2016 – 2017 SCHOOL YEAR
BrewTech’s Electrathon Car
Welcome to the 2016 - 2017 BrewTech Engineering Academy Robotics/TSA program. We are very excited and grateful that your student has expressed an interest in participating in this active and rewarding afterschool activity. It is my hope that this packet will assist you and your student in understanding how our program works and the benefits of participation. Each year, our students are involved in exciting STEM activities/competitions that require focus, dedication and the ability to just have fun!! These activities are not part of our regular school curriculum; therefore, participation requires staying after school for workshops as well as participation in fundraising activities which are held throughout the school year. Because this is an after school activity, we receive limited funding from MPS. We are responsible for financing these extracurricular activities ourselves through community partnerships and fundraising.
We could not pull off participation in these competitions without the help of our parents and buisness partners. Parents are the backbone of our fundraising/sponsorship efforts. To adequately fund our program, our team must raise over the course of the school year, approximately $55,000.00. This is not easy but it is doable. We have many generous sponsors who donate money and materials throughout the year. Without these sponsors, we would certainly fall short of our goal. We have been very successful with our fundraising efforts in the past but this can only be accomplished if parents like you come out to help.
I hope you can see the value of our program and will commit to helping us raise needed funds so that we can continue to compete in these exciting STEM competitions. Please take a moment to review this packet. I have tried to include valuable information that will assist you as we move into our competition season.
This year we will be participating in the following programs:
VEX Robotics: A student robotics competitionthat allows for engaging ways to integrate all facets of STEM education into the classroom and for student competition. Head-to-head competition allows students to apply their knowledge of robotics with their skill in design and operation. www.vexrobotics.com
TSA: A Student organization devoted exclusively to the needs of students interested in technology. Members learn through exciting competitive events, leadership opportunities and much more. www.tsaweb.org
Electrathon American Electric Car Competition: The winner is determined by how far the car will go in a certain time with a given amount of battery power. This is an exciting new environmentally progressive sport. www.electronamerica.org
Again, thank you for your support of our program. If you have any questions about our program, please contact me at or by phone at (334) 284-7100. We look forward to partnering with you in promoting the pursuit of science, technology, engineering, and math through competition.
F. Steve Ballard
F. Steve Ballard,
Engineering Academy Instructor and Robotics Advisor
BrewTech Engineering
2015-2016 Awards
VEX RoboticsBrewTech Alabama VEX Qualifier
Excellence Award
3 - Tournament Champion Awards;
Design Award
Programming Skills Award
2nd Place Programming Skills Award
Driver Skills Award
2015-2016 Alabama State VEX Qualifying Events Results
3- Excellence Awards
12 - Tournament Champion Awards
2-Design Awards
5-Programming Skills Awards
6-Driver Skills Awards
Jacksonville State University’s Alabama VEX State Championship
3- Tournament Champions Award
3- Robots qualified for VEX Worlds
VEX Worlds
Three BrewTech Robotics competed against 500 robots from 37 countries and all 50 states.
Third straight year BrewTech H.S. had robots compete in the VEX Worlds Championship!
Three of our BrewTech Students were seen on the ESPN telecast of the VEX World’s Champion on July 20th / TSA
Alabama TSA State Conference
Three Alabama TSA Officers elected
President – Robert McAuley Vice President - Ahmed Diab Treasurer – Ravi Patel
Chandler Bise, Alabama TSA Student of the year.
2nd Place – Promotional Graphics
4th- Place VEX Robotics
4th Place Prepared Presentation
6th Place Prepared Presentation
National TSA Conference in Nashville Tennessee
25 students attended
Electrathon Race
Downtown Jasper Inaugural Electrathon Race
2nd Place out of 12 vehicles entered in the race
Alabama Electrathon State Championship Race At Barbers Motorsports Park
4th place out of 34 vehicles entered in the race.
BrewTech Robotics Shirt Order Form
GRAY Short Sleeve T-ShirtPlease Indicate Quantity:
Adult Small ___@ $12.00/ea. = $______
Adult Med ___ @ $12.00__/ea. = $______
Adult Large ___ @ $12.00__/ea. = $______
Adult XL ___ @ $12.00__/ea. = $______
Adult XXL ___ @ $12.00__/ea. = $______
Adult XXXL___ @ $12.00__/ea. = $______/ GRAY Short Sleeve T-Shirt
Please Indicate Quantity:
Adult Small ___@ $17.00/ea. = $______
Adult Med ___ @ $17.00__/ea. = $______
Adult Large ___ @ $17.00__/ea. = $______
Adult XL ___ @ $17.00__/ea. = $______
Adult XXL ___ @ $17.00__/ea. = $______
Adult XXXL___ @ $17.00__/ea. = $______
PINK Robotics T-shirt
Please Indicate Quantity:
Adult Small ___ @ $12.00/ea. = $______
Adult Med ___ @ $12.00__/ea. = $______
Adult Large ___ @ $12.00__/ea. = $______
Adult XL ___ @ $12.00__/ea. = $______
Adult XXL ___ @ $12.00__/ea. = $______
Adult XXXL___ @ $12.00__/ea. = $______/ Black Engineering Polo
Please Indicate Quantity:
Adult Small ___ @ $26.00/ea. = $______
Adult Med ___ @ $26.00__/ea. = $______
Adult Large ___ @ $26.00__/ea. = $______
Adult XL ___ @ $26.00__/ea. = $______
Adult XXL ___ @ $26.00__/ea. = $______
Adult XXXL___ @ $26.00__/ea. = $______