or other approved method of branding; the prefix, the firebrand and or the tattoo mark respectively shall be distinctive, and shall not so resemble that of any other prefix, brand or tattoo mark recorded by any other person with the Association, as in the opinion of the Council to tend to be misleading.
(b)The Council may decline to register any prefix or to record any stud or stud property which in the opinion of the Council resembles the prefix, stud name or stud property of some other breeder of stud stock, whether cattle or otherwise and whether in Australasia or elsewhere.
(b)The Council may refuse to allow any name or any prefix, or any tattoo mark, or any brand which, in its absolute discretion it considers to be misleading, misapplied or contrary to the interests of the Association generally.
- As from the 1st January, 1995 the registration per animal system will be replaced with a Female Inventory System. A list of all females currently listed as Active within each breeders’ herd will be produced as of the 1st March each year and forwarded to all members for upgrading. All calves must be included on the Calf Return form to be recorded in the Herd Book.
- No animal shall be:
(a)Recorded in the Herd Inventory except pursuant to an application on the Female Inventory Sheet and signed by its owner.
(b)Recorded in the Herd Inventory unless it reasonably conforms with the standard of excellence prescribed by the Council and unless it qualifies as a Belmont Red or a female used in a Belmont Red grading-up programme and carries the prescribed tattooing or branding.
(c)Unless it is the progeny of a recorded sire and dame or foundation dam.
- The following regulations apply to the registration/recording of calves born after the 11.3.85:
(a)(i)Each animal shall be calf returned with the exception of foundation animals.
(ii)Performance recording, i.e., Weight for Age Ratios, Estimated Breeding Values (EBV’s) is compulsory for the registration of all grades of Belmont Red Males.
(iii)3BR and Purebred Belmont Reds can contain a minimum of 50% combined Sanga and Indian Subcontinent derived genes a minimum of 25% Sanga genes and a maximum of 25% Indian Sub-continent derived genes.
(iv)Single or multiple sire matings may be used.
(b)(i)An animal eligible for registration in the purebred section (BR) of the Herd Book must be the result of one of the following matings:
3 x 3
BR x 3
(ii)An animal eligible for registration as an Appendix 3 Belmont Red (3BR) must be the result of one of the following matings:
2 x 2
3 x 2
BR x 2
(iii)An animal eligible for registration as an Appendix 2 Belmont Red (2BR) must be the result of one of the following matings: (applicable for all calves born after 31.12.96)
2 x 1
2 x 1
BR x 1
Foundation Animal (no BR or Sanga Content) x Purebred Sanga (note: see also Section 8(1) Portal of Entry)
(iv)The result of the following mating will be eligible for registration as an Appendix 2 Belmont Red:
Any registered Appendix C Sanga (max. 70% Sanga)
(v)An animal eligible for registration as an Appendix 1 Belmont Red (1BR):
1 x 1
BR x Foundation Dam
(vi)The result of the following mating will be eligible for registration as an Appendix 1 Belmont Red provided the foundation animal has no Belmont Red or Sanga content:
Foundation Animal x Appendix D Sanga (registered – max. 75% Sanga)
Foundation Animal x Appendix C Sanga (registered – max. 70% Sanga)
Any registered Appendix B Sanga (max. 70% Sanga)
(vii)A foundation animal may be from any breed, but the breed of the foundation animal must be noted on the application for registration.
(viii)A foundation sire must be approved by the Council.
(ix)Grading-Up Table (See Appendix 4).
(i)In Single Sire Matings where a cow is given access to more than one sire separately but consecutively, at least 14 days must elapse between access to consecutive sires, otherwise such matings will not be deemed as single sire matings for the purpose of registration, unless DNA fingerprinting is provided.
(i)Registration of an animal under a particular name may be refused if the name, including the Prefix and including any numeral forming parts of the name shall exceed twenty-five (25) letters (including figures).
(i)A name must not be so like the name of another registered animal as to be likely to mislead and must include the Private Herd Number.
(i)The name of an animal shall not be changed after registration except with the approval of the Council and upon any change being made in accordance with these Regulations, a proper record shall be made by the Secretary in the Herd Book and in any relative certificate of registration and elsewhere, as may be required, in order to avoid confusion and such changes be subject to a fee from time to time prescribed by the Council.
(i)A number shall be allocated by the Council to each animal recorded in the Herd Book and the number so allocated shall be known as the Identification Number. Numbers shall be allotted consecutively to registrations processed prior to the 1st January, 1995 after which numbers allowed shall show an appropriate abbreviation of the Stud Prefix, the animal’s private herd number and registration status e.g. PRV920067-P (Stud Prefix: Private/P.H.No. 92-067/Purebred). No two recorded animals shall have the same Herd Inventory Number.
(i)On applying for entry of an animal whose sire was not, at the time of the dam’s service, the property of the applicant, a Service Certificate signed by the owner of the animal and quoting the date or dates of service, number of sire and the name and Herd Book/Inventory number, must accompany the application for entry.
- There will be two (2) Female Inventory Registers maintained:
Commercial – for 1BR & 2BR Females
Stud – for 3BR & BR Females
- On the 1st March each year members will be forwarded a Female Inventory Statement which will include all Active Females together with heifer calves in the year that they would normally enter the breeding herd (e.g. 24 months of age).
- Accounts will be forwarded with the Inventory Statement and payment of fees in due by 1st June. Return of the Inventory Statement is due by the following 1st December. No credits will be issued after this date. Late fees are applicable for non-payment of account by due date. (See Section 38)
- Heifer calves which have been mated early and not shown on the Female Inventory Statement are to be included at the end of the Statement.
- Females can be deactivated from list by completing the disposal column on Statement and deducting the amount from the account. Re-instatement of deactivated cows is permissible upon application to the Council and at a fee as determined by the Council.
- Performance Recording, i.e. Weight for Age Ratios or Estimated Breeding Values (EBV’s) is compulsory for the registration of all grades of Belmont Red Males. For male calves to retain active status in the Herd Book it is compulsory for Weight for Age Ratios (Final) or Estimated Breeding Values (minimum of 400 Day Growth) to be forwarded to the office prior to the animal attaining 24 months of age.
- Registration certificates will be issued upon request however a surcharge is applicable for females certificates which have been retained in the herd. Registration Certificates for Males and Females which have been sold will be issued free of charge upon receipt of an official certificate of transfer form.
- Penalty fees are applicable to:
(b)late payment of Female Inventory account
(b)re-instatement of deactivated females
(b)inclusion of calves from females not included on the Female Inventor Statement in year of mating.
Such penalty fees will be determined by Council and listed in Section of these regulations.
- …….. descendant of such animal or make such correction in the description of the descendant in the Herd Book as the Council may consider proper.
16.No person shall be allowed to record on the Female Inventory Statement/Calf Return:
(b)Any animal with the registered prefix and tattooed or branded with the registered brand of any other person without the consent in writing of such person and/or a transfer in writing from such other person of such animal.
(b)An animal got by Artificial Insemination and/or Embryo Transfer except upon such conditions and subject to such restrictions as the Council may from time to time prescribe.
17.The following regulations shall apply to the acceptance of calves on the Female Inventory System:
(a)A calf must be recorded on the appropriate section of the Female Inventory Statement.
(b)Every calf which is entered on the Calf Return must e the progeny of a dam which is recorded in the Herd Book at the date of entry or in such other Herd Book as may be approved by Council; except in the case of a foundation dam when no registration is required but a brief description of the breed of the dam must be given (eg. Hereford x Brahman).
(c)Where the owner who is entering a calf on the Female Inventory System Calf Return was not the owner of the dam at the time she was serviced to produce such calf, the calf return shall be accompanied by a Service Certificate evidencing the parentage of the calf.
(d)Subject to these Regulations, every calf entered on the Female Inventory Statement/Calf Return shall be tattooed or branded with the registered tattoo mark or brand to its owner.
(e)Every calf must be permanently and individually identified with a Private Herd Number except where the calf is to be culled, and these Private Herd Numbers must appear on all calf returns and will form part of the Association Identification Number.
(f)No two calves of the same stud shall be tattooed with the same number or be branded with the same Private Herd Number.
20.For Belmont Red cattle there shall be a portal of entry to the Herd Book:
(i)through the submission of evidence satisfactory to the Council as to the breeding of the cattle.
(ii)a prescribed fee as determined by the Council shall be paid in respect of and with each registration through the portal of entry.
The Portal of Entry shall remain in effect indefinitely and shall only be closed at the Council’s discretion after 12 months notice has been given to members.
19.(i)The Council reserve the right to request a parentage determination on the basis of a DNA analysis if:
(a)sufficient evidence has been supplied, in writing, that a member has incorrectly recorded parentage (whether by AI, ET or natural service) of calf recorded registered animals, in which case
(b)costs will be borne by the owner of the animal if the tests are positive or by the Council if negative.
(i)The Council reserves the right to appoint a special Committee of Inspection to ensure members are maintaining the high standard of foundation stock necessary to ensure that the prime object of the Association is being fulfilled.
(ii)The Council reserves the right to reject or disqualify any animal at any time.
20.Any application for entry for registration in the Herd Book or for registration of a prefix, tattoo mark or firebrand will be subject to rejection if (inter alia):
(i)Made by a person who is not a member of the Association.
(ii)The Council is not satisfied that the particulars set out in the information are accurate.
(iii)Such information as may be required by the Council is not supplied to the satisfaction of the Council.
(iv)The applicant has failed or neglected to observe and fulfil all requirements of the Regulations.
- ELITE. Animals nominated for the Elite Register will be subject to an inspection by inspector/s as appointed by the Council and shall also conform to the following conditions:
(i)Only purebred animals are eligible.
(ii)All males to be 112% and above for Yearling Weight, Weaning Weight or Final Weight from a Contemporary Management Group of 15 and above, or top 10% of Association Group Breedplan for Growth at time of assessment and carcase evaluation when available.
(iii)All females to be 112% and above for Yearling Weights, Weaning Weight or Final Weight from a Contemporary Management Group of 15 and above, or top 10% of Association Group Breedplan for Growth at the time of assessment.
(iv)Any animals proved to be sub-fertile will be removed from the register. (Sub-Fertile = below average fertility).
(v)Structurally sound and showing none of the defects listed below:
Undersized or malformed testes; Bad Temperament: Skew face: Under or overshot jaw; Out grown or malformed hooves and laminitis; Congenital wry tail and skew tail attachment; Poor constitution; Straight, sickle or cow hocks and bad hock joints; Weak pasterns; Malformed udders; Pendulous sheath or navel.
(vi)It is recommended that all animals be rated for tick resistance where possible.
Elite Registration will be denoted by three asterisks (***) on the registration certificate after the Identification Number.
NOTE: Entry to the Elite Register is dependant on the performance or EBV in Group Breedplan of the animal to be registered however special consideration will be given by Council to special circumstances.
CONTEMPORARY MANAGEMENT GROUP = A group of animals born within 100 days and run in the same management conditions.
A prescribed surcharge to the registration fee will be payable in respect of and with each registration, and an animal may be registered at any age at the prescribed fees as detailed in Section 38 of these Regulations.